Michael Bay Adds New Transformer

You’ve got to hand it to Michael Bay. Love him or hate him, at least he’s not affraid to taking a risk. Behold the new stealth Decepticon spy… Slippertron. Thanks to Lee for the heads up.


  • 1. DarkKinger replies at 29th September 2006, 7:59 am :

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! This shit better not be real!

  • 2. Gruff replies at 29th September 2006, 8:16 am :

    Fucking loves it, this better be real. Because this is one of the best peices of pointless movie related fanshit I’ve ever ever seen.
    The revolution is coming, yo.

  • 3. Stuart replies at 29th September 2006, 9:12 am :


    Can’t be from Bay’s movie, there’s too much evidence of it’s disguise in the robot form :p

  • 4. The Black Guy replies at 29th September 2006, 9:30 am :

    This is almost corny, but not quite….I giggled.

    I’m not usually into slippers, but this one’s very cute.

  • 5. Fi Wilson replies at 29th September 2006, 11:16 am :

    Ooohh I want one!

  • 6. Steve replies at 29th September 2006, 1:05 pm :

    Holy crap!! I hope this is real. That’s the funniest thing I’ve seen in awhile. It’s almost as cute as Tickle Me Elmo.


  • 7. GODFATHER replies at 30th September 2006, 3:05 am :

    Too funny, but it’s not real. Just a ploy. There’s no way (from the pics) that the slipper can transform that way. Still. Pretty ingenious. Pisses off all the fanatics out there!

  • 8. JF replies at 30th September 2006, 10:06 am :

    NO, NO, NO. If it’s real and hope it’s not, It’s like putting a big romance plot or a kid in a action film. By the way Transformers are robots made of metal so this is not real.

    One other thing, why the decepticon need a covert specialist to spy on humans? They are decepticons, they pillage, plunder and devastate everything to get energon. It’s a funny idea, but it will destroy the essence of the movie.

    The only way that it can work if this Slippertron is transformer size, so that the autobots can relax in style after a hard day battling the decepticons.

  • 9. John Campea replies at 30th September 2006, 10:18 am :

    Sory guys, I thought it was so obvious that this was a joke that I didn’t need to say it. Maybe I made it sound too serious. Sorry about that.

    So, to clear this up… THIS POST IS A JOKE. It’s not real.



  • 10. The 1mperfex Collector replies at 1st October 2006, 11:43 pm :

    I KNEW THIS WAS A JOKE! It was more funny to see people “buying” into it!

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