
Trailer for The Tempest

IMDB Synopsis: In Shakespeare’s fantastical thriller the magician Prospero orchestrates spirits, monsters, a grief-stricken king, a wise old councillor, two treacherous brothers and a storm at sea into a fantastical conspiracy bringing banishment, sorcery and shipwreck into the lives of two hapless lovers to stir and seal their fate. Here … [Read More]

Rest In Peace Sally Menke

There are two film editors I absolutely adore, these editors are Thelma Schoonmaker and Sally Menke. One of my biggest passions in life is editing film and those two women are the professionals I have always looked up to and I feel inspired the way I cut film today. It … [Read More]

Dan at TIFF Review: Henry’s Crime

Thanks for checking out our Henry’s Crime Review Genre: Comedy Directed by: Malcolm Venville Staring: Keanu Reeves, James Caan, Vera Farmiga, Peter Stormar, Judy Greer. Released: 2010 THE GENERAL IDEA Henry is an emotionless man with no desires or life goals. One day after returning home to his wife from … [Read More]

I’m Still Here - Trailer

For those of you who remember last year when Joaquin Pheonix suddenly became a muttering mess on the David Letterman show and other interviews. It quickly came to our attention that Casey Affleck and Joaquin Pheonix were working on some kind of mockumentary where Joaquin quits acting to pursue a … [Read More]

New Tron Poster

A new Tron poster has been released and man does it make me wish I was a program. I really love the new Tron suits, and seeing the suit and helmets up close at the FanExpo really made me excited to see them in action on film. So far every … [Read More]