March 02, 2006

Why Ultraviolet will Suck

As you all know, I'm a total Sci-Fi junkie so it shouldn't surprise anyone that I'll be seeing Ultraviolet opening night for sure. However, I'm not going to delude myself. Ultraviolet is going to suck. I base this theory (which I really hope I'm wrong about) on 3 things.

1) The Trailer
Get past Milla Jovovich looking hot... and there's nothing there. The plot is one we've seen 1000 times, the dialog sounded forced and pathetic, the sets were minimalistic (which is fine for other films... not action sci-fi ones) and the "bad guy" is a sad pathetic little villain. Ug.

2) No Advanced Screenings
I know this debate was already brought up, but it's worth mentioning here. Studios are publicity whores. They'll do ANYTHING to get any sort of publicity possible. So when the studios won't let the critics see the film in advance... then all that means is that even the Studio knows the film sucks and would get nothing but horrible reviews. As a fan, I don't really care if the critics think it sucks... but when the STUDIO thinks it sucks, that's REALLY bad news.

3) The Trend of Female Action Films Sucking
An old professor of mine (nothing to do with movies) once said "Recognize trends and trust in them until proven otherwise". Those are good words. So lets look at the "trend" of female lead ass kicker flicks in the last while. Aeon Flux, Catwoman, Elektra, Bloodrayne. They're all horrible. I think audiences are just not buying a 90 pound girl kicking a bunch of 250 pound guys asses. Yeah she's sexy... but come on.

Anyway, I hope I'm wrong. I love action flicks and Sci-Fi flicks. Let's hope it rocks... but I'm not counting on it.

Posted by John Campea at March 2, 2006 10:27 AM


I think it will be good for one reason.

Kurt Wimmer. I loved Equilibrium. Forget the story(which was a decent enough 1984 kknock off), the movie had some of the best action scene I've ever seen. And honestly that's all I expect or want from this movie as well.

And I thought the trailer was all sorts of bad ass.

Posted by: Pudie at March 2, 2006 10:41 AM

Hey Pudie,

I hope you're right and I'm wrong dude.

Posted by: John Campea at March 2, 2006 10:43 AM

Good trend analysis John. This movie will suck more than a vacuum pump.

Posted by: JAGMIR at March 2, 2006 11:16 AM

This is the type of movie that people shouldn't expect to be great, it's supposed to be entertaining. When I go to a movie like this, I don't expect a great plot or great dialogue, I just wanna have fun and be entertained (and yes that includes looking at hot women for 2hrs). So if you go into this expecting that all you'll get will be some very good action scenes, a hot chick, and a minimal plot, you'll enjoy yourself. If you go into it expecting a Lord of the Rings caliber movie, you'll be very dissapointed.

Posted by: Craig Charles at March 2, 2006 01:10 PM

I've heard that the rendering of the digital effects hasn't finished yet,
so maybe time is running out for the studios (movie business isn't games, Duke Nukem!).
Anyway Milla is a gorgeous woman and there seems to be a lot of action, and you know, we've still got the chance to have our blood flooding into another brain guys.....

Greetings from Old Europe,

Posted by: Iceman at March 2, 2006 01:23 PM

I don't think the trailer can be proof of a movie sucking or not. There have been great movies with terrible ad campaigns (Serenity) and terrible movies with great trailers (Episode I). Sure you can always get some gauge of good or bad in some respects (like visuals), but dialouge is not one of them nor is story. But from what I've seen the plot isn't one we've seen a thousand times before. Other than X-Men I can't think of any other movie about a group of diseased superhumans being exterminated by the government and this is obviously taking a different approach at than X-Men (The superhumans in Ultraviolet are actually based on the real life disease associated with Vampires).

Also the reason the female ass kicking movies of late have sucked isn't because the genre sucks, it's because the filmmakers do. Look at the resume for the writer(s) and directors of the movies listed and you'll see what I mean.

I'll agree that 9 times out of 10 if a movie isn't previewed by critics it means trouble, but that can't be true for all cases. Even if it does mean Sony doesn't have any faith in the movie it could be that they themselves just don't "get" it or it really is taking up until the last minute to do the special effects.

Posted by: Ryan at March 2, 2006 02:19 PM

Wasn't this movie released last year and starred Charlize Theron? Am I wrong??

Posted by: Josh [TypeKey Profile Page] at March 2, 2006 02:42 PM

What about Kill Bill? Everyone forgets that one.

Posted by: ahem at March 2, 2006 02:48 PM

It doesn't matter if this movie is good or not, critics hate sci-fi/action movies and wouldn't give this movie a positive review even if they did like it. I like the look of the movie, bright and pretty to contrast equilibrium's really dark setting. It actually looks better than Aeon flux to me.

Posted by: Cybermike at March 2, 2006 03:09 PM

I don't think anyone watching a film with the kind of stunts in the trailer for this cares about reality enough to question the male/female strength issue you raise.

The real reason this will suck, or not be as good as it could have been, is spelled PG-13.

