First Look At The Silver Surfer

Here’s the first look we get at a SIlver Surfer from the upcoming Fantastic Four 2 courtesty of The USA Today. Ummmm… the only word I have is unimpressed. Your thoughts?



  • 1. replies at 22nd December 2006, 11:41 am :

    Well he’s silver what did you evpect…Platnium perhaps. Looks better that the Green Goblin on a snowboard.

    Digg your blog, though.


  • 2. CW1985 replies at 22nd December 2006, 12:01 pm :

    What’s wrong with him?

  • 3. wolf replies at 22nd December 2006, 12:03 pm :

    This is a CG model from what I heard. I caught a glimpse of the teaser, and man let me saw it’s one fucking impressive teaser :D

  • 4. wolf replies at 22nd December 2006, 12:05 pm :

    Here’s a link to the teaser but it’s VERY blurred, but you get the idea what the teaser is about.

  • 5. jp replies at 22nd December 2006, 12:10 pm :

    Looks pretty good, but they didn’t get they eyes right. He shouldn’t have pupils. Here’s a link to the way the Silver Surfer SHOULD look:

  • 6. hi replies at 22nd December 2006, 12:26 pm :

    what is to be impressed by. It is a guy who is silver

  • 7. Joseph Ferrarelli replies at 22nd December 2006, 1:54 pm :

    to be fair john…you cant do much with a sliver being who rides on a flying surfboard….whats really gonna come throrought is how awsome it is to see him move

  • 8. alfie replies at 22nd December 2006, 2:29 pm :

    unimpressed?? what else could he look like?? The biggest question I have is does anyone really give a shit about this film? The first one is terrible.

  • 9. Zer00 replies at 22nd December 2006, 2:59 pm :

    Dude, what did you expect? He looks like the Surfer? How can you be unimpressed?

  • 10. Jason replies at 22nd December 2006, 4:50 pm :

    Do you just say this to evoke a response? Sometimes geez I just don’t know.

    Tell us what YOU expected John :)

    I mean how ELSE is the Silver Surfer supposed to look?

  • 11. Jay replies at 22nd December 2006, 5:15 pm :


    I’ll be the fifth guy to ask it…
    What did you expect?

    He friggin’ looks awesome.
    I liked the first one. It wasnt some life-changing, cinematic experience but it was a lot of fun. I got exactly what I wanted from it… a good time.
    I knew I was gonna love the second one as soon as I heard the Surfer was in it.

    Hate it if you wany to, I’m planning on having a great time when this comes out.

  • 12. Simick replies at 22nd December 2006, 5:33 pm :

    I guess I’ll be the first to agree with John… yes, we all know he’s supposed to be a “silver guy”… but if they’re going to use something all CG, it’s going to have to look a hell of a lot more REALISTIC than that… I think that’s what John’s trying to go for. If that isn’t a finished version, it probably shouldn’t have been released. It blows =)
    But you’re right about the pupils thing, jp!

  • 13. Simick replies at 22nd December 2006, 5:39 pm :

    Just watched the trailer, looks pretty cool at the end… maybe that shot of him is just bad, I dunno… I still don’t like it ;)

  • 14. TheSnowLeopard replies at 22nd December 2006, 6:48 pm :

    Looks like the Academy Award trophy painted silver.

    Coming Soon…Fantastic Four and the Oscar Surfer

  • 15. Rodney replies at 22nd December 2006, 6:54 pm :

    Well JP, Nightcrawler wasnt supposed to have pupils either. That’s pretty minor.

    As long as they make him a naked (yet not anatomically correct) silver guy on a surfboard they cant really do it wrong.

  • 16. darren j seeley replies at 22nd December 2006, 7:07 pm :

    Wow! Robert Patrick is back in the upcoming “Terminator 4!” This is great news!!!

    Uh, what?

  • 17. wolf replies at 22nd December 2006, 9:41 pm :

    If you go to the offical Fantastic Four site, the picture they have of the surfer is different. He has no pupils or eye lashes as to the one they released for USA Today.

  • 18. ALAN SMITHEE replies at 23rd December 2006, 12:08 am :

    What picture, Wolf? Only thing I see like a picture on the FF movie site is a nice view of the milky way.

    In any case, the image we are seeing above is concept art.

  • 19. wolf replies at 23rd December 2006, 8:54 am :

    Alan, look on the right side where says exclusive look at the Silver Surfer. It’s the same picture as above but he does not have pupils or eye lashes.

  • 20. mart replies at 23rd December 2006, 10:45 am :

    What did you expect?
    It’s a picture.
    I haven’t seen the unblurry trailer yet cause I live in Finland but I’m sure he looks a lot better in action.

  • 21. landoku replies at 23rd December 2006, 3:34 pm :

    Wow!….that Sucks for Marvel….No more F4 sequels.

  • 22. alfie replies at 23rd December 2006, 3:43 pm :

    He does look fake though….

    he looks nothing like any of the silver surfers I have seen round where I live…

  • 23. Kristina replies at 24th December 2006, 2:15 pm :


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  • 25. Joe replies at 23rd April 2007, 9:44 am :

    Didn’t like the first one. Hope this one is better.

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