November 07, 2006

Audio Edition - November 6th 2006

Welcome to The Movie Blog's Audio Edition podcast! On this installment of The Round Table, Darren, Doug and myself are joined once again by Joblo and Arrow In The Head columnist Serena Whitney (she's also very cute and I think could kick our asses in a cage match). On the plate today we discuss important topics of the world such as:

1) Doug makes his passionate defence of Sadam Hussein

2) Alpha Dog - should some things be off limits to film makers?

3) Bad movie theater experiences

4) Shatner says younger Kirk is "uncastable"

5) Stallone done with acting

6) Sin City 2 troubles (rumors)

7) Sex and the City movie

8) Borat

9) Flushed Away

10) Now you can add this installment of The Audio Edition to your MySpace page/blog/website (see below)

All this and a few things more!

This is a picture of today's special guest Serena Whitney with Saw 3 Director Darren Lynn


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You can visit each member of the round tables sites here:
John Campea's Site
Bruxy Cavey's Site
Darren Conley's Site
Doug Nagy's Site
Serena Whitney's Site

Posted by John Campea at November 7, 2006 12:48 AM


The direct download link points to the last mailbag edition.

Posted by: Vix at November 07, 2006 01:00

Thanks for the heads up Vix. All fixed now.

Posted by: John Campea at November 07, 2006 01:28

1) Doug makes his passionate defence of Sadam Hussein

Love Doug. He's one of the highlights of this show. He's wrong here, but he also makes an excellent point.

2) Alpha Dog - should some things be off limits to film makers?

One big point you guys missed is how the concept of freedom and rights are applied in The United States. You're freedoms and rights end at the point where they begin to infringe on another's freedoms and rights. Censorship is not the issue here. Should the film be held off until a trial is over? If they can establish that showing the film would infringe on an individual's right to an impartial jury, then yes.

3) Bad movie theater experiences

Little kids making a wide variety of noises and the shitty ass parents who do nothing about them. I tolerate them any time I get up the nerve to see a kids movie, but when I see an 'R' rated flick and I have to listen to a 5-year behind me old constantly making noises or asking questions.

4) Shatner says younger Kirk is "uncastable"

Shatner is right. Going back is indeed the worst idea in the history of bad ideas with this franchise. I'd be open to the idea of a complete reinvention of the franchise (a la Battlestar Galactica) however I'd be very scared about it at the same time. In the movie Star Trek: Generations, they set up the perfect idea for a spin-off with the Enterprise B. Aside from The Next Generation, the movies era of the original crew was easily the most popular Star Trek. Why not do a show in the same time frame as the original crew movies?

5) Stallone done with acting

I thought Stallone was done with acting 20 years ago.

6) Sin City 2 troubles (rumors)

Too much is being made over rumors.

7) Sex and the City movie

You guys failed to make the point that the reason guys are the biggest determining factor is because most films are aimed at guys. There are plenty of so-called chick flicks, but I think most women will agree that very, very few are close to spectacular. Sex and the City is so successful as a TV show because it's so good. There is such an absence of quality shows that are specifically written for women that when one comes a long, it's only natural that women flock to it. As a film, this has the potential to stand out so far from the crowd of chick-shit, that I could honestly see it making huge numbers. Women will go see a movie multiple times if you give them a movie that's good enough.

P.S. Lots of straight guys not only went to see Titanic willingly, they loved it. It's become a popular trend for men to bash Titanic these days, but the fact is the film is still $600 million above the second highest grossing film of all time. Claiming hype is bullshit. The film didn't even open at number one. The truth is Titanic was loved by shitloads of people, and even if you credit $1 billion of it's gross to women and gay guys (which is a ridiculous notion), that still leaves over $600 million credited to straight men. That's fucking huge!

8) Borat

I can't wait to see this film.

9) Flushed Away

I'm shocked that you were so surprised. It's from the makers of Wallace and Grommit.

