Jackass 2 and the end of Johnny Knoxville

Wow… I knew it was coming… I just had no idea that Jackass 2 was going to be released THIS YEAR! Apparently Paramount is saying Jackass 2 will be in theaters in September of 2006. I had no idea they even started shooting. Then again… how long could it possible take to shoot this thing?

I liked the first Jackass… but wasn’t as ga ga over it as many people seemed to be. It was ok… and I’ll probably see this one. However, something that a Jackass 2 seems to suggest is the following statement:

JOHNNY KNOXVILLE’S ACTING CAREER IS OVER (at least as any kind of “lead” guy)

Think about it for a second. If he really thought he had any kind of future as an actual actor… there is NO WAY IN HELL he would agree to be in a 2nd Jackass film. Also, his couple of attempts at “leading man” status has met with total and unequivocal failure (Dukes of Hazzard, The Ringer, Daltry Calhoun). Thirdly, the IMDB only lists one other project even in the works for Knoxville… and he’s only like the 6th or 7th character in it.

I don’t think any studio will be taking a chance on Knoxville as a leading man anymore. Give him the small 5th or 6th character comedic roles… he’s good in those and can bring something to a project in that capacity. But a leading man? Never. And Jackass 2 seems to be Johnny Knoxville accepting that and moving on. I say “good for him”.


  • 1. Kristina replies at 31st March 2006, 10:45 am :

    When did his “acting” career ever begin? To be an actor is to pretend to be someone else, and Knoxville is hired to play himself in every movie. If anything, if Jackass 2 is a hit, he’ll get even more gigs, but he never was an “actor”, anyway.

  • 2. liyo replies at 31st March 2006, 11:26 am :

    R.I.P. J.Knoville one of worst actor of our time.

  • 3. Wolf replies at 31st March 2006, 12:00 pm :

    This is funny topic because yesterday my friend and I were talking about how much Knoxville sucks now. Knoxville was at he’s best in Jackass, even though he never did much stunts as the other guys. Knoxville is a BORING actor, thats he’s problem. Something about him on the big screen just makes me wanna fall alseep. Walking Tall was garbage, so was Dukes Of Hazzard. Jackass was the only thing Knoxville was ever good at. So it’s good that he is going back to it.

  • 4. PlutoNick replies at 31st March 2006, 12:06 pm :

    What are you talking about guys!! We have had this discussion ages ago and we came to a conclusion.

    Knoxville is the next Brad Pitt! Remember?

  • 5. boothbrave replies at 31st March 2006, 4:31 pm :

    Do I want Knoxville to go away? - Yes

    Do I think it’s the end of his “acting career”? - Hell no.

  • 6. liyo replies at 31st March 2006, 6:18 pm :

    Let’s face it he is only good getting his ball kicked.

  • 7. liyo replies at 31st March 2006, 6:19 pm :

    sorry Balls

  • 8. Richard (no not THAT Richard) replies at 31st March 2006, 6:49 pm :

    Pluto stole my thunder!

    We totally talked about this awhile back, one of the TMB guys (yes, my new lingo for The Movie Blog) said how Knoxville was showing signs of greatness in his acting and that he truly believed he would emerge as the next great leading man.


    Sorry, I just reread what I wrote and it literally cracked me up. Man I needed that. Anyway, no surprise here. Being in (read: a) Jackass is all that guy was ever good for.

  • 9. Cody666 replies at 1st April 2006, 1:47 am :

    Hmmm….this is a tough one. I mean as much as I thought Knoxville is fantastic in Jackass, I have to agree that he needs quite a few acting lessons before he goes making any more films. I really admire him for putting his life on the line over and over again solely for the purpose of our entertainment, and there are times when he can be funny in his movies, but I think he puts too much into it and it comes off as a desperate attempt at being cool. Jackass would be shit without him as he created the whole idea and is obviously the leader. He provides the most laughs and it wouldn’t be the same if he wasn’t a main part of it. But Jackass is the only thing he is good at being the leader of, and definitely not his movies. But I want so badly for him to improve on his acting skills because then I can say I like Johnny Knoxville without getting told I’m a dick.

