Movie News Chat

In Defence of a Little

In Defence of a Little Gibberish Allrighty, I read John’s blog there about "movies with thought" and if I be so bold as to suggest a place where many incredible films lie but the majority of people don’t know about: Foreign Flicks.  In particular, Honk Kong, Japanese, Korean and Thai … [Read More]

Too many characters spoil LXG

Too many characters spoil LXG The title may be oversimplifying the problem. Lots of things went wrong with The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, not the least of which was a very bad script. However, another problem it had was one that many other films have fallen into: TOO MANY CHARACTERS. … [Read More]

When will we see another

When will we see another “Smart” action film? My friend Trevor and I were watching David Letterman tonight when a trailer for the new film S.W.A.T came on. Trevor rolled his eyes and said “Oh that is going to suck”. Jumping to the films defense I boldly claimed that “Oh … [Read More]

Suddenly Seabiscuit thinks it’s The

Suddenly Seabiscuit thinks it’s The Matrix I’ve been looking forward to seeing the new Jeff Bridges film “Seabiscuit” ever since Jeff Blogged about it on his website last year. The trailers have looked promising and my anticipation has been building. Then, yesterday I caught the newest trailer on television and … [Read More]