10) Now you can add this installment of The Audio Edition to your MySpace page/blog/website (see below)


Posted by: Ash1138 at November 07, 2006 05:17

Fantastic episdoe! I listen to this show for the movie talk, but OMG you guys are hilarious!

So I really wanna know, Serena, what's it like being in the room with those 3?

Posted by: Krintina at November 07, 2006 10:16

i don't know if i like serena or not, her tender sensibilities are fucking annoying, but it is nice having a woman's perspective.

i like you try to mix it up with different folks...but i hate it when the hilariousness is self-censored because of who is in the room when you record.

like, the podcasts without bruxy are much, much funnier then the podcasts with bruxy. everyone's tone is different. it is kind of the same with serena, but not as much.

really, i guess i just don't like her making complaining noises when doug is showing why he is the man.

Posted by: miles at November 07, 2006 10:34

Hey Krintina,

John, Darren, and Doug are awesome long as you don't comment on how great Kirsten Dunst's acting skills are to Doug, bash Babylon 5 to Darren, or tell John is opinion is not the correct one...they are the most friendly and funny guys you'll ever meet!

Posted by: Serena at November 07, 2006 10:40

Hey Miles,

I really don't think Doug was censoring anything for my benefit...nor would I want him to...I know I made those noises...but I was never truly offended by what he said. He's a funny mofo!!

Posted by: Serena at November 07, 2006 10:43

it is true, the self cencorship i find to really noticable with bruxy. it seemed like there might of been a littttlllleee in your first podcast.

when i think about, you saying 'that is disgusting!' or whatever kind of just makes it funnier.

Posted by: miles at November 07, 2006 10:48

It's funny you should say that miles. Just the other week I made a comment that I thought Bruxy actually made Doug cut even more lose. I haven't found anything toned down at all with Bruxy there. As an example, check out their raging rants about the Jesus Camp movie. Even the preacher said "fuck yeah".

As far as Serena goes, it sounds to me like she's just being sarcastic when doing her fake objections. But maybe I'm wrong.

Viva Sadma forever!

No, artists shouldn't be allowed to express things in art that hurt the rights of other people. One "right" can't trump another.

Sad to see Stallone go, but it's time

Star Trek............ YAWN

Why the fuck is there no Halo rant this week!

Borat is the funniest movie of the year. Maybe not of all time.

Great show guys. Keep them longer. And I for one really liked Serena. Have her back for more, and tell her to bring a friend. I know Darren is married, but with Serena and a hot friend you could have the special "Lap Edition" when one of them does the show from John and Doug's laps. I think that would be HILARIOUS!

Posted by: Darth-T at November 07, 2006 10:55

Honestly, I cant stand Bruxy.

Yeah we get it man, you are a minister, you dont have to cloak every joke you make with that fact. Every joke the guy makes is in reference to the fact that he is a preacher...its annoying.

And about Alpha Dog, I think it is worth noting that the movie is INSPIRED by the true story of Jesse James Hollywood. His name and the names of all the other people involved were changed for the movie. Some of the events were exaggerated for entertainments sake. I think its a little far fetched to claim that it is a true story. I dont see any reason why the studios should pull this movie.

Posted by: evan at November 07, 2006 11:05

Hey Darth T...

You're right when it came to the fake objections...It's all in good fun boys! If I really was a sensitive woman, I would have just reamed you out for the lap edition suggestion!(You're dreaming sweetie!) LOL But, no foul...thanks for your compliments nonetheless! It's much appreciated. I hope they bring on more as well!

Posted by: Serena at November 07, 2006 11:12

Hey Serena,

Soooooo... that's a "no" to the lap edition?


Posted by: John Campea at November 07, 2006 11:15

Okay. Hang on to your butts. Here we go.

1) The Mother Of All Hangings!

2) Alpha Dog: The story had already been covered several times on..what was it, 'Dateline NBC/MSNBC?' The accused in question, though, was a fugitive from justice. Still, it best that the film waits until the end of the trial. That way, they can have a ending where the outcome can be said.

3) I never saw a laser pointer in a theatre, but there was this time where some guy's smelly feet were...oh never mind :) forgot about CELL PHONES and those crazy ringtones.