    Having said that, I hope Knoxville will be with Jackass for years to come and stays away from the big screen. Kudos to him for giving it a shot, but too many stunts in Jackass has made him less of an actor and more of an idiot (which is why we love him.) But if he does decide to keep trying with films, he needs a hell of a lot of lessons on how to act. Sadly, Jackass will be the only thing JK will ever be famous for.

    God speed, Johnny.

  • 10. steve replies at 3rd April 2006, 11:20 pm :

    you guys are faggots if you think knoxvill is a bad actor fuck you all

  • 11. Cody666 replies at 4th April 2006, 12:14 am :

    Calm down, “Steve”. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions. Just because you don’t agree with what other people think doesn’t mean you can come on here and swear like a sailor. Keep those kind of comments to yourself because no one wants to hear them.

    So instead of saying “fuck you all” and calling us faggots, formally argue our case, saying “I disagree, I think Johnny is quite a qualifited actor, despite the nature of your opinions.”

    I learnt from this mistake, as I found a forum that was full of people who hated someone that I admire. So I made my own account, jumped on the forum and let ‘em have it. I gave them a piece of my mind, and they all ended up bitterly insulting me and they even blocked my account so I would watch yourself before you go screaming swear words at us for having an opinion.

  • 12. Norddeth replies at 4th April 2006, 12:22 pm :

    I still think John was right.

    Johnny Knoxville will be a great leading man, he’s just not there yet, it seems like the whole planet, or more specifically, Western Civiliazation, has ADD, now now now more more more faster faster faster.

    George Clooney:
    Started acting in 1985
    First real success 1995 ER
    2006 One of the best Leading men
    21 Years later

    Brad Pitt:
    Started acting in 1987
    First real success 1993 Kalifornia
    2006 One of the best Leading men
    ALmost 20 years later

    Tom Hanks:
    Started acting in 1980
    First real critical success 1994 Forrest Gump
    2006, 2 Best Actor Oscars under his belt
    26 years later

    Adam Sandler
    Started acting in 1987
    First success 1995 Billy Madison
    Critical acclaim 2002 Punch Drunk Love
    2006 $20 million per film
    Almost 20 years

    Johnny Knoxville
    Started acting 1992

    Thats 14 years ago by my account, he has alot of time left before he expires, and I think he has improved leaps and bounds since Jack Ass, I dont think we’ve seen evrything he is capable of just yet.

    but thats just my opinion.


  • 13. natasha replies at 4th April 2006, 1:23 pm :

    Johnny Knoxville in my opinion is a very funny person and I like the movies he was in. This doesn’t mean the end of his acting career. I mean just bc ppl dont like that hes doing another Jackass, which is definetly awsome doesn’t mean that it’s the end of him. It’s something he likes to do and people should respect that and also I’m not saying ppl don’t but some do not.
    He does have lots of time b4 become a good leading actor. Not everyone gets the perfect lead right away.

  • 14. Mike replies at 4th April 2006, 7:50 pm :

    I dont think Knoxville is a bad actor. Obviously not the best, but he has been one that I admire. Yeah Jackass was the shit. I wish it would come back on and I hope what i read about Jackass 2 coming out is true. It was my favorite show and I think even people who think its stupid still find somethings about it funny. Although you’re not supposed to immitate any stunts on the show but come on, if your with your friends its gonna happen. I mean were guys..

    Knoxville, you rule

  • 15. Ben replies at 6th April 2006, 12:58 pm :

    Your mom is a bad actor

  • 16. Ben replies at 6th April 2006, 1:01 pm :

    Jonny boy is an awsome actor as and actor myself i know what its like to act. it is harder than most people think, and if you have never acted then you have no room to talk or judge acting.

