Jackass 2 Buzz

As most of you know, I just spent a couple of days down in Los Angeles.  While there, I got to hang out with some studio people, and some folks from some other amazing movie news websites.  The conversation turned to Jackass 2 on more than one occassion.

I haven’t seen Jackass 2… but a couple of the people I was hanging around did.  The word they gave me?  Hilarious.

They just raved about this film and said it really out does the first one.  The one girl said she laughed so hard she nearly passed out.  That’s always fun to hear.

So yeah… while I’m not the bigest Jackass fan in the world… I’ve got to admit I’ve got my curiousity up for it now.


  • 1. Jason replies at 28th August 2006, 1:43 pm :

    Just judging from the trailer, Jackass 2 appears to be more funny than its predecessor. Now hearing that it actually IS better, I’ll be out to see it opening day.

  • 2. Roguepirate replies at 28th August 2006, 1:54 pm :

    They couldn’t make the Jackass films into a couple of 1-hour specials on MTV? It’s not like they dont have the time slots, with Real World looping constantly and no music, there seems to be vast amounts of slots available for it.

  • 3. Meli replies at 28th August 2006, 2:48 pm :

    I love watching these guys maim themselves, so I can’t wait!

  • 4. darren seeley replies at 28th August 2006, 2:50 pm :

    Excuse me while I step around my afternoon lunch, which just decorated the floor and part of the keyboard…

    Funnier than the first one, eh? Hmmm…can’t be any worse. Aside from being a non-actor, Knoxville can always have a standby and a studio can make something quick, cheap and in poor taste such as “Jackass’. Let’s get it overwith, in, out, quick and painless….and pointless.

    And I just don’t mean what is and is not in good taste. I mean 100% pointless.
    When the series ended there was a ‘”farewell” to the fans of this nonsense.
    When the movie was made, it was a ‘”final farewell” to the fanbase.

    What now? The final final “farewell”? At least until it rakes in the cash?

  • 5. Jon replies at 28th August 2006, 11:58 pm :

    I’ll see it just becasue it’s fun to other peope be jack asses.

  • 6. Drewbacca replies at 29th August 2006, 9:24 am :

    I nearly shat myself with laughter while seeing the first one, so if this is actually BETTER? I’m there.


  • 7. Barberian replies at 20th September 2006, 5:54 pm :

    I can see it now; “Jackass III, America Does Jackass”. Steve-O, Johnny and the rest of the crew travel the country to find the next Jackass and get ordinary hometown Jackasses to do their stuff for the camera.

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