Pawn Sacrifice Annoys As Much As It Intrigues

Synopsis: Set during the Cold War, American chess prodigy Bobby Fischer finds himself caught between two superpowers and his own struggles as he challenges the Soviet Empire. (Imdb)


For those that weren’t around the Cold War, we might not have been privy to the rivalry between the U.S. and Russia. Pawn Sacrifice…

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Dual Review: Everest

[ Kenny’s Review ] [ Jim’s Review ]

Synopsis: Two expedition groups take on the challenge of getting to the top of Mount Everest.


Everest is a beautifully shot movie that showcases the imposing and gigantic mountain, but the movie is not about the mountain. What makes Everest intriguing is the story of the gro…

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The Age of Adeline Spactacularly Defies Time

Synopsis A young woman, born at the turn of the 20th century, is rendered ageless after an accident. After many solitary years, she meets a man who complicates the eternal life she has settled into.


When it comes to romance on-screen, The Age of Adeline (available now on Blu-ray & DVD) is timeless. Granted, …

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Shyamalan's "The Visit" Makes Haters Go Night-Night

A single mother finds that things in her family’s life go very wrong after her two young children visit their estranged grandparents.
Grandma’s demented and Grandpa’s incontinent in M. Night Shyamalan’s The Visit. A mother’s (Kathryn Hahn) estranged parents get in touch after twenty years, insisting on having their grandchi…

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Whatever happened to that movie? 16 movies that were considered but never released

I have honestly lost count and often lost track of the many movies I’ve noticed were announced, mildly promoted, and then vanish into oblivion and never mentioned again. Even after some of the proposed filmed generated a significant amount of interest from potential audiences these films, for whatever reason, never materialized. Some of the films g…

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Kenny's First Telluride Film Festival Experience Was Unforgettable


I had the pleasure to attend my first Telluride Film Festival this year. As a 9 year Colorado resident and a huge movie fan, this was very long overdue. I saw quite a few movies and mingled with various industry types from well known directors to prominent members of the movie press. It was an unforgettable cinematic experience that …

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Classic Football Films To Get Us Ready for the NFL Season

Are you ready for some football? I’m not. That’s why I need a movie marathon of football films to remind myself what the game is all about—hits, cursing, colorful field patterns, and H2O. Let’s look at a list of five popular classics that actually stink and replace them with five of my favorite pigskin pictures.

Popular Classic: Any Give…

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Fascinating Steve Jobs Documentary Portrays Flawed Genius


Synopsis: A look at the personal and private life of the late Apple CEO, Steve Jobs.



Steve Jobs, the legendary inventor and iconic CEO of Apple was a beloved and conflicted force to be reckoned with. During the beginning of Steve Jobs: The Man In the Machine, director Alex Gibney compared the death to Steve …

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Review: "Dragon Blade" is an R-Rated Film for Kids

Synopsis: When corrupt Roman leader Tiberius arrives with a giant army to claim the Silk Road, Huo An teams up his army with an elite Legion of defected Roman soldiers led by General Lucius to protect his country and his new friends.
There is a lot that is charming about Dragon Blade, the epic Hong Kong action-drama from director Daniel Lee,…

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Filmmaker Mora Stephens Talks About Her Movie Zipper



I had a chance to speak to director Mora Stephens regarding her recently released film Zipper, starring Patrick Wilson. Mora talked about what prompted her to co-write and direct the film, her interest in political scandals, and addictions. She talks about working with a talented crew and actors on this film. The interview a…

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October 27, 2003

Alien Vs. Predator Teaser Trailer? .. Imagine that…

— Posted by John Campea

Well, it may be piggybacking on the whole “Freddy vs. Jason” thing — wait a minute, of course it is…… - But for whatever reason, after years of “hey, I…

News Chat
October 26, 2003

Very few people in Hollywood are as classy as Brendan Fraser

— Posted by John Campea

That Brendan Fraser has talent has never been a question. He got the ability, the look and the charm to be a legitimate A list actor in Hollywood someday soon….

News Chat
October 25, 2003

Give Credit a Little Credit.

— Posted by John Campea

Something I’m surprisingly picky about are my opening credits. Sure, you could spends five bucks and put white letters on black and spell them out one at a time, but…

News Chat
October 23, 2003

What Happened to Shaolin Soccer?