  • 17. mcw replies at 7th April 2006, 3:54 pm :

    see, with jonny he is funny but just doesn’t look like he could ‘hold’ his own in a fight. In walking talk he was good but when he comes to playing the big parts he can’t ‘hold’ the role… but jackass is classy

  • 18. mcw replies at 7th April 2006, 3:55 pm :

    *walking tall

  • 19. supadupamike replies at 10th April 2006, 2:07 pm :

    Johnny is no way as funny as Bam Margera or Ryann Dunn or as crazy as Steve O and will never be a great actor but hey, you gotta love him right?

    He started Jackass and he should be respected for that alone.

    He also started the careers of Steve O and some others and brought Bam margera and the CKY crew into the Limelight.

    He may not be the best at any thing but he is funny and respect due to those who do stuff that 99% of people would never do.

  • 20. Jehra replies at 10th April 2006, 4:13 pm :

    Johnny Knoxville is a funny actor…..I think he was bad ass in the Dukes of Hazzard……how about instead of everyone talking shit and saying he cant act good then you sorry ass’s go out their and become actors…..yall are probably sum fat ass porn junkies that has to bitch about everything he’s makin more money than all of combined so shut the fuck up. I think he has one bad ass career ahead of him :D

  • 21. steven binks replies at 1st May 2006, 6:27 am :

    Are you all fking stupid…jonny.knoxville is a legend!!!! and because hes going in jackass 2 means fuck all about ending his career.
    Yer bitch!

  • 22. alison replies at 1st June 2006, 7:15 am :

    i disagree with everyone. I think johnny knoxville is a very good actor. he is dedicated. He may not get the roles that could make him as famous as he should be. He only needs one lead role and he’ll be on his way… Who do you know would use a stun gun, taser, pepper spray and a .38 On THEMSELVES?! That’s how bad this guy wants it. He deserves it, Don’t down him out….J. Knoxville is the man

  • 23. Julia replies at 11th June 2006, 9:35 pm :

    Johnny Knoxville is the best actor ever. Like he says … I only play a jackass on t.v.. He majored in acting in college. And personally I think he does a perfect job every time. Thers alot of things we dont know about him. And if given the chance he could prove to everyone that he is a great actor..

  • 24. Julia replies at 11th June 2006, 9:41 pm :

    And being really HOT counts too.

  • 25. alex replies at 28th June 2006, 11:20 am :

    ok listen hear bitches!!!! u need 2 get off johnny knoxvilles case!! i think he is a great actor. and u ppl should respect that. he has way more talent than u lowlifes will ever have!!! i find it very disrespectful 2 go around and start talkin shit about ppl u dont even know. yea its fine 2 hav opinons but its not fine 2 say shit lyk u all r sayin!!!! i hate alot of ppl but i dont go around and talk shit all the time. dont any of u feel bad? if he reads this its probably going 2 make him feel bad. so hears an idea 4 u…….GET A LIFE AND LEAVE JOHNNY KNOXVILLE ALONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • 26. Rick Raya replies at 9th July 2006, 7:07 pm :

    No way in hell is johnny one of the worst actors ever he is one of the best lead men that has ever on televison him and bam margera are a great team and put a good name for all stunt men out there like myself and i think the new movie is going to be wickedly funny its is going to be an instant HIT!!!!

  • 27. naah replies at 13th July 2006, 10:08 am :

    there is no jackass 2?

  • 28. ur mom replies at 18th July 2006, 9:34 pm :

    fuck u all

  • 29. yankeesuck,esp.J.Damon replies at 23rd July 2006, 6:14 pm :

    Wat. Fuk all ya haters! Jackass is suppose to entertain people. Knoxville is not tryin to win an oscar. Wat the fuck does it matter if he can’t act. He’s tryin to entertain dumbasses! Oh n movie critics are just fat losers who need a girl ne way. ……knoxville stay up.