Posted by: Tom Whitaker at March 2, 2006 03:58 PM

Not trying to be rude here, but if you know it's going to suck, why go see it? I'm a big sci-fi / fantasy fan, but I'm also a movie buff. I can pretty much smell a stinker a long way off, using some of the same methods you can. Whenever films like these come out, I stay far, far away and don't give them my money. I didn't see Catwoman, Elektra, Aeon Flux, or even the third Matrix movie. (got burned by the second one)

If people pay money to see the movie and the studio makes money, they'll continue to put out crap - becasue why try harder to make something good? The sci-fi fans will just keep lining up at the door like drones, even for crappy movies.

Again, not trying to be a dick, I just don't understand why people go to see movies they know are going to suck, just because it has a comic book license.

Posted by: Jeff at March 2, 2006 04:54 PM

Anyone else feel like the trailer is the exact same trailer from Resident Evil? "The corporation... developed a super virus... to make super soldiers..."

Posted by: 6nightmares at March 2, 2006 05:15 PM

Ah, good ol' contradictory John is back again, I see. Hey, moron, weren't you the one who just posted a thread that said, in bold, "DON'T GO SEE" movies like this on opening weekend? What happened to teaching the studios a lesson about not screening for critics, John?

Your logic is non-sensical, as usual. As a fan, you don't care if critics think it sucks--but you then claim that not screening it is proof that the studio thinks it sucks? Huh? In fact, you've just PROVEN THE POINT of studios when they decide not to screen for critics: for certain types of movies, you'll go see them opening weekend, regardless of critics.

So, then, WHY should a studio bother to pay for a screening of a movie like Ultraviolet? You and other genre fans will see it regardless. Joe Average Critic won't like the movie, and someone who isn't a fan of action/sci-fi won't pay to see it even if Joe Average Critic DID give it a good review.

Thank you for proving the point studios have been trying to make recently about not screening, John. Ah, the irony...

Posted by: JoJo at March 2, 2006 05:37 PM

Hey JoJo,

Umm... what's with the name calling?

Anyway, if you take more than 3 seconds to think about it... I just proved my own point.

My Point: Studios not screening a film is a good indicator the film sucks.

I already know in advance that the film will suck (as is the point of my post). However, what I am also proving is that I am sometimes a mindless sci-fi drone who will just go anyway dispite my better judgement.

Studios rely on mindless drones like me to keep them in business. But it does nonetheless prove my point.



Posted by: John Campea at March 2, 2006 06:02 PM

I just hope the Metroid movie won't suck, I can buy Samus Aran kicking a 250 pound guy's ass, the trend of female action films sucking will die once Metroid comes out if ever.

Posted by: lizardfeak12 at March 2, 2006 06:10 PM

to be honest, i don't have high expectations for this movie, either, but i am going to see it on opening weekend, and it won't take much for me to enjoy it :P

i disagree about one thing you say about the trailer. i think the minimalistic sets looked great... it makes the movie look unique, compared to recent action movies. to my eyes it has almost a retro 70s scifi style to it. it looks way better than the aeon flux trailer...

in terms of hot women kicking butt, don't forget that underworld:evolution did well, and it wasn't screened for the critics either. imho it didn't suck, it wasn't fantastic, but i still enjoyed it. i hope that ultraviolet fits more into the underworld trend than the catwoman trend...

Posted by: nick botulism at March 2, 2006 06:14 PM

I didn't hear squat about equilibrium before it was released and left to lanquish and die, and that movie kicks some serious bootie.

Let's hope for more of the same!

Posted by: borloff at March 2, 2006 07:03 PM

When i saw the trailer, I thought like, wow, this is gonna be some kewl R-rated movie. What, PG-13? Crap! it will suck because, well, Jovovich is a horrid actress. That's why I can't compare it to Equilibrium. Christian Bale is a fantastic actor, no doubt about it. When was Milla Jovovich in a huge critically acclaimed box office success?

But, the main reason i won't see this is summed up in 3 words-


i think a lot of people will see the obviously better looking futuristic sci-fi thriller. i know it doesn't open until 2 weeks after Ultraviolet, but after the first weekend, ultraviolet will quickly plummet.

Posted by: Brian at March 2, 2006 09:13 PM

*cough cough* Kill Bill *cough cough*

Oops... there goes your trend. Ultraviolet has solid talent behind it, just like Kill Bill. Not saying it will be a great film, just something to open your mind a bit to avoid making a decision on the quality of the film before seeing it.

Posted by: mediamelt at March 2, 2006 11:04 PM

Thank you. A woman can kick ass if she has a halfway decent writer and director on her side. Kill Bill was proof of that.

Posted by: Kristina at March 3, 2006 07:57 AM


Posted by: DAN MURRAY at March 3, 2006 09:34 AM

wow, one positive review on RT out of 19 :) Not shocked, but i'm still gonna see it :)

Posted by: igl at March 4, 2006 06:29 AM

I saw this yesterday and loved it. Not for any of the reasons the studios and producers would have liked; I thought it was total camp. It was so bad it was good. Going into it expecting it to be bad helped. Finally just laughing out loud at certain parts saved the movie for me. I wrote about it here:

Posted by: douglas nerad at March 5, 2006 05:46 PM