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Forgotten Friday - Highlander

News Chat, Reviews - by Rodney - August 21, 2009 - 21:37 America/Montreal - 47 Comments

Thanks for checking out our Forgotten Fridays feature. This is a feature to review some older films that maybe you have forgotten about or maybe never got around to seeing that we just want to share. They may not be old, maybe not forgotten, but they are not new. Just fun to share.

Today’s review is Highlander


Born in the Highlands of Scotland in 1518, Connor Macleod is immortal. When he is wounded in battle but does not die, he is banished from his village and finding a life of solitude with a wife, he meets another like himself, Ramirez, who teaches him swordsmanship-the only way to kill another immortal is to take his head-and the ways of the immortals. Modern-day New York is the location of “The Gathering,” where Connor and the few remaining immortals must battle to the last for “The Prize.”


Before I get into the heart of the film I want to touch on how amazing the soundtrack was. Queen dominates this film and it is almost confusing to think of the soundtrack album as anything but a Queen Album. And it fits the film so perfectly. Queen was in a world of their own, and so was Connor MacLeod.

The fantasy element is beautifully played. There are SO many questions that require answers, but you just don’t care. They talk about “The Prize” and you feel the urgency and desire to acquire it. It’s tangible, its real, and yet you don’t care that no one explains what the prize is (Until the epilogue) Why are they immortal? Who made them this way and to what end? What is drawing them to this final “Gathering”? But its played out so wonderfully that you just accept that this is what is happening and you get sucked into the story.

Some films suffer trying to explain to much. This movie has a LOT that needs explaining, but does a wonderful job giving you as much as you need to know so you don’t care that its not all spelled out for you.

Lambert plays his character and defines him. Sean Connery is spot on and entertaining as hell (he has some stinkers but this isn’t one of them) and his brotherly chemistry with Lambert makes you really feel his kinship with Connor. The Kurgen is deliciously evil for the sake of evil. There is no deep backstory to him. He is just an asshole. An immortal asshole. And evil. He serves his purpose and is amusing enough without ruining his hardcore evil imagery. (Watch for his neck wound held together with safety pins - awesome)


The effects are a little dated but cool for its time, and don’t hold up to today’s standards. This might be distracting to some.


This film impacted me on more than one level. It is highly under rated, and is a brand for the hardcore geek. I have to remind myself of how old this film is when people don’t understand references to Sea

Everytime they add to the mythos instead of letting this wonderful story stand on its own, they devalue the entire premise of the immortals conflict and the Gathering. I didn’t hate the TV spinoffs, but their very presence bothered me.

And for every reason that this movie is great, all the sequels are not.

There can only be ONE!!! Unless there is another.

Typically this is where we would write a “Out of 10″ rating, but since all of these Forgotten Friday reviews are going to be what I would already give a high rating to, I have made my own rating system.

TV - Make a point of watching it if you see it listed on TV.
Rent - Good enough to go out of your way to see it, but not enough to buy it.
Buy - So good. You will watch it again and again. Buy it!

So on a scale of TV, Rent or Buy I suggest BUY!