Top 100 movie voices?

VoiceOverMan.jpgI came across this post by total accident, looking at some sites I love to read about gadgets, t shirts, games, just anything fun really. This just caught my eye over at Boing Boing and I had to immediately go over to Film Critic and check it out.

It’s their all time top 100 voices in the movies. It counts down from 100, and as soon as I started scrolling I was surprised. Arnie at 99? Come on now, with lines like “If it bleeds we can kill it”, “Come with me if you want to live” and the ultimate “I’ll be back”, how can that so recognisable voice be that low?! To see Elizabeth Hurley much higher than Elvis as well, for me the list was rapidly becoming poor.

There are some I agree with though, just not in the proper places, James Earl Jones who sould so easily have been number one, Christopher Walken, Clint Eastwood, John Wayne, just some of the excellent choices to be had. Here’s their top ten:

10. Peter Sellers
9. Holly Hunter
8. John Wayne
7. Al Pacino
6. Marilyn Monroe
5. Jack Nicholson
4. James Earl Jones
3. Christopher Walken
2. Orson Welles
1. Clint Eastwood

So what would your top three (or more) be? Who is an iconic voice of the cinema? For me, I would struggle to pick some out from the rush of top spots for Wayne, Eastwood, Earl Jones, Richard Burton, Sean Connery, James Stewart…oh god, you could so easily go on and on. You’d have to tip a nod to the trailer voice over men too - John, note for Movie Blog, I do a great voice over man. Everyone, make your choices…

Top fifty British films?

Projector.jpg“Perspective!” I scream before I show you the list. This is a list voted for by British customers of the shop HMV, and only 7,000 of them, so pinches of salt all round please. From The Independent, here are some highlights…no, in fact I just tried to go through the list and remove some entries and make it smaller, but everytime I went to take a couple out I saw one worth leaving in. So here’s the whole list. Tell us what you think, what’s your top three?

1. The Italian Job (1969, Peter Collinson)
2. Trainspotting (1995, Danny Boyle)
3. Bridget Jones’ Diary (2001, Sharon Maguire)
4. Shaun of the Dead (2004, Edgar Wright)
5. Notting Hill (1999, Roger Michell)


AFI’s Top Ten

I generally like all the stuff that the American Film Institute does. The organization just put out their list for the 10 best films of 2004, although they didn’t have enough guts to put them in any particular order. So why am I posting about it? Just because they were smart enough to put Spider-man 2 on the list.

AFI’s Ten Best of 2004

• The Aviator
• Collateral
• Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
• Friday Night Lights
• The Incredibles
• Kinsey
• Maria Full of Grace
• Million Dollar Baby
• Sideways
• Spider-Man 2

Although, my pick (so far) for Best Film of the year, Finding Neverland, isn’t on the list. Interesting.

Top 10 Highest Paid Actresses

Julia_Roberts6.jpgShow me the money! The folks at Ananova reported today on the list of the highest paid actresses working in Hollywood. Here’s the list with some of my own uninvited commentary:

#10) Jennifer Lopez - I still do not understand Hollywood’s fascination with this woman. She’s not a strong actress, and she does not have huge drawing power as the box office results of her movies prove.

#9) Renee Zellweger - No surprise to find her on this list, and honestly I thought she would rank a bit higher. This woman is a solid actress, with an Oscar to boot. Her films also draw quite well.

#8) Angelina Jolie - Also thought she would be higher on the list. Oscar + Drawing Power + Babe = MONEY

#7) Sandra Bullock - I’m sorry… does she still make movies? I’m curious to see how Miss Congeniality 2 works out.

#6) Halle Berry - This woman is so hit and miss it can make your head spin. In one movie she’ll blow your socks off… and then in the next look just pathetic. It’s going to take me a few years to get Catwoman out of my head.

#5) Drew Barrymore - No way. Why? Oh right, she produces half of her own movies. I seriously don’t understand why she’s so valuable. Don’t get me wrong, she can be ok… but she is NOT an “A” list actress.

#4) Reese Witherspoon - This lady has it all, and she’s going to be a huge star for many many years to come.

#3) Nicole Kidman - In my opinion, pound for pound the best actress in Hollywood over the last 5 years. This lady is killer. Tom is an idiot for leaving her.

#2) Cameron Diaz - WHAT THE HELL!?!?! Are you kidding me!?!?! No way! Not a chance in Hades should this chick be on this list. WHY!?!?! She hasn’t stood out as being particularly strong in ANY film she’s been in. Don’t get me wrong, I actually like Cameron Diaz… I really honestly do. But no way is she deserving to be paid higher than most of the women on (and off) this list.

#1) Julia Roberts - Yup, no arguments from me. For the time being she is the Queen of Hollywood. Never turned in a turkey performance, always solid, strong drawing power even in bad films… she is the total package.

Top 10 Cheesiest Lines In Film

In a survey of 2000 movie fans that was conducted by Warburtons to mark the launch of its new Cheese Flavour Crumpets, a definitive list of the Top 10 Cheesiest lines in movies was assembled. Hehe… I love these little lists. Here they are:

1. Titanic - “I’m the king of the world!” (Leonardo DiCaprio)

2. Dirty Dancing - “Nobody puts Baby in the corner.” (Patrick Swayze)

3. Four Weddings and a Funeral - “Is is still raining…” (Andie MacDowell)

4. Ghost - “I love you.” “Ditto.” (Demi Moore)

5. Top Gun - “You can be my wingman any time.” (Val Kilmer)

6. Notting Hill - “I’m just a girl…” (Julia Roberts)

7. Independence Day - “Today we celebrate our Independence Day.” (Bill Pullman)

8. Braveheart - “They may take our lives…” (Mel Gibson)

9. Jerry Maguire - “You had me at hello.” (Renee Zellweger)

10. The Postman - “You’re a godsend, a saviour.” “No, I’m a postman.” (Kevin Costner)

Hahaha… I love it. So are there any other ones that you can think of that should be on there?

Top 100 UK Box Office Movies

BFIUltimateMovies.jpgWatching television this weekend, in a particularly lazy weekend, I came across Channel 4’s top 100 movies. Now they’ve done a lot of these before, but this one was actually from the British Film Industry’s Box Office figures for the UK. Now that sounded interesting. So I gave up six hours (yes, six hours!) of my weekend to watch what turned out to be some very surprising results.

The 100 was filled with older movies, and some real surprises as well. So as not to spoil it, I suggest you have a look yourself, but just for some interesting facts, take a look at this.

Tom Cruise was not in any film in the top 100, and his closest appearance was in Goldmember! I find that amazing, that is his highest grossing UK Box Office movie?! It was a great film, but can you imagine that his pulling power in the Box Office is less than that of Austin Powers?

Top 10 Best Robots in Movies

OK folks, I know its been a while since I posted, so I thought I would make an expression of geekdom. This is my top 10 movie robots of all time. I know there are a pile of Robots I left out (no cyborgs, clones, or mecha) but that would be because I hadn’t seen the film, or I simply thought other bots deserved to be ranked higher.

So here it is:

Top 10 Best actors living today

And now, for your reading and debating pleasure, I’d like to present my top 10 list of best actors living today. Fell free to leave your comments to let me know who you didn’t think should be on it, or who you thought I left out. Although this list is a subjective one, I’m always right. :)

Read the List…

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