March 22, 2006

Wolverine Movie To Be A Prequel

I'm excited about a Wolverine spin off movie. Besides Magneto and Bishop, Wolverine is probably my favorite X-Men character. So seeing Jackman hack and slash with the claws a little more sounds like a good idea to me.

However, it's been reported (and apparently confirmed) that the Wolverine movie will be a prequel. I HATE that idea. Anyway, the good folks over at IESB give us the following:

Also, Hugh Jackman recently alluded that the Wolverine spin off film may be a prequel, how accurate is that? Although he says he will get in trouble if he tells, just between him and her, yes it's a prequel, and that's a scoop!
THere are two things that make me nervous about prequels:

1) In a new film, you have much more creative freedom to go and explore anything you like almost. With a prequel you are somewhat confined by the "box" of what is supposed to happen later on. IE. Wolverine can't die (this is just an example) because he appears in the X-Men later on.

2) Some predictability. When you go into a film already knowing certain outcomes have to be reached and certain scenarios have to be played out, then there is little left to shock or surprise you.

Let me be clear here. I'm NOT saying a Wolverine prequel will suck. All I'm saying is that by doing it as a prequel the movie starts off with some disadvantages that it doesn't need to have.

So what do you think? Should a new Wolverine flick be a sequel or a prequel?

Posted by John Campea at March 22, 2006 10:09 AM


At least when Trask seems to recognize him in X2, we will know why.

Though this does limit any cameos or appearances of any other XMen since he didnt seem to know any of them beforehand either.

This idea is restrictive, and I too would prefer a solo story for Wolvie AFTER X3, perhaps one where he bonds with Nightcrawler. They were always close buddies.

Screw that. Lets do a Nightcrawler movie with a more confident, fun flirty Kurt!

Posted by: Rodney at March 22, 2006 10:37 AM

Sequel or prequel, both have advantages and disadvantages. If the director is talented any way would/could work. If I have to chose, I would select a prequel. It's nice to have somewhat of a fresh start and introduction to his life before and after the claws. We did get brief scenes in the X-Men movies.

As I read earlier, Juggernaut could be the villian. C'mon think about it, Wolverine doesn't have a chance. Even if he does cut/scratch/stab Juggernaut, the damage would be a waste of effort. One blow, doesn't have to be strong, could kill/destroy Wolverine.
Sabertooth is quiet popular and could be a good choice. There are other foes in the comics, but are not coming to me.

Posted by: TM at March 22, 2006 10:44 AM

The fact that Wolverine doesn't know Sabertooth, Lady Deathstrike, or a few others in the movies makes for a somewhat awkward prequel if you ask me.

I'll still be first in line to see it though.

Posted by: Ryan at March 22, 2006 11:04 AM

I was really jazzed about the whole thing until I heard "prequel". I thought about the possibilities. They are:

1) You could bring Stryker back- and not even recast the actor Brian Cox from X2. Skeptical? See Brian in "Red Eye" where he dropped 15 to 20 pounds, surprising Wes Craven and the producers of that movie. There could be also Lady Deathstrike cameo-but my bet would be on a X villian named Cyber.

2) Wolverine had been something of a drifter. You could do a "Shane" like story, where he walks into town, a couple of mutant bad guys or some creature hang around (Proteus?Silver Samurai? Gideon?) and he cleans up the neighborhood.

3) In relation to #2: think not the Hulk but the Wendego.

4) The name of the film is Wolverine. That'll pack the folks in.

5) The Reavers could be involved

6) Depending on what is done in X3, if Juggy comes back, give us Black Tom as well.

7) Gambit, or any of the other mutants under the register not seen in X3 can appear. (see below)

8) Omega Red (see below)

Now, the downside.

1) You cannot see Sabretooth return, unless his name is NOT mentioned to Logan (see first X Men when Logan asks the sillyness of nicknames)

2) You cannot have Logan cross paths with anyone who is not part of Xavier's school for the gifted. The possible exceptions is that there may be mutants who haven't been there/know little of it or may have been detained by Stryker before Magento or Xavier can get to them. Gambit is such a character. ("Remy LeBau" is listed on the 'mutant resigration' in X2)

3) There have been early reports that a character named 'Omega Red' was in the film; an alleded still of the actor as the character, was pulled. The character may have been a casualty in the mutant mayhem, or it didn't work or Red is being 'saved' for the Wolverine film. If he's in X3, he won't be in Wolverine...I think. But it would make sense if one mutant cameo in X3 turned out to be a supporting role in Wolverine (or X4...more on that in a moment)

4) The downside to Stryker and Wolverine? Stryker knows who Xavier is. He would have to have given Logan the claws shortly after Jason's dismissal from School For The Gifted. Stryker mentions of the 'bad things' Logan did as Weapon X before he became 'Wolverine'.
What sort of a time span are we talking? Sounds nice, but...most of this was covered in X2 and left to imagination and speculation. Also, since Stryker also knew Eric Lensherr/Mags, that doubles the possible threat of continuty error.

