March 09, 2006

Who Makes Better Films?

I mentioned in a post earlier today that I believed that Pixar was hands down the very best at making films in the 3D animated genre. I'm NOT saying they have the best 3D artists (although an argument could be made for that) but that they make the best movies. Well, to my surprise I've received a couple of emails from people who disagreed with me... so I thought I would put it to YOU. Between Dreamworks (Shrek films, Madagascar) and Pixar (Toy Story movies, Finding Nemo, The Incredibles)... who do you think makes the best movies?

**UPDATE**Well, I guess most of you thought the answer was obvious and didn't bother voting (only 286 people voted on the poll). The final results? PIXAR by a MILE

PIXAR - 262 votes for 92% of the vote
DREAMWORKS - 24 votes for 8% of the vote

Posted by John Campea at March 9, 2006 10:48 AM


What makes Pixar movies great is that you forget that you are watching animation. The stories are so compelling that the animation becomes secondary to the experience. The Incredibles was a great film that was told through animation.

Though I loved Shrek, it never produced that same experience. As far as Madagascar, even my kids thought the story was stupid.

Posted by: Larry [TypeKey Profile Page] at March 9, 2006 11:29 AM

Wow, really?

people say they prefer Dreamworks to Pixar!?!?!?!
everything from the animation/story/dialogue/direction etc is sooooo superior with Pixar...

will wonders never cease

Posted by: common at March 9, 2006 11:29 AM

i kinda disagree with the reason 'Pixar movies great is that you forget that you are watching animation' - this is one of the reason i love Pixar films - because of how rich the animation & visuals are

Posted by: common at March 9, 2006 11:31 AM


Im riding Camp like a rented mule today, lol.

I dont think anyone is saying Pixar makes bad films, I think it has more to do with the idea the Pixar is the only one good at it, for Dreamworks to step up and get into the game I think they have done a pretty good job at holding their own.

Have you consider adding some kind of "poll" feature to the Movieblog? that would be a fun idea I think, see who has more fans, Pixar or Dreamworks, I bet you would see a pretty even result.


Posted by: Norddeth at March 9, 2006 11:37 AM

who made ICE AGE?

Posted by: Simon at March 9, 2006 11:42 AM

Pixar´s animation are great, but this is a feature that others studios can reach, what mekes Pixar´s movies so good is that they have very interesting and solid stories with well developed characters. I realley enjoyed The Incredibles with all its action, and Finding Nemo with such funny characters and amazing visuals.

Dreamworks did a great job with Shrek...but i don´t know what happenned after that, the only good thing since then is the short about the madagascar penguins.

Posted by: Xavier Donoso at March 9, 2006 11:44 AM

Fox Animation did Ice Age.

As well as Titan AE and Robots, no where near Pixar or Dreamworks, but it has almost an Indie lable feel to it, not bad stuff though, but it is FOX, which is normally monkey see monkey do, lol.


Posted by: Norddeth at March 9, 2006 11:53 AM

Alright.... who are the two who voted for Dreamworks?

And am I the only one who thought Shrek was ok, and Shrek 2 was shit?

Posted by: H at March 9, 2006 12:30 PM

You need to post the emails you got because i dont see how anyone can make an argument that another company makes better computer animated films than Pixar.

Also, are you guys ever going to make this site firefox friendly? Those interclick popups keep latching onto the page making it tough to read.

Posted by: I am Johns Arrogant Ass at March 9, 2006 12:37 PM

Is this a joke?

I don't even consider there to be another company in existence other than Pixar. Their films are infinitely better than any other studio on all accounts.


Posted by: Drewbacca at March 9, 2006 12:59 PM

For God's sake, look at the original post, people. LOOK at the movies that Dreamworks has done compared to Pixar. Pixar is a juggernaut, and here's why. When the Pixar logo comes up onscreen during trailers, the whole theater immediately gives over their undivided attention because of Pixar's track record. They have that kind of clout and respect because they make good stuff. Nobody gives a rat's ass about dreamworks, Shrek aside, a franchise which has already become unwatchable because of all those stupid pop culture references that date this movie. Ten years later, I can still watch Toy Story and laugh my tail off. Can you honestly watch the first or second Shrek without rolling your eyes as they make fun of bullet time or the lord of the rings. Those movies are dated and tired.

Posted by: Kristina at March 9, 2006 01:08 PM

Wow, i can't believe this could even be a debate. Pixar is, hands down, the best in animated features. What is really Dreamworks downfall is how they date their pictures with pop culture references.

And also Pixar's animation is just eye-boggling. The depth of their environments and care they put into each character is to be applauded. You do tend to forget you are watching an animated film. In Dreamworks films, their characters just are not constructed as well and their environments really scream "COMPUTER ANIMATED".

Oh, and Pixar made The Incredibles..... Nuff said.

