November 13, 2006

The Simpsons Trailer - Huge Let Down

The Simpsons movie is in my top 5 of films I'm looking forward to. Many people say the show has lost a step, but I totally disagree. Yes, like any show, it has some years that are stronger than others... but I've found this season to be amazing... and as I've always said... when you give all those writers a YEAR to come up with one 90 movie (the same time frame they have to come up with about thirty 30 minute segments) I think we're in for pure Simpsons Gold.


The bastards over at Fox have ALREADY given us an announcement trailer months ago. They've already given us some early sketch work (Homer on the sled) and now they told us we were about to get a REAL TRAILER. Well folks, I watched it... and I'm pissed off. The new Simpsons "trailer" (which you can see here to share in my outrage) is total crap. It's NOT a trailer. It's just one quick visual site gag... and I bet it's not even in the movie itself. This was nothing more than another announcement commercial... not a trailer.

Look Fox, you wanna just give us another announcement trailer? Fine... THEN JUST FUCKING TELL US IT'S JUST AN ANNOUNCEMENT TRAILER! Don't bullshit us by announcing a "Trailer". Commercials and internet ads proclaiming "The New Simpsons Trailer". That was bloody lame. And yes, it bothers me... because you just told me you think I'm an idiot and will swallow anything you want to shoot in my mouth.

The movie BUSINESS, you Fox morons, is about more than the movie... it's about marketing and fostering the excitement and good will of your potential audience. Well guess what... you just shot my "good will" right to hell with that crap you just showed us when promising an actual trailer. I just lost 50% of my enthusiasm for this movie... and that pisses me off too.

Grrr... maybe I just woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning.

Posted by John Campea at November 13, 2006 10:33 AM


i loved this "trailer". why?

a) it's funny
b) it mocks the whole 3d animation genre
c) it doesn't give any gags from the actual movie away

everybody knows that this movie is going to be awesome, so why give away any gags? just keep the curiosity on high levels. at least i won't sit in the cinema, saying "hey pal, watch out, this scene is going to be funny, i know from the trailer" over and over

Posted by: joone at November 13, 2006 10:37

That was the lamest thing I've ever seen. I'm with John, my enthusiam just dropped. Leave it to Fox to pull out the smoke and mirrors, not giving us a real trailer.

Posted by: Prophecy at November 13, 2006 10:40

"you think I'm an idiot and will swallow anything you want to shoot in my mouth"

LOL, ok that was funnier than the trailer!

Posted by: Jarred at November 13, 2006 10:47

eh, I thought the trailer was a lame attempt at comedy. With this being the second of two "trailers" thus far, I hope they have some other techniques put in place to help hype the movie, because as you said, people are talking about how the TV show is going to shit and that sure won't get people into the seats at a theater.

Posted by: Jason at November 13, 2006 11:13

I agree that it didn't really do anything to pique my interest above the "Wow-there-is-going-to-be-a-Simpsons-movie" level. Maybe if they gave away a bit of the plot I would have been more enthused about the movie. Then again, being an animated feature based on a television show, people are going to know what to expect AND being only 90minutes along (we're assuming) I don't think you can make a trailer too long without giving away some major points and the best parts of the movie.

Posted by: flippedman at November 13, 2006 11:15

I love it. I don't know what your problem is Campea.

Posted by: Alfredo at November 13, 2006 11:17

I cannot make sense of your enthusiasm for the film dropping if by your own explanation the trailer gave nothing of the movie itself away. I understand you would've liked to've seen a more traditional trailer, but by its own merits, it's not a bad trailer. I actually chuckled at this and haven't watched The Simpsons in a long time. I think, like Spidey 3, you're being too hard on it. I say that with the utmost respect.

Posted by: nova at November 13, 2006 11:25

Yeah, it wasn't a 'full' trailer, but it was funny. My wife, who absolutely HATES the Simpsons, laughed out loud during the "rock and a hard place" gag.

Posted by: Larry at November 13, 2006 11:32

Seem pretty clear to me that the problem John has isn't with the trailer itself, but more at the fact that it isn't really a trailer at all, and Fox had been telling us that we were getting a trailer. The studio treating us like idiots seems to be what shot John's excitment for the movie. Unless I'm wrong.

Posted by: Sean at November 13, 2006 11:36

I liked it. It wasn't a trailer, but i still liked it. Anyways i think it was a little early to get a full trailer. I think we might have to wait for Fantastic Four 2 for a full one

But loved the bunny thing.

Posted by: hi at November 13, 2006 11:41

The "trailer" was very funny, but this is still a teaser, as opposed to a trailer. For that reason, it is a letdown, since I was expected a proper trailer, BUT as a teaser, it works great.
Although I was disappointed that more was not shown, The Simpsons Movie is still one of my most anticipated films next year (next to 300). This did nothing to curb my enthusiasm for the movie itself.

Posted by: ted1108 at November 13, 2006 11:43

I agree with joone...I loved it for the exact same was really funny...I watched it with some guys here at work and everybody laughed and asked for more! We saw it 3 times, over and over again and it was still as funny as the fisrt one...great job, fox! I´m looking forward!

Posted by: Pedro at November 13, 2006 11:44

I liked it. It's a nice kick against those 3D movies. The movie is still months away, so there is no reason the show a trailer with a lot of jokes. They'll be very old by then.

Posted by: ThS at November 13, 2006 12:25

I thought it was pretty funny and cute. Though not a full trailer, it still had enough charm to make me interested.

Posted by: Ryan at November 13, 2006 12:33

This was definitely still a teaser trailer, but I still giggled all the same. Sure it was disappointing that there wasn't something more to watch, but oh well, it's nothing I'm going to loose sleep over.

