October 17, 2006

Lohan and Knightley Get Serious

So one of the most notable female actresses of this generation is teaming up with one of the most non-notable fluff actor of our generation.

Cinema Blend says:

MTV says The Best Time of Our Lives is about Welsh poet Dylan Thomas and his wife Caitlin caught in a machine gun/hand grenade driveby, but when talking about the film with the musicless music television channel Lindsay seems more interested in potentially making out with her co-star Keira Knightley. Lindsay plays Caitlin and Keria plays her friend and wife of the man who blows up their house. Lohan told MTV, "[Keira] is older than me, but she kind of has a mysterious relationship with my lover… And then there's somewhat of a lesbian undertone."
Ok, you still with me? You are stuck on the whole lesbian thing right?? Keep in mind that they said "lesbian undertone" not "a movie about lesbians. You do realize that this is not a story about a lesbian love affair. There is actually a story in there.
The real story here is that Lindsay and Keira are doing something serious for a change, a movie about one of the 20th Century's most celebrated drunken poets. The movie will explore what in Dylan and Caitlin's life led them to the middle of an explosive maelstrom and should contain at least a little on screen binge drinking from whoever ends up playing Thomas.
This could be a defining point for Lindsay Lohan. If she can pull off a good job, she might just make a turning point in her career. I can honestly say her fluff roles in movies are entertaining enough, but to think of her in a serious dramatic role? This isnt the first we hear of a fluff actor wanting to turn serious, but I am equally reluctant to buy into it. Knightley in a serious role. Sure, no problem there. She can nail that. But Lohan? I dont know that people will buy that.

The two of them getting frisky together? That I can see. Im picturing it right now.

Can Lohan do serious drama? What do you think?

Posted by Rodney at October 17, 2006 09:58 PM


Notable?!? I'd say their both pretty much in the same boat except Keira tries to do serious flicks...there's not one performance though worth mentioning from her.

Lohan's worse granted but the only reason why Keira's got appeal is she's mildy attractive...(the pouting gets damn annoying) and she's English (which for some reason already makes her a better actor).

Sorry don't rate either of 'em.

Posted by: Jason at October 17, 2006 22:03

Domino, Pride & Prejudice, Love Actually, The Hole, King Arthur? You dont have to like those movies to see that she can do drastically different roles and do it well.

Lohan. Shes pretty much the same girl in every movie she is in.

Its really hard to say they are in the same category.

Posted by: Rodney at October 17, 2006 22:10

Last I checked Knightly at least had an Oscar nomination

Posted by: Jarred at October 17, 2006 22:23

:) Didn't mean to turn it into a debate...I lump them into the same category of actresses that aren't the next hot thing really.

All the Keira Knightly films you named, I think the only one that got any critical acclaim (where she was playing a lead) was Pride & Prejudice. I'll give her credit for that one but she really didn't have to PUSH the boundaries of acting in it.

And King Arthur? Yeah women in 'Arthur's time' wore bikini-like outfits while shooting arrows across a frozen lake...

Give me an actress like Maggie Gyllenhaal or even Natalie Portman (to a lesser extent). Interesting different roles.

Posted by: Jason at October 17, 2006 22:24

This is not the same movie with Miranda Richardson and Michael Sheen called Caitlin, right?

Why are they doing more than one movie about Dylan Thomas and his wife? Why isn't just one good enough? They'll ruin it! I was so looking forward to seeing Sheen as Dylan Thomas, and now they're making a crappy Hollywood version of the Thomas' lives with Lindsay Lohan? WTF??

Posted by: queen.padme.amidala at October 17, 2006 22:28

Geez, Rodney, sometimes I do wonder about the questions you pose.

"This will be a defining point for Lindsay Lohan. ..but to think of her in a serious dramatic role?"

"Can Lohan do serious drama?"

It isn't the first time Lohan has done something 'serious': "Georgia Rule", "Chapter 27", "A Woman Of No Importance". How she fares in these films remains to be seen, but the point is, Rodney, you are not asking the right question- because someone obviously thinks so.

Lohan does have talent, and I would not call "Mean Girls" let alone "Prarie Home Companion" fluff. [and the Robert Altman film released on video today, no less] Do you think Oscar Wilde's "Woman Scorned" is fluff? How about "Chapter 27", regarding the events that led up to the death of John Lennon? That fluff too?

The *better question* is this: is she going to stop behaving like a spoiled, party hopping, unprofessional little wench, or at the least shed that perception of her?

Posted by: darren j seeley at October 17, 2006 22:30

Hopefully Keira wont get caught up in the tabloid bullshit that Lindsay Lohan seems to love. She still has a bright career ahead of her.

