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August 5, 2003

S.W.A.T. getting positive early reviews

— Posted by John Campea

S.W.A.T. getting positive early reviews Staying up late the other night yielded an unexpected surprise. Ebert and Roeper were on and they were discussing the upcoming Samuel Jackson/Colin Ferrell flick…

News Chat
August 5, 2003

The Lost City Wow. Take

— Posted by John Campea

The Lost City Wow. Take a look at the cast for this film. The story looks very interesting, as well. I’m looking forward to it already.

News Chat
August 5, 2003

Tuesday’s Top Ten Top Ten

— Posted by John Campea

Tuesday’s Top Ten Top Ten Movies Every Geek Should See Okay, I’ve ignored the obvious, like Star Wars, Star Trek and Aliens. Truth be told, this list should be alot…

News Chat
August 5, 2003

J-Lo bombs at the box

— Posted by John Campea

J-Lo bombs at the box office again I’ve been saying it for 2 years now. Jennifer Lopez is the most highly overrated movie star in Hollywood today. She may be…

News Chat
August 5, 2003

Beautiful, Inspiring and Touching. Seabiscuit

— Posted by John Campea

Beautiful, Inspiring and Touching. Seabiscuit lives up to the hype Despite the fact that the first 20 minutes of the film feel a little drawn out, Seabiscuit grabs your attention…

News Chat
August 2, 2003

The Movie Blog almost ready

— Posted by John Campea

The Movie Blog almost ready to go full steam Thanks to all of you who have been checking out the site over the last week. As you may have noticed…

News Chat
August 1, 2003

In Other News It’s way

— Posted by John Campea

In Other News It’s way too nice to sit around watching movies today. You kids go play outside.

News Chat
July 31, 2003

The Rock vs. Christopher Walken:

— Posted by John Campea

The Rock vs. Christopher Walken: N’uff said The Rundown, staring The Rock, Seann William Scott, Christopher Walken and Rosario Dawson is shaping up to be a “brainless” Indiana Jones/Alan Quartermain…

News Chat
July 29, 2003

So, are you going to

— Posted by John Campea

So, are you going to raid a tomb, or what? or How I learned to stop worrying and love the babe Well, I saw Lara Croft Tomb Raider II: The…

News Chat
July 29, 2003

Today’s Tuesday Top Ten Greetings

— Posted by John Campea

Today’s Tuesday Top Ten Greetings all (by all I mean the other people who post to this blog, and the people who stumble here because of typos) and welcome to…

News Chat
July 28, 2003

Whoa, Whoa, Whoa… Hold the

— Posted by John Campea

Whoa, Whoa, Whoa… Hold the Phone a second… First things first: - If you don’t know who Bruce Campbell is: You Are Dumb. Next, as it may seem, has…

News Chat
July 26, 2003

Garage Days is Solid for

— Posted by John Campea

Garage Days is Solid for an Average Flick Alex Proyas’ new flick “Garage Days” ain’t too shabby. Then again, it’s simply not shabby. We follow a band and their social…

News Chat
July 25, 2003

Freddy Vs. Jason is coming!

— Posted by John Campea

Freddy Vs. Jason is coming! Ok, you have to understand that I grew up in a time that the Freddy and Jason movies were the ultimate teen horror films! I…

News Chat
July 25, 2003

In Defence of a Little

— Posted by John Campea

In Defence of a Little Gibberish Allrighty, I read John’s blog there about "movies with thought" and if I be so bold as to suggest a place where many incredible…

News Chat
July 25, 2003

How much longer will the

— Posted by John Campea

How much longer will the Superhero genre last? Some friends of mine and I went to see The Hulk again last night. I quite enjoyed it. During the ride home…

News Chat
July 24, 2003

Too many characters spoil LXG

— Posted by John Campea

Too many characters spoil LXG The title may be oversimplifying the problem. Lots of things went wrong with The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, not the least of which was a…

News Chat
July 24, 2003

Johnny English could have been

— Posted by John Campea

Johnny English could have been better (6 out of 10) I’ve always been a huge Rowan Atkinson fan. I thought he was just brilliant in Rat Race. Going into Johnny…

News Chat
July 24, 2003

When will we see another

— Posted by Rodney

When will we see another “Smart” action film? My friend Trevor and I were watching David Letterman tonight when a trailer for the new film S.W.A.T came on. Trevor rolled…

News Chat
"Life is a banquet, and most poor suckers are starving to death!"

— Rosalind Russell as Mame Dennis from Auntie Mame, 1958


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