  • 30. cowgirl up12 replies at 25th July 2006, 7:38 pm :

    Johnny Knoxville is awesome yall are fags for thinkin that
    this wont be the end of johnny knoxville two many people luv him Johnny Knoxville is awesome yall are fags for thinkin that
    this wont be the end of johnny knoxville two many people luv him <333

  • 31. hey replies at 30th July 2006, 12:32 am :

    johnny is not the best or the worst he is an okay actor but he a better jackass. hes not the worst either hes just okay as an actor.

  • 32. Savannah replies at 2nd August 2006, 2:40 am :

    Who cares Johnnys the hottest man alive.

  • 33. Al B replies at 3rd August 2006, 7:31 am :

    Johnny Knoxville is my hero, every thing I wear, say or do pretty much links to him. I’ve even started to make my own “Jackass” style movie. In the UK, Johnny Knoxville is king!

  • 34. Gina replies at 6th August 2006, 2:39 pm :

    God. You’re all being so harsh.

    Johnny is awesome! And not to mention, extremely hot! What do you by failing in Dukes of Hazzard?! That’s a brilliant film and Johnny was brilliant!

    Stop being so pathetic, and take a look at your own lives instead of other peoples.

  • 35. Gina replies at 6th August 2006, 2:44 pm :

    ****What do you mean by failing in Dukes of Hazzard?!

  • 36. ashley francisco replies at 14th August 2006, 3:19 pm :

    Johnny Knoxville is awsome in the small roles and parts that he does not including the ringer and jackass 1&2. But also in gone in 60 seconds with Angelina Jolie. I think because he did such a great job in those small roles that he should do more of the larger movies and roles besides he is so hot, they would rake in lots of cash at the box office!!!

  • 37. Matt replies at 17th August 2006, 5:56 pm :

    I love all they gay jokes! they are funny!

  • 38. bek and zoe replies at 18th August 2006, 11:32 am :

    Johnny knoxville is a good actor,he is also the fittest man alive. Jackass is the funniest and best film ive ever seen, iam so glad there is going to be a second one!!!And i luv the fact he always wears converse boots!! there just great!! i hpe the second film is going to be as good as the first!!!
    i hpe there gonna keep makin the films there so great and i luv all the cool stunts!!!!

  • 39. JOHNNY KNOXVILLE LOVER replies at 18th August 2006, 11:39 am :

    WHO EVER DOESNT LIKE JOHNNY KNOXVILLE IS A PRAT AND SHUD GO AND SUCK THEIR MOM RIGHT NOW GAY LORDS!!!!!!!!!!!! UR ALL A BUNCH OF DICKHEADS AND SUD GET A LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • 40. Brandon replies at 18th August 2006, 7:12 pm :

    Jhonny why why leave come on man dude I dont know wut happened but I loved the Dukes of hazard and the ringer Dude your awasome screw those guys

  • 41. Dan (Benno) replies at 19th August 2006, 7:41 am :

    Jonny is fucking mint, i would like them to make more jackass episodes and im going to see the 2nd movie, i would also like him to keep acting, unless he was in more jackass instead

  • 42. vinny replies at 20th August 2006, 4:22 pm :

    Wat are you guys talking about johnny knoxville is a great actor and many young teens like myself love his movies and without doubt jackass 2 will be great! how can you criticise people when you havent done anything worthy of talking about? Vinny!

  • 43. Gilbert M. replies at 21st August 2006, 7:52 am :

    Well, first off. To judge someone on how well they perform as an actor you’d have to be on an acting level. I doubt any of you shit talkers could amount to what he did. Yes it is true though, he didn’t really achieve too high, but I’d like to see some of you make millions like he has. Most of you are probably internet nerds or people who stay home all day and play Unreal Championship or Counter Strike all day. Nothing better to do than to gossip about how bad Johnny knoxville is at acting.
    Now, can I see some of your acting your credentials? Any Performing arts certificates? Johnny Knoxville probably doesn’t have any of those, but he has made to some degree. And by that I mean he has made what he wanted to a sertain point. Nobody is put on this earth to make other people happy. He has done what he wanted. He got his spot light and he is making his money. So, please stop being ignorant of you what you speak, because face it, have you been in his shoes? Have any of you made any real budget movies? Any? Are they on the big screen? I highly doubt so. If anything, you are jealous over a reason that this situation (which is not a situation, and if so it is a pointless situation)has nothing to do with you.
    (not counted to all ‘commenters’, just the ignorant ones)

  • 44. matty replies at 23rd August 2006, 9:45 am :

    johnny knoxville is fuckin legend and hes mint at everything he does and i bet every one of pussys wudn’t dare do anything he does or can’t act half as good!!!!!!!!knoxville rules!!!!!!!