John, it's OK just enjoy the silly little gag they showed.

Posted by: Meli at November 13, 2006 12:39

Nope I was pissed too. This was not a trailer... again.
I actually sat through another shitty episode of the Simpsons to watch a non-trailer that was basicaly there to tell me the movie was coming out. Thanks Fox.

And for the record, it wasn't funny. It was amusing.


Posted by: Drewbacca at November 13, 2006 12:41

Weak... I'm still amped about this movie though. Just get me plenty of Mr. Burns and I'll be there opening night.

Posted by: Joey at November 13, 2006 13:21

Not a big Simpsons fan, but seen a few episodes. Thought the trailer was funny, made me want to see the movie more than before I watched it. Not sure what else a trailer is supposed to do. Enjoyed seeing a trailer where the entire movie wasn't cut together with 0.1 seconds given to each scene (see Spiderman). Comments seem to suggest it gave no idea what the movie was about? I got the impression that Homer is out to save his family in the movie.
Don't understand the deal with getting upset over the linguistics of calling it a trailer versus calling it an announcement trailer.

Posted by: FZ1 at November 13, 2006 13:32

I agree that "trailer" was lame. And I use quotes because that wasn't even a full trailer. All that hype for nothing. Sad thing is I've been over The Simpsons for years now and this isn't even making me develop the mildest amount of interest for this film. I think this movie is 10 years too late.

Posted by: Tanya Hernandez at November 13, 2006 13:45

I absaloutely enjoyed yes its not a propa tailer but c'mon they will probably give a full trailer in february and/or may.

Posted by: paul at November 13, 2006 14:03

To be honest i was upset thinking i was goig to see an actual trailer which it said for a week now, but I like how they just give teaser trailers because I want to go watch it and be ready to expect the unexpected and laugh my ass off to the funny scenes that I won't expect because the trailers show you nothing. this goes back about what you said about Seinfelds bee movie. he shows nothing of the movie,and you are happy about it but now when the simpsons do the same your all pissed off. i understand about fox lying to us but it was probably a better way of saying it so the people would have to watch the episode of the simpsons so fox would have better ratings.

Posted by: JOE at November 13, 2006 14:12

didn't south park do a teaser trailer with essentially the same joke showing cartman in 3d??

Posted by: alfie at November 13, 2006 14:50

Dude its a TEASER trailer. Its only meant to announce the arrival of the movie. Whether or not anyone said it was a trailer trailer is just semantics. I thought it was funny too so maybe thats why I dont care.

Posted by: John at November 13, 2006 14:56

I thought the trailer was pure hilarious..I practically figured it would only be one scene..because the movie is, what, like 8 months away. I can see where people are getting disapointed, because it was called a "TRAILER" and it's nothing more than a "TEASER" and the whole thing pretty much was a ploy from FOX to get people to watch the new episode...but to me, Homer stuck between a rock and "a hard place" reminded me of that gag where Homer fell down the gorge from one of the earlier seasons (either the second or third seasons)

Posted by: Josh at November 13, 2006 15:38

I must be in the minority too. I've never found the Simpsons amusing, and this trailer didn't change things. But they're the most successful comedy show on television, with millions of fans, so more power to them. I'm sure this movie will make a ton of coin at the Box Office and give Shrek 3 a serious run for it's money next Summer.

Posted by: Clarkehead at November 13, 2006 16:05

jajajjajjajajja I loved the last two paragraphs... they were funy.... jajja and i totaly agrre with you john... LOL

Posted by: Inoa at November 13, 2006 16:16

I have never even heard the phrase "announcement trailer" used ever before in my life....

Posted by: alfie at November 13, 2006 17:20

Jesus sometimes fan boys can be ANNOYING!

I love Simpsons too so to my amazement when I checked the APPLE site this morning to find a new trailer I was impressed.

I watched and I chuckled as I saw a typical Simpons joke. No more, no less.

Its a Simpsons trailer as only a Simpsons trailer can be...

Is there REALLY a plot so deep and interesting that it has to be somewhat exposed by a trailer. Just watch what FREE footage they show you and enjoy it. Or not.

Posted by: Jason at November 13, 2006 17:22

I'm on the fence ... I thought it was funny as shit! A rock & A hard place, that's classic simpsons!

.... But .... After all the hype, it's NOT a trailer!

They could have put this out without announcing a trailer is coming and it would've been recieved so much better.

Still hasn't put me off seeing the flick by a long shot, gonna be a huge box office hit i'd say. HUGE!!

Posted by: Koko at November 13, 2006 17:23

I can see why your pissed John, when they say trailer, we expect a trailer. But I had not problem with what I saw. I lMAO in the X3 Simpsons short thing and I found the ''trailer'' to be hilarious too. And I have not laughed along with the Simpsons for a LONG LONG TIME!!!

Posted by: wolf at November 13, 2006 17:24

Grandpa Reno is pleased

Posted by: Grandpa Reno at November 13, 2006 22:02

i loved that teaser it was so funny loved it i mored pumped abou t the movie and i was already pumped for the movie being fan of the simpsons. plus when the movie comes out it will be no.1 at the box office.

Posted by: roy at November 14, 2006 03:38

Great trailer with an awsome cliff hanger for the actual movie trailer that will be out very soon! If you want to hear Harry Shearer talk a bit about his career and the new Simpsons movie, go to www. and check out our interview with Harry Shearer.

This trailer is too funny!

Posted by: SceneUnseen Movie Review at November 16, 2006 22:40

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