Russell Crowe Sworn in as Sheriff of Nottingham

Like I have said before, I am a big fan of period/fantasy/medieval movies. I love the Count of Monte Cristo, Three Musketteers adaptations, King Arthur stories etc. Specifically, I like the Robin Hood stories.

Cinema Fusion says:

This “revisionist” version of the Robin Hood story was penned by Ethan Reiff and Cyrus Voris, and “is based on a premise that the Sheriff was more noble than previously portrayed and that Robin Hood was far less virtuous. In fact, in this story, in many ways Robin Hood is not much more than a common thief. Of course, there’s also a love story involving Crowe’s Sheriff, Robin Hood and the lovely Marion to further complicate matters.
I recently discovered a BBC Series based on the Robin Hood story, and I really really like it. Sure its not the best series, but its got me sucked right in. The guy who plays Robin (Jonas Armstrong) reminds me a great deal of Ryan Gosling in looks and personality. Of course I have a big tv crush on Marion (Lucy Griffiths) If someone can tell me when this show starts up again I would be thankful.

The reason I mention that show, is that a plotline that I liked that arcs through the first half of this season involves Nottingham's romantic interests in Marion. Which I really like. It sounds like this new incarnation of Robin Hood will be following much of the same. In past Robin Hoods we only see the Sheriff showing interest in Marion because of her royal bloodties, and marrying her would grant him access to the throne.

But to see them illustrate Robin as less than squeaky clean and noble should be an interesting twist. This will place a moral conflict on who you want to see win instead of the cut and dry "the Sheriff is the badguy so Robin has to win" idea we are used to. I cant wait to see how this all unfolds.

So who do you think will be a good pick to play off a strong character like Crowe for a Robin Hood? Or Marion?

Posted by at February 1, 2007 09:36 PM


I actually like the idea. I think it may be partially based on what I had seen on 'Histories Mysteries' where the documentary explored the legend and myths of the character Robin Hood, who was inspired by or composed of several thieves and the like throught he 12th and 13th century, only to be romanticised later on.

Will it work? I don't know. As much as I LOVED the different take on 'King Arthur' which stuck close to the historical Arthur, the problem is people are still in love with, or too familiar with, the mythos and/or the legends. King Arthur, despite it's strengths, flopped hard at the box office.

Posted by: darren j seeley at February 01, 2007 22:20

I must admit, I'm intrigued by this idea.

Crowe's participation and the notion of seeing Robin Hood as a petty scoundrel and the Sheriff as the noble lawman have me really intrigued.

I'm interested in knowing who they're gonna get to direct it.

Somewhere Kevin Reynolds is weeping in his Barca-lounger and waiting for the phone to ring.

Posted by: Jay at February 01, 2007 22:22

Kevin Reynolds is the most underrated filmmaker of all time, so long as he never works with Kevin Costner again. While Reynolds helmed the Count of Monte Cristo from a few years back, he directed this film from 1988 called The Beast, one of my favorite films.

Posted by: darren j seeley at February 01, 2007 22:32

Matt Damon??? Eric Bana??? Daniel Craig???? (For Robin)

I just wish I knew how *bad* the Robin character was going to be. Damon proved he can play a bad guy in The Departed. And, I am becoming more and more impressed with Craig. What about Mad Mel???

I am VERY intrigued by all of this.....

Posted by: Ben at February 01, 2007 23:35

Like I said in my article: James Caviezel

Posted by: Jonathan at February 01, 2007 23:56

"of ALL time" Darren...?


I was really just making a joke.
I liked TCoMC, Waterworld and his Robin Hood movie.
I was just kinda pokin' fun at how Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves was pretty much universally panned and how he might be hoping for a little redemption.
Did not mean to insult your boy. Cool...?
For Christ's sake, the man wrote Red Dawn. Trust me, I respect him.

Posted by: Jay at February 02, 2007 00:19

Christian Bale or Colin Farell perhaps? Maybe Hugh Jackman

Posted by: Marla Singer at February 02, 2007 10:34

I don't think the revisionist version of King Arthur worked and I don't think Robin Hood will either. Sometimes people just like their good guys good and their bad guys bad.

Posted by: Mr Stay Puft at February 02, 2007 10:40

Ahhh Red Dawn, I fucking love that movie, Im now going to dig it out and watch it on Sunday's just such a Sunday afternoon movie.

Anyways, my personal pic for Robin Hood would be Timothy Olyphant. Mainly of Deadwood fame, but he also played the Antagonist in Girl Next Door, and he played a very charming, likeable Bad guy, his performance was perfectly balanced, I think he would be awesome for this.


Posted by: Norddeth at February 02, 2007 10:46

Yes, Nord

Red Dawn does indeed rock.

Classic movie, in my opinion.

Posted by: Jay at February 02, 2007 13:25

Why make a Robin Hood movie? The Mel Brooks movie is the definitive Robin Hood movie to me:) God, that flick is hilarious.

But, if I were in charge of this, I'd cast a younger robin and marian to draw in more people. No idea who, though.

Posted by: Kristina at February 02, 2007 18:31

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