4) I gave my thoughts on Trek and Shatner in yesterday's post/comments.

5) I loved Oscar. As for Stallone, never say never. However, that doesn't mean he should consider Judge Dredd 2 or Cobra 2. Demo Man 2? Maybe. A sequel to Nighthawks? Okay. DaSilva (Stallone) could head the new cop squad to take down Euro trash terrorists.

Oh, and having Campea eat a little crow from the other day's Stallone post was not to rub it in. In fact, If nothing else, it just shows that some things in the MB are spontaneous.

6) I don't give a crap about Jolie. Get someone else.

7) I wouldn't mind a Sex and The City movie. Really. I never watched the show. I won't see the movie. I don't watch Desperate Housewives either, which I think the Sex/City crowd has migrated to. And no, Serena may be cute and may have a sparkling personality...but she, even she, will never get me to watch Sex In The City reruns/DVDs.

8) Still on the bubble with Borat. Then again, when a studio slashes screens because they think that no one will get it/poor test screenings, and the film opens on 800-900 screens and rips Santa a new sleigh, SOMETHINGS UP WITH THAT.


Posted by: Darren J Seeley at November 07, 2006 11:19

in response to John's comment:

That's not a no. It's a HELL no. LOL ;)

Posted by: Serena at November 07, 2006 11:23

Man... if I had a nickel for everytime a woman has told me "hell no".... I'd be a filthy rich man.


Posted by: John Campea at November 07, 2006 11:28

Check out these Bumblebee character boards -


Posted by: Jay at November 07, 2006 11:42

I think we just have to take the Audio Edition Hosts we get, and come on it's much more "real" like this. If you take anybody from the show because someone doesn't like him/her you can just as well start wrting scripts for the show.

====3) Bad movie theater experiences
-People explaining the story to others
-advertisments against sexual deseases
-"piracy is crime" advertisments:

Posted by: loser at November 07, 2006 11:52

Holy shit, where is all the Bruxy hate coming from? Yeah, the guy makes too many "i'm a minister" jokes, but besides that he gives up probably the most insightful comments on the show usually. I think he's a great addition to the mix. We've already got a Doug on the show, we don't need another.

I guess I'll be in the minority here and admit I thought Borat was "ok", but nothing I'll see again. Yes, I did understand it, and I did laugh a bunch, but I didn't think it was anything special. Oh well.

Posted by: Sean at November 07, 2006 12:00

Hey Sean,

Totally with you with Borat....I saw it last night after the boys had hyped it up so I should have listened to John when he said to disregard the hype or my expectations wouldn't be

Posted by: Serena at November 07, 2006 12:04

Where do I cast my vote for the "Lap Edition"? Can you film this one?

Borat fucking ruled! Loved your review of it by the way campea.

Posted by: Servant of Krom at November 07, 2006 12:19

Look what you started Darth T! lol

Posted by: Serena at November 07, 2006 12:27

Great podcast, and Serena has done a great job the last couple of weeks. I'm not understanding this recent hate for Bruxy (though everyone is entitled to their opinion, I just don't agree). Even though I have a huge dislike for religion of any kind (and that's putting it mildly), I enjoy listening to Bruxy as much as the rest of the guys.

Sex and the City- if the quality of the writing in the movie is going to be as good as it was on the tv show, then this film will do very well. I can see it making $200-300 million (domestically).

Bad Theatre Experiences
-Commercials & Trailers: Even though I run a theatre, and play this stuff, I can't stand it. Most of our trailer/commercial previews last between 4 & 7 minutes, no more. Aything past 10, is too much. That's one reason I don't enjoy going to one of the big chain theatres. Even trailers annoy me now, because they generally suck. I used to enjoy watching trailers, but they're all kinda the same now (though I really got a kick out of watching the trailer for Seinfeld's Bee Movie, not quite as good as the one for Comedian, but interesting nonetheless).
-Kids: Ok, I love kids. Kids are supposed to be precocious & energetic as hell. BUT, where the fuck are the parents half the time? So really, it's not kids that annoy me, it's the parents who have no clue what they're up to that pisses me off.
-Cell phones: Not so much that they ring during a film, most people that it happens to usually get embarrased and leave the theatre immediately to answer it, or shut it off immediately. What annoys me are people who use text messaging while the film is playing! I've seen that happen a number of times, and it's fucking annoying.