Posted by: borloff at March 9, 2006 02:34 PM

You know how I know that Pixar is the ultimate? I see the trailer of "Cars", which doesn't look interesting to me at all, but then I think, "Hey, it's a Pixar film and they haven't let me down yet."

I will be seeing "Cars" on opening day just for that.

Posted by: Tayster at March 9, 2006 02:35 PM

Well, Cars may be the last Pixar film that you can say that, without Joe Ranft, may he rest in peace, Pixar has to fill some awfully big shoes, because I will say this, while I have a preference for Dreamworks, Toy Story, Nemo, Incredibles, were all really really good films and I think alot of that had to do with Mr. Ranft.


Posted by: Norddeth at March 9, 2006 04:11 PM

Well, my 3.5-year old son has to have the vote on this one: he LOVES Shrek and Madagaskar, watches them over and over and over.

While Finding Nemo and Monsters Inc. were good for all of TWO viewings each..

In animation, it's all about character and FUN, and I'll have to happily side with my son on this one.. :)

So here's one for Dreamworks.

Posted by: peura at March 9, 2006 06:56 PM

Alright.... who are the two who voted for Dreamworks?

And am I the only one who thought Shrek was ok, and Shrek 2 was shit? - H

Count me as another one solidly on your side. However we seem to be in the minority and will be drowning in Shrek sequels until Dreamworks squeezes every last dollar bill they can from that "franchise".

Anyway it's nice to find a topic John and I can agree on. :) I'm one of Dreamworks harshest critics so all I'll say is that it's a short, short road from Madagascar to Uwe Boll (God bless him).

Posted by: Arethusa at March 9, 2006 07:54 PM

Shrek rocked, but Madagascar was a disaster. Except for the scene where the zebra looks like raw steaks; that was funny.

Pixar is amazing, flat out. And I heard they treat their animators really well.

Posted by: queen.padme.amidala at March 9, 2006 08:37 PM

The reason Pixar rules is that the story is Number 1, not the voice talent. When "The Incredibles" came out, not one ad mentioned Craig T. Nelson or Holly Hunter. Would more people have seen it if it "starred" Bruce Willis and Cameron Diaz? The only time Pixar mentioned the voice talent was when they released "Toy Story 2". Probably had to. Or maybe it was to let audiences know they weren't using sound-alikes.

Posted by: Mr Stay Puft at March 9, 2006 08:44 PM

Shrek was clever for it's dialogue and pop culture references - that's it. It's like the new Little Mermaid where everyone will watch it and can watch it over and over again. It has a bit for everyone in it.

Pixar movies, however, are surreal in their depth, colours, motion, animation, pacing, timing, script and direction. Hands down, the best animated movies out there today. Bare none.

Dreamworks got lucky with Mike Myers and his penchant for comedy and pop culture skewering. That's all. Aside from Mike Myers, anyone could have made Shrek and it would have pretty much turned out the same. But, I doubt anyone else could have lured in the long list of actors who wanted to voice characters without Myers and the Dreamworks' founders. It's not what you know, but WHO you know in this case.

Posted by: Lilly at March 9, 2006 08:55 PM

While I'm a huge fan of Fox's Ice Age, and am looking forward to the sequel which will open soon, generally the winner between the big two:- Pixar vs Dreamworks is...

Who the heck do you think?
Yes, I loved Shrek.Cared Less For the sequel. I liked Chicken Run too.
But anything that comes out of the Pixar camp? With the exception of the last effort, Pixar is the top notch. However, considering last year, everyone needs to get thier act together.

Pixar wins.

Posted by: darren seeley at March 9, 2006 08:57 PM

Pixar wins it for me, loved the incredibles.

However, for artwork/animation, (i.e. purely visuals) I loved final fantasy:the spirits within, absolutely crap movie though which was a shame.

Posted by: Sal [TypeKey Profile Page] at March 10, 2006 05:09 AM

I haven't seen a poll this lopsided since..

Pixar gets my vote because I really, really hate the pop culture references in Dreamworks animation. It takes away all of the magic the movie and like someone else said it really dates it. I groaned at the joan river's part of Shrek the first time I saw it. The third time it was absolutely unbearable. I absolutely loved Monsters inc, Shark tale.. Not so much...

Posted by: Cybermike at March 10, 2006 08:26 AM

A mile? Looks more like about 3 miles.

Posted by: Drewbacca at March 10, 2006 10:18 AM


I have to stand corrected, the poll was a landslide for Pixar, it obviously doesnt change my opinion, I still prefer the Dreamworks movies, I just find them more entertaining. But feel free to let loose and bash Dreamworks, whatever flosts your boat.


Posted by: Norddeth at March 10, 2006 11:16 AM

I got confused and clicked in a drunken stupor. Can I change my vote?

Posted by: Jeff at March 10, 2006 02:29 PM