March 23, 2006

Vince Vaughn or George Clooney for Magnum PI?

Magnum PI is one of those rare TV show to movie adaptations that I'm actually curious to see (aside from The Transformers). The script for the Magnum PI movie is just about finished, and the casting controversy that will probably out buzz Bond, is "WHO WILL BE MAGNUM"?

Personally, to me the answer is obvious... George Clooney should be Magnum PI. The guy is PERFECT for the roll. He's also considered the favorite to get the part. However, since the guy who is writing the script ALSO wrote the screenplay for Dodgeball, Vince Vaughn's name has come up as well. The good folks over at Digital Spy give us this:

So far George Clooney has been the favorite to take the role, but Vince Vaughn has also been named as a possibility: "The scriptwriter is Rawson Marshall Thurber, who wrote Dodgeball, and there are several other guys on the Magnum movie with connections to Vince," a source close to the project is quoted on Sky Showbiz as saying.
I LOVE Vince Vaugh. I really do. But if they go with him as Magnum PI, then the whole movie changes flavour in my opinion. Suddenly it becomes a "zanny comedy", and although Magnum PI is supposed to have some laughs... it's not supposed to be a zanny comedy (you know what I mean).

So I vote for George Clooney... who would you cast as Magnum?

Posted by John Campea at March 23, 2006 08:50 AM



Im very disappointed that the obvious was mentioned here...ummmm nobody and I mean NOBODY other than Tom Selleck should be Magnum PI

Seriously, if he's not going to be playing Magnum they should wipe their asses with this script and flush it down the toilet.

He can easily play a Gulf War Vet as opposed to a Vietnam Vet.

But I guess this is the same problem as the A-Team movie, ONLY Mr. T can play BA, but the rest of the Team would have to be new. So with Magnum, Tom Selleck is still good, but the supporting cast would have to be recast, as the other originals from Magnum arent looking as good as Tom.

So difficult to decide, but really, if you can't do the project right, then dont do it.

Would people be really interested in seeing anyone but Tom playing Magnum?


Posted by: Norddeth at March 23, 2006 09:03 AM

Hey Nord,

I usually agree with most of your comments... but on this one I think you're totally off your proberbial rocker. :)

Tom Sellecks day is GONE. He hasn't been strong in any role for almost 15 years... and dude... the guy is 61 years old!!!!

So no, if you're actually going to stay true to the Spirit of the Magnum PI story... then you can't go with an over-the-hill 61 year old actor running around in Hawai in jammer shorts and a tank top.

Geezzz... my only reservation about Clooney was that even he might be too old for Magnum... and he's 16 year YOUNGER than Selleck.

This is a movie adaptation of the show... not a continuation of the show.



Posted by: John Campea at March 23, 2006 09:11 AM

Sigh, yeah

Sadly you are most likely right, but still, for me, no one else is Magnum or should ever be.

I also think the Leafs are going to make the playoffs.

Im all about the wishful thinking, lol


Posted by: Norddeth at March 23, 2006 10:08 AM

Can Clooney wear the mustache? That is the question. If not, then you gotta find an actor who can.

Who's gonna play Higgins?

I agree with Campea's last paragraph. Please don't turn this film into a stupid comedy like Starsky and Hutch or Dukes of Hazzard. Stay true to the show. Nord, I wish Selleck could play Mag too, but unfortunately he's just too old. I see your point though. If ANYONE, I mean ANYONE played Indiana other than my boy Harrison Ford, I would boycott whatever studio makes that movie.



Posted by: Drewbacca at March 23, 2006 10:30 AM

John Campea---

please explain "Tom Selleck hasn't been strong for 15 years". His strengths are the well done cable movies where he seems to flourish. He's better as a TV actor.

He also looks good for 60...he could be an older Magnum...I'd much rather the film NOT be made though...not in the way it is being shaped up anyhow. Let sleeping dogs lie. What's next on the plate? "Simon & Simon"?

But I don't see George Clooney (a favorite who has shot down his participation every time when asked about Magnum) or Vince Vaughn in the role of Magnum. You can't see me now, John, but trust me when I tell you that my eyes have rolled to the back of my head.

You can't possibly see this as a good idea.

But if they *really* recast this and *really* went through with it? How about Tom Jane?

Posted by: darren seeley at March 23, 2006 10:57 AM


Thats bizzare Drew, I was about to compare it to Indiana Jones myself, and whats even more bizzare is that Tom Selleck was the first choice to play Indy!

Im absolutely racking my brain trying to think who could play Magnum now, I mean, I dont think Clooney is goofy enough, and I think Vaughn might be too goofy.....might be, but if he put on some pounds he might pull it off, heck if they go with Vaughn they really should make Christopher Walken Higgins!! lolol...hmmmm, if they wanted to modernize it and make it more flashy The Rock would be cool, but its too much like the character from Walking Tall....