5) The 'Magneto' spinoff is just fine as an X-Men prequel, and it opens up more doors for possibilities. Do we need two prequels to X-Men?

6) The name of the film should nbe actually be 'Weapon X', but that's just a technicality.


Posted by: darren seeley at March 22, 2006 11:27 AM

Oh, one last thing: Marvel had a "prequel" to the the first X-Men film in comics form. In those special issues, Wolverine did face off against the Silver Samurai.

Posted by: darren seeley at March 22, 2006 11:29 AM

Oh, did I forget about X4?

Yes, I did.

"Patrick Stewart spoke briefly about X-Men on UK talk show 'Richard and Judy' (3/21), stating that he thinks labeling the third film as "the last one" could be just a tease to draw audiences to the theater. Stewart also said that Wolverine and Magneto films are in the works; while the latter will feature Magneto and Xavier, he believes they will use younger actors to tell stories from their past.

Posted by: darren seeley at March 22, 2006 11:36 AM

Im telling ya

You could fill a Wolverine prequel with mutants and none of them from Xavier.


That would own, and that way they dont have to cover up the fact that they're filming in Canada, lol

Or maybe go WAY WAY back, like Samurai wolverine, that would be badass.


Posted by: Norddeth at March 22, 2006 02:18 PM

When has continuity in comics and comic movies been important. Look at the masterpiece that was "Catwoman".


Posted by: Mr Stay Puft at March 22, 2006 02:36 PM

i would love to see cameos of alpha flight, but i don't think that's going to happen, maybe with the exception of jim hudson (guardian/vindicator) but not as a superhero.

first thought for a prequel.....NINJAS and i can't remember his girlfriends name (mariko???)

gotta run to a meeting

Posted by: at March 22, 2006 02:57 PM

I would rather it be a sequel. I don't really like prequels that much either. I like to see a continuation of the story and a prequel isn't really much of that. I'm sure it will be good though, but I really wish it would be a sequel.

Posted by: Joe at March 22, 2006 05:10 PM

I don't know if people will want to see a Wolverine-only movie. I'd like to see it myself, but the general public? I don't know.

Posted by: Kristina at March 22, 2006 07:23 PM

I wonder if this bit of information is at all related to the fact that, in the comics, Marvel recently restored all of Woverine's lost memories.

Personally, I would also prefer a post-X3 story, but I can see reasons for not doing it that way. For starters, by setting the story after X3, you're putting the same troublesome limitations on X4. By setting it in the past, you don't have to worry about all those pesky questions of how the Wolverine movie fits in with the X-movie timelines.

Also, you have to remember that Wolverine has been around for... I'm not even sure, but I think it's close to a century. As cheesy as it might seem to non-comic nerd fans, they could set the movie in World War 1 or 2, the old west, 19th century Japan... Point being, I don't think they're limiting themselves as much as you might think.

Posted by: Mojo at March 22, 2006 07:26 PM

After all, the court of public opinion can be far more effective than any UN investigative body...

Posted by: Slav Zat at March 23, 2006 07:20 AM

There may be more room in a prequel. Wolverine's problem in X-1, and the comics, was a total loss of memory. He could still meet Sabertooth - Victor Creed - without the silly nicknames.

Or maybe it could be set in Wolverine's long past. Possibly WWII; with a cameo or help from Marvel's next franchise, Captain America (read The Avengers).

Marvel knows how to milk movie popularity.
Check the 70's.
Anyone for a Doctor Strange remake?

Posted by: Thax at March 25, 2006 04:19 AM

I think there should be a Nightcrawler spin off or prequel or something!! Nightcrawler rules!!!!

Posted by: KIM at March 27, 2006 12:17 PM

..... and also doing a Nightcrawler film, we could see his past and maybie why he has the scars in X2..

Posted by: KIM at March 27, 2006 12:28 PM

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