Posted by: ted1108 at November 07, 2006 12:36

TEXT MESSAGING! Awesome...That's one I forgot to talk about yesterday that I wanted to mention! That drives me f*cking crazy! Thanks Ted for the kind words!

Posted by: Serena at November 07, 2006 12:49


it is funny, i am a religious dude and i don't dig him on the audio edition.

oh well, if we have learned about the the movie blog it is that john will do what he feels like doing, i am not worryed abotu that at all. i am just offering my precious input since obviously everyone wants to hear it.

i don't find any of his jokes annoying, i just find that people conduct themselves differently around him because of his job.

if i wanted insightful, complex, boring theorizing about films i wouldn't visit the movie blog. i visit the movie blog because it is entertaining. i guess bruxy just dosn't entertain me very well.

c'est le vie.

Posted by: miles at November 07, 2006 13:09

BRUXY: Ignore the people who are complaining about you because you are funny and intelligent. Its great to hear you and Doug interact on the show. (And this is coming from someone who can't stand religious fiqures)

SERENA: Keep coming back. Its great to hear a female opinion on the show... that and I'm still going to keep out hope for the "Lap" Edition.

DARREN: I know something that annoys me about going to the movies... sitting next to the guy who takes his shoes off and has SWEATY, SMELLY FEET!!! :-P


Posted by: anonymousbrain at November 07, 2006 13:43

Darren's sister is hot!!! More pictures!!!

Posted by: 12 Monkeys at November 07, 2006 13:56

Posted by: 12 Monkeys at November 07, 2006 13:57

Serena! Are you CRAZY? Do the Lap show! Do you know how many of us would like the chance to sit on John and Doug's lap? Dear lord, if not for yourself, then at least respect the rest of us to do it! :)

We're big fans guys! We've added your show to our page at the school. You guys rock!

Posted by: Sarah-bean at November 07, 2006 14:28


Posted by: miles at November 07, 2006 14:29

There are some movie theaters in Central America called "VIP" theaters that are a lot nicer, bigger seats (that recline), more leg space, etc. Tickets are just a couple bucks more. Maybe they should do that in North America.

Posted by: James at November 07, 2006 16:18

Maybe we should move from this fuckin' gulag.

North America Sucks.

Burn It.

Posted by: Doug Nagy at November 07, 2006 16:39

There are some limited "nice" theaters here in the states...In Philly there is the Bridge that lets you pick your seats ahead of time on bigger movie openings at certain times...general admission also...there are a few higher end theaters in NYC and surrounding areas...I am sure there are a ton on the west coast.

The commercials: if you pay more than 5 bucks for a movie then you shouldn't be put through all that b.s., show me the dancing hot dog getting a condiment bukkake and singing lets go out to the movies...under five bucks give me a few commercials so I can continue only to pay 5 bucks

Posted by: goomack14 at November 07, 2006 16:48

SERENA! you rock girl keep coming back,I read your coloums all the time on joblo,anyway, P.0

Sacrament Tattoo Flash & Clothing

Posted by: Jarrod-D at November 07, 2006 18:49

12 Monkeys, don't look behind any doors in the near future, 'cause if you do, you'll find me with a sack of pointy-edged CDs waiting to give your shins a smackdown worthy of Quebec! You heard me!

My sister's honour is sacred.

Posted by: Darren, the Avenger at November 07, 2006 19:07

Hell Yeah, Serena

Demolition Man f--king rocked.

Posted by: Jay at November 07, 2006 19:27

Shame on Doug Nagy:) Kate Winslet is NOT chubby! Would you rather have her or Nicole Richie's bony ass?

