Here are some of the more frequently asked questions about The Movie Blog:

1) Is The Movie Blog a news site?
NO NO NO NO NO NO and a thousand times NO! We don’t have reporters. We don’t get “scoops”. We don’t do investigative reporting. The Movie Blog is an opinion and commentary site. We find the news through news sites and then talk about the issues and stories, then open it up for discussion in the comments area.

2) Can The Movie Blog send the contact information for stars and directors?
We get this asked of us all the time. We have a very strict policy of not sharing contact information (besides, its not like we have Brad Pitts cell phone number just kicking around).

3) Can you read my script?
Also something we get asked all the time. We feel very humbled that our opinions mean enough to you that you would want our input, but to be honest we just don’t have the time… nor would we be very helpful, so we ask that you not send scripts to us.

4) Can we send you our movie to review
We are more than wiling to receive FINISHED movies. However, please understand that just because we accept your invitation to view your films, doesn’t necessarily mean we’ll actually review it. And if we do review it… we’re going to give our honest opinions on it, which might or might not be good.

more to come later…