Posted by: Fender Strat at October 17, 2006 22:31

Darren, I havent seen Prairie Home Companion, and I do call "Mean Girls" fluff (same teen drama stuff she has always done)

The other movies you mentioned are not even out yet, so it might seem like people are giving her a chance, she has yet to prove it to the public. Someone let Rob Schnieder do a sequel to Duece Bigalo.

All she has been in up to this date (by your suggestion, Prairie Home Companion excluded) are just disney type fluff movies. Teen Drama fluff. I look forward to seeing her in something of substance, but her reputation (on and off screen) work against her in being taken seriously.

Thank you for bringing my typo to my attention though. I had meant to type "could be a defining moment" instead of will. Same could be said of any of her upcoming less fluffy roles.

We will have to wait and see.

Posted by: Rodney at October 17, 2006 22:56

Knightly is an actress I can take seriously. I respect and like Knightly. But as for Lohan I don't really care for her. As Darren pointed out Lohan is a spoiled brat at this point in time. IF Lohan stops acting like she a bitch diva then I would have some sort of respect for her but I don't right now. Can Lohan act? Yes, will she pull this role off? Yes, I thnk she will , but unless she starts to act like a professional I don't give a rats-ass how good she can act.

Posted by: wolf at October 17, 2006 23:03

bah. i say ditch lohan and get someone like Misha Barton to play the role. lohan is naaas-ty.

Posted by: Jason at October 18, 2006 01:16

For the love of God...
We know the movie blog doesn't bother reviewing for grammar or even spelling mistakes that often, but for pity's sake, spell the Names Of The Actors Correctly!

(Go to imdb.com and look up Keira's name.)

Posted by: correctjerk at October 18, 2006 03:14

You guys are under estimating Lindsey. Given a decent script and a good director, I bet she would do just fine in a serious role. She was pretty good in mean girls. I know that wasn't a drama, but it showed she can act.

Posted by: Russell at October 18, 2006 03:53

I think everyone is missing the point about this story...

...It truely shows Hollywood has lost the plot. A few years back, there were no such thing as 'undertones'. They'd just get it on!

Bring back the glory days of cinema! ;-)

Posted by: Spazmo at October 18, 2006 08:36

Don't get too happy. They said lesbian UNDERTONE, as in NO MAKEOUT HAPPENING. Zip those flies right back up, boys.

Posted by: Kristina at October 18, 2006 13:02

I'm not a huge fan of Lohan's but I will say that she was surprisingly good in "A Prairie Home Companion". No, it wasn't a title role but she stood her ground among some pretty huge names like freakin' Meryl Streep! It wasn't a fantastic part but she actually managed to avoid being really annoying and I still think she can make a name for herself as more than a Hollywood whore. She's shown she has potential. The question now is what she's prepared to do with it.

Posted by: Marina at October 18, 2006 17:34

A lot of people here are confusing the quality of the actresses with the quality of their movies. Lohan has mostly appeared in fluff movies, but that doesn't automatically make her a fluff actress. And Knightley has done a variety of ambitious, serious roles but that doesn't automatically make her a great actress, or even a particularly good one.

I personally am of the opinion that Knightley is overrated. She has done a wide range of roles, but she has not, in my view, shown much range as an actress. She always seems pretty much the same, with the same expressions and same personality.

Lohan, on the other hand, has done surprisingly well in relatively light material. She possesses poise and control, not to mention decent comic ability.

All in all, I think it's too early to tell which actress is better. It's comparing apples and oranges at this point. It's the difference between an actress who transcends the lightweight material she's in, and an actress who doesn't seem quite up to the heavy material she's in.

I would expect any true movie buff to be wary of writing off an actor simply because of a past association with fluffy roles. That fallacy was once applied to Sally Field, Tom Hanks, Jamie Foxx, and many other performers who went on to exceed people's expectations.

Posted by: Kylopod at October 23, 2006 01:01

I disagree with you completely Kylopod. Knightley is DRASTICALLY different from her role in Pirates as she is in Princess of Theives, as she is in Domino, or even Pride and Prejudice.

Lohan. I have seen her as nothing but typical teen, spoiled teen, clever teen. Mostly all of the above in one. When she proves to have the range you pretend Knightley doesnt have, I will change my tune. Right now its all shes got.

Posted by: Rodney at October 23, 2006 08:19

awww man i really like keria Knightley.. for her to be working with her sucks .. but i dont know maybe keria can make her look good so that she can pull it off ....

Posted by: spade at October 23, 2006 14:23

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