Posted by: Kristina at November 07, 2006 20:21

Serena, glad to have you back! Hope to be hearing more of you in the future.

Doug, oh Doug, you're so wrong but yet you make me laugh. So I forgive you for defending Saddam.

Re: Slyvester Stallone...I honestly thought he stopped acting for at least 10 years now. But I dunno if he should go out with Rambo. Rocky yeah because the trailer looks good and the movie could be too but Rocky? I'm not sure what that is going to look like.

Don't get me started on bad movie experiences...One time there were these girls sitting behind me who instead of watching the movie were giving each other advice about their love lives - had to tell them to shut up. Other pet peeves are people who answer their phones while the movie is going on. Turn off your cellphone or put it on silent please!

But the worst movie experience is parents bringing babies! babies! to a cinema (and it wasn't even a kid movie).

Posted by: Vix at November 07, 2006 21:06

Re: Executive movie theatres

They have them in Oz, they call them "Gold Class".
Plush recliner seats. You can order meals and alcohol. Limited number of seats. Place for a champagne bottle between 2 people. And they are not much more than 2 times more than a standard ticket price.

Posted by: darkbhudda at November 07, 2006 23:07

I love that you brought back the "because my mom said so". :D

Posted by: Joel Gustafsson at November 08, 2006 05:43

I laughed for 20mins when Doug went on the Titantic rant!! My friend is always watching the film, every time I go to his house to watch some movies it's always on in the background when hanging out, it drives me insane.

Bruxy and Serena are great on the AE. I like when Serena sounds offended by Doug, always makes it funnier. I vote for a lap edition :P

I don't care about Alpha Dog nor should anyone involved with the court case, in all fairness it's fucking Justin Timberlake, no one will take him seriously as an actor because he is not an actor but a singer.

Posted by: wolf at November 08, 2006 05:48

Great show! As usual. Serena is a great addition and Bruxy has done an outstanding job as well. Keeping the core cast together and having one or two rotating members is a great way to go. Keeps the banter fresh and pumps up the energy level.

Posted by: Lou_Sytsma at November 08, 2006 06:08

Doug I just knew you were going to get slammed for that chubby bitch ;)

Posted by: Serena at November 08, 2006 08:43

I never said she was not attractive.

Lots of chubby bitches are hot.

Posted by: Doug Nagy at November 08, 2006 08:45

Plump women are the way to go. Tits rule.

Chubby is pushing it but Doug Nagy pushes alot of things so I guess it's in character.

Posted by: Henrik at November 08, 2006 09:19

Ok, some fan nonsense first. Campea, you are the fucking man. I've listned to a lot of movie guys on TV and the internet, and none of those guys talk with the same amount of interest, insight and passion you do. You understand our love of movies cause you're one of us. I don't always agree with your ideas or opinions but who the fuck cares? Thank you for giving us TMB and the AE!

K, on to business. People should be able to make whatever movies they want and tell whatever stories they want whenever they want. I know it might effect some potential jury members, but so does the evening news. So who cares really? I think the killer just wants to bargain with the studios to get some cash out of it.

When Satllone retires from acting, a little piece of me will die.

"Bleeding from the cunt". Holy shit I spit up pepsi through my nose!

Great show. The new podcast feed works great so far and I like the embeded player too. Keep up the good work guys!

Posted by: Eric The Red at November 08, 2006 09:36

Great show as always.
Donna A.

Posted by: Donna A. at November 08, 2006 11:39

I hope Darren doesn't get a call from the Secret Serice. Seriously.
There was a chick on MySpace who wrote about killing Bush on her page and got a visit. I think she may have even been arrested.
I KNOW Darren was kidding but the FBI doesn't care.

Posted by: Glen at November 09, 2006 18:30

Serena. Excellent addition to the cast.

Posted by: JohnIan at November 12, 2006 02:10

Colombia's vice president is "baffled" by Kate Moss's success following cocaine allegations...

Posted by: Ty Farrell at November 12, 2006 21:28

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