— Posted by John Campea

Okay, someone help me out here… At one point in time, I was all giddy in my pants about the North American release of Shaolin Soccer. The last I heard,…

News Chat
October 23, 2003

Muppets are Coming Back

— Posted by John Campea

OK, since no one else is willing to talk about it I will. In the tradition of the Muppet Christmas Carol and Muppet Treasure Island and after many years since…

News Chat
October 22, 2003

There could be a new Blair Witch Project movie

— Posted by John Campea

The good folks over at Moviehole report: Even after the critical bashing of √¢‚Ǩ≈ìBook of Shadows : Blair Witch 2√¢‚Ǩ¬ù √¢‚Ǩ‚Äú which was more a studio creation than anyone√¢‚Ǩ‚Ñ¢s √¢‚Ǩ‚Äú…

News Chat
October 22, 2003

Jim Carrey: The Six Million Dollar Man

— Posted by John Campea

No, Jim Carrey is not lowering his price tag. It would appear that he is is taking on the role of Steve Austen, the Bionic man. Superhero Hype reports: Dimension…

News Chat
October 21, 2003

The First Matrix Revolution Reviews Are Looking Gooooooood!!

— Posted by John Campea


News Chat
October 21, 2003

Scary Movie 3 - The reviews aren’t in yet, but it might have a chance

— Posted by John Campea

I HATED Scary Movie 1 & 2. I thought they were just awful. Slapstick spoof comedy only works if it’s actually funny. These movies weren’t. I know that’s subjective, but…

News Chat
October 20, 2003

China Theatres Show Commercials before a Feature - And Gets Sued For It.

— Posted by John Campea

Anyone who thinks that we in North America have it right, has never watched a movie in China, let me tell you. In a move that I would boldly endorse,…

News Chat
October 19, 2003

Nation’s love affair with Lord of the Rings threatening its relationship with Star Wars

— Posted by John Campea

Ok, I’m the biggest Star Wars fan in the world (Did you read that George?), but I just had to post this. From the good folks over at The Onion:…

News Chat
October 19, 2003

Lost In Translation

— Posted by John Campea

If you liked Bill Murray in Rushmore, you will love him in Lost in Translation. I think Bill will receive his first Oscar nomination for his work in this beautifully…

News Chat
October 18, 2003

Toronto: You have Cheap Movie Tickets Available. Do something About it.

— Posted by John Campea

Okay, I’m sick of this. If you live in Toronto, and you like movies, you have a job to do, and you bloody well better do it or I’ll get…

News Chat
October 16, 2003

The Spiderman 2 Trailer is screened in Japan.

— Posted by John Campea

UPDATE December 15th 2003:: the Spiderman 2 Teaser Trailer is online! Click Here for the Little Version!!or Click THIS for the Wonderful Hi-Res Quicktime Downloadable Version **Update** November 25, 2003…

News Chat
October 16, 2003

Runaway Jury Reviews not too bad

— Posted by John Campea

I love John Cusack, I love Gene Hackman I love Dustin Hoffman and I love legal dramas. So Runaway Jury is an automatic home run right? Well, maybe yes and…

News Chat
October 16, 2003

School of Rock reviews positive right across the board

— Posted by John Campea

Slowly but surely, Jack Black is become our generations version of John Belushi√¢‚Ǩ¬¶ only with even more talent. Ever since I first saw him in High Fidelity I knew people…

News Chat
October 14, 2003

Want Tickets for the Extended Lord of the Rings Trilogy Marathon?

— Posted by John Campea

You Do???… In That Case…. GOOD      F***ING      LUCK Since the list of locations and tickets for the Extended Viewings of the first two LOTR movies went on sale, tickets have become more…

News Chat
October 14, 2003

Reality of Bad Animating Hits Disney in the Pink Secrets.

— Posted by John Campea

Yes, believe it or not, Disney and I agree on something. reports that the chief animator over at Disney says that the success of an animated movie “really depends…

News Chat
“Like a midget at a urinal, I was going to have to stay on my toes.”

— Leslie Nielson as Frank Drebin from
Naked Gun 33 ½ : The Final Insult
, 1994


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