Surfs Up Trailer

Oh look… another damn movie about Penguins. But this time it’s surfing Penguins… oh… well then that makes it totally new and fresh then (please note sarcasm). Yup, the new Surfs Up trailer is here. And personally… it doesn’t do anything for me. Judge for yourselves though:

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  • 1. will replies at 30th March 2007, 2:05 pm :

    not gonna lie, i like it a lot. the animation looks AMAZING to say the least. i skipped march and happy feet but penguins are pretty amsome, i might check this one out….

  • 2. Al replies at 30th March 2007, 2:06 pm :

    That is actually a teaser trailer that was shown months ago. Coincidently, I just found out the trailer is online today. Heres the link:

    Never mind the facts it has penguins. How about the fact is another comedic anthropomorphism characters that we see too often. Can’t blame them really I guess. If is still makes money, why not.

  • 3. Kaneda979 replies at 31st March 2007, 6:44 am :

    Hehe, I like how they made that trailer look like it’s a documentary film, kind of funny.

    “The Highlander was a documentary, and the evens happened in real time.” Master Shake

    Sorry, little ATHF humor there, couldn’t resist. ;p

    It looks cute, but other then that, just looks like another attempt by hollywood to cash in on the resent “the kiddies love the penguins” craze. I’m sure it’ll make millions, but I’m not up for it.

  • 4. Alic replies at 1st April 2007, 10:56 pm :

    Looks totally awesome dude!

  • 5. mike replies at 4th April 2007, 7:59 pm :

    It looks like it could be a good film. The animation is good, the camera work is good, and I’m liking the characters. Animations take a long time, the fact that they’re penguins has no correlation to “Happy Feet” or “March.” I should also add that when you propose an animated film,considering their long production time and budget, one major question you have to answer is “Why should it be an animation?” However, I’m majoring in animation and I would like to see more variety in the animated films hollywood keeps cranking out.

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