September 21, 2006

Katie Cassidy Joins Revenge of the Nerds

As we've mentioned here on The Movie Blog before, they are re-making the comedy classic Revenge of the Nerds. I just can't see this as a good idea on any level. As I said before:

Times have changed... the term "nerd" doesn't carry the same stigma that it used to back in the glorious 80's.

The thing is... way back when Revenge of the Nerds was out... we could associate with it. We either were those characters on screen... or we certainly knew them. The "Nerd" back then, is a slightly different creature than what is a "Nerd" today... and so is how they're looked at and treated (just in my opinion).

I'm not saying it's TOTALLY different now... but different nonetheless. I'm just not sure a movie like this can connect with the audience the same way the original did.

The original isn't all that old and still holds up really well. Having said that, I just don't see the ned to re-make it yet. Just my opinion.

But there is progress on the project nonetheless and the irst casting announcement (that I'm aware of anyway) has been made. The beautiful Katie Cassidy. The good folks over at Movieweb give us the following:

Katie Cassidy is in final negotiations to star in Revenge of the Nerds for Fox Atomic, according to Variety. Kyle Newman is directoing the McG-produced remake of the classic 1984 comedy.

In Revenge of the Nerds, she'll play Suzy Stone, head of the Pi Delta Pi sorority and queen of the campus.

Nice casting. I thought Cassidy did a nice little job in Click. Still... it still doesn't make me think this whole film is a good idea. Have to wait and see I guess.

Posted by John Campea at September 21, 2006 05:38 PM


there is no way this could possibly be as good as the original.
the original is the greatest comedy of all time.

isn't the guy from the o.c. starring in it??
he may be a bit dweeby but he is definitely no lewis skolnik....

oh well...nice to see originality reigning supreme in hollywood again....

hey you still get on with the guys at guy over there has a huge beef with you...hes a fucking idiot....

Posted by: alfie at September 21, 2006 18:27

Hey Alfie,

Yeah, I've had some people email me and tell me about it. I don't know what it's all about and I don't know what to say about it other than I've always liked Filmrot, I think they have a fine site and have nothing but good things to say about them.



Posted by: John Campea at September 21, 2006 18:42

thats the thing...I have only ever heard you say good things about them....very strange..I wouldn't even know about them if you hadn;t plugged them so positively....the guy dave really seems extremely jealous of others succes...I never hear him bad mouth smaller sites and to be honest he only really started to get stuck into you once the whole transformers thing happened and your site started getting some real traction....

well fuck ' and I don't see eye to eye on 95% of your topics but I like your site a lot and the podcast...but at least you don't waste your time like those nitwits with petty jealousy.
they are jealous ..thats all there is to it.

Posted by: alfie at September 21, 2006 19:05

Hey Alfie,

Yeah man... I don't know what the deal is. But what are you gonna do?

And who cares if we agree? That's the best thing about the site. If we all agreed, it would be borning. :P



Posted by: John Campea at September 21, 2006 19:13

Wow... What an infantile jackass.

I didnt mean to jump in on your conversation but I read the comments and went and checked out the site for myself and... wow.

That guy Dave really is a jealous prick. He only has like 25 readers as it is and he tells half of them not to come back because they also read the Movieblog. What a genius.

Dont spend too much time worrying about that petty site, John.
The MovieBlog is a hundred times better.
Thats why everybody comes here and no one goes there.

Again, sorry to jump in your conversation.

Posted by: Jay at September 21, 2006 20:57

More accurtately put...

"Katie Cassidy's boobs are in final negotions to star in Revenge of the Nerds for Fox Atomic..."

Posted by: Chark Hammis at September 21, 2006 21:51

jay again we see eye to is becoming a habit...

yeah that dave guy sure hates to see other peoples success....

Posted by: alfie at September 21, 2006 22:22

I'd agree. I don't see any "ned" to remake it this soon either.

Posted by: Edward Lee at September 21, 2006 22:23

I know Alfie...

We really need to start forming our own seperate opinions at some point.
People are going to start talking...

Our wonder twin powers may serve to destroy us someday.

Posted by: Jay at September 22, 2006 09:21

Hey John, filmrot has put up a post about the whole situation regarding you and that Dave jackass that writes for them. I've posted a couple of comments and quoted the email you sent. Hope that's cool.

I still think you should rip them a new one. You're a bigger man than me.

Posted by: Sean at September 22, 2006 09:41

if they make this movie, it want be the same as the classic. They should not remake 80's movies at all. when revenge of the nerds came out all people would talk about is bush here and there and who can forget booger.
mcg shouldn't do this at all. he already remade charlie angels and the first one was ok, the second suck hard.
so please mcg don't do another remake please. leave the classic alone.
when and if they make this movie, the movie would probably be rated pr-13 and on dvd be unrated. don't change a classic.

Posted by: bart at September 22, 2006 10:15

Revenge of the nerds? That IS what all the lame reality shows is all about. Yuck!

Posted by: Mattias L T Cedervall at September 22, 2006 15:26

I'm sorry, John.
I wasnt going to post anything at that site but after reading some of the comments posted by readers of that site supporting Dave by insulting you, your site and other MovieBlog readers I had to say something.

I had to defend you and us loyal MovieBlog-er's a little.

Posted by: Jay at September 22, 2006 17:46

ionolsen25 Hello Jane, great site!

Posted by: kolyma at October 21, 2006 20:06

ionolsen25 May we exchange links with your site?

Posted by: medved at October 21, 2006 21:22

ionolsen25 Your site is very cognitive. I think you will have good future.:)

Posted by: nervotrepka at October 21, 2006 21:22

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