  • 45. ginger lynn replies at 28th August 2006, 11:54 pm :

    Knoxville is a stand out entertainer. If you do not laugh at Jackass and its spin offs…you have my pity. Best of all ,imagine doing something you love and getting well paid for it? The guy travels , parties , has near death experiences, thats living!!! Jackass 2 will get my rare visit to the theater.

  • 46. Jeffery Kincke replies at 1st September 2006, 1:26 am :

    can you give me a chance to join u all in Jackass later on!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • 47. shay replies at 11th November 2006, 6:36 pm :

    are you guys stupid johhny knoxville is the hottest and the best stunts man in the world and you should all be ashamed that you can say something about him when you wouldnt be able to do better so until you do shut your mouths. and he plays a good luke duke on Dukes Of Hazzard! i hope he continues on jackass and should be out there getting tones of lead rolls cuz hes the best actor of our times nd is so hot, look at his abbs woo sexy so dont judge him because maby your not that grate either and whome ever made up this site is a complete “JACKASS” love shay xxx

    p.s johnny knoxville is the gratest man who ever lived! xoxo

  • 48. shay replies at 11th November 2006, 6:40 pm :

    oh yea by the ways ifne of use have a problem with jackass screw you because im gonna be the first aussie girl to join jackass crew and i will do ne thing that they try to get me to so look out 4 jackass 3

    holler love shay xxx

    p.s johnny knoxville is the hottest man eva xoxo

  • 49. Maria replies at 27th December 2006, 10:14 am :

    go on for jackass#3.#2 was great.

  • 50. Maria replies at 27th December 2006, 10:14 am :

    go on for jackass#3.#2 was great.

  • 51. caleb replies at 27th February 2007, 9:37 am :

    anyone who say johnny knoxville is the worst actor ur probally the dumbest person anyone will ever meet because johnny knoxville kick every ones ass!!!

  • 52. kwtz qzdsj replies at 9th March 2007, 1:46 pm :

    tlbqhikd coesuzwbt lhtxec qobzgv zmlp uovdaign ujwf

  • 53. ???? replies at 19th March 2007, 8:29 pm :

    wtf are you talking about johnny is a great actor and hes fucking hot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • 54. troy lawlor replies at 20th March 2007, 10:26 am :

    johnney knoxvillis the best actore ever probely not the best but he is a awsome actor and all the people saying he is a bad actor you can all kiss the fate’s part of his ass and go fuck yourself you dumb asses.

    To: The fuckers who wrote all thows things about Johnney knoxville

    From: Johnney’s knoxvilles favroit fan and keep all the good work up there Johnney.

  • 55. [email protected] replies at 20th March 2007, 10:29 am :

    all the people who like or love Johnney knoxville plz add me on your m.s.n and the retards who hates him you can all go to hell

  • 56. jordy replies at 20th April 2007, 12:39 am :

    i think johnny and bam are cute me my friends went down a dirt hill with scats that was fun but it hurt i didnt cry !!!!!!

  • 57. Anonymous replies at 30th April 2007, 9:08 am :

    wherein.reactivity?bloodshed serving pass trailer - Tons of interesdting stuff!!!

  • 58. Isabella replies at 10th January 2008, 5:45 am :

    Oh you guys are so mean it is hard to be an actor! And i read that Johnny K. says hes he bad actor too,maybe cause of youre mean comments! I think hes the best and i love him hes so hot…and i love jackass its so funny..:D

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