Ive got nothing at the moment


Posted by: Norddeth at March 23, 2006 11:15 AM


My ideas have been pretty lackluster, and Tom Jane is probably better than what I have some up with, but he seems kinda short, but I really liked him as the Punisher, so who knows


Posted by: Norddeth at March 23, 2006 11:17 AM

If they do a comedy style PI film like they did with Starsky and Hutch then yeah put Vince into it.

Posted by: Wolf at March 23, 2006 11:30 AM


If they go the way of Stasky and Hutch then there is no question who should play Magnum

WILL FERRELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

oh man, now that I think about it, dont try to capture the magic of the orginal, go with Ferrell, that would be hilarious and you all know it!!

sigh, lmao


Posted by: Norddeth at March 23, 2006 11:38 AM

considering the options.....I choose: Jack Black

Posted by: JAGMIR at March 23, 2006 12:18 PM

Will Ferrel would be hilarious. You can imagine him in his hawaii shirt with chest hair coming out of it. LOL

Posted by: Wolf at March 23, 2006 12:42 PM

Tom Selleck as an older Magnum. Anything else and they may as well not do the movie. I'm really tired of this trend of doing movies of TV shows yet recasting the parts with young hip actors. It really sucks for those of us that were fans of the original show.

Posted by: Rob Merritt at March 23, 2006 01:46 PM

I'm a fan of the original show... and I think doing it WITHOUT Sellek is teh best thing to do.

Posted by: John Campea at March 23, 2006 02:02 PM

In a way, I would enjoy seeing Will Ferrel doing his own adaptation of the character. I'm trying to imagine him with the moustache and the bad hair and all I can see is.....Ron Burgandy. Come on, you know what I'm saying. When I try to picture Vince Vaughn I can only see the villian in "Starsky and Hutch". Although I myself enjoy seeing t.v. favorites that we all grew up with turned into "zany" comedies (with the exception of "The Dukes of Hazzard", that was just garbage) I agree that Magnum should be left in retirement. If you want to see a comedic adaptation of an old t.v. show, Why not Will Ferrel as James Rockford of "The Rockford Files"?

Posted by: Scott Perry at March 23, 2006 02:58 PM


Your insights are strong, but Clooney is just getting to old for this role. I think Vince could pull off a strong version off this character that’s pretty close to the original. I know your thinking Vince would be best suited for a role like Fletch. Your right Fletch would be a better version of this crime solving PI. Clooney is awesome and charismatic and all that but he is too old for this character.


Posted by: Russell at March 23, 2006 03:54 PM

Physically Vince is a better match...he is taller and even though he might not be able to wear the mustache, he still wears it better than Clooney could... clooney is too short for the roll and he doesn't have curly hair like vince or selleck.

In regards to one of the previous posts saying that Vince is too goofy...have you seen his version of "psycho", "the cell", "domestic disturbance", and/or even "the lost world: jp"...he has range and he can bring all elements to the roll...i'm not saying clooney doesn't have range into the comedy realm, "Return of the Killer Tomatoes!" or "Grizzly 2" : electric gizzypoo...both comedy gems...
i am just saying physically i see vince more as PI...but with cgi and make up...fudge it we could make tom cruise PI and change the whole movie into a scientology feast where the volcano on the island he is doing his thing on is where all the souls are trapped...

Posted by: goomack14 at March 23, 2006 10:19 PM

side note to my previous post...Grizzly 2 was never released..but i can assure you it was going to be comedy gold because the first one starring charlie sheen and laura dern...awful-ly we'll go with golden girls as a substitute

Posted by: goomack14 at March 23, 2006 10:26 PM

again i am wrong...thank you imdb gods...sheen never was in grizzly...i'm done

Posted by: goomack14 at March 23, 2006 10:32 PM

I think Tom Selleck should do the Higgins 2 cents.

Posted by: Terry Letourneau at March 23, 2006 11:32 PM

I'm suprised anyone buys the idea of Clooney doing Magnum after Syriana and Good Night and Good Luck.

He seems a bit too high brow Hollywood A list for another in a long list of comparitively mediocre old TV show movies. It just doesn't seem to fit with his career path of late.

Vince Vaugn seems a much more likely fit as he is comfortable with the aforementioned "zany" spin most of these nostalgia cash ins go for.

Posted by: Randall P at March 24, 2006 03:57 AM

This is just as bad as Dallas-The Movie and A-Team the Movie, cause NOONE can ever replace the orginal cast. NOONE

Posted by: hi at March 24, 2006 07:13 AM

Goomack, Vince Vaughn in Gus Van Sant's "Psycho" remake showed a range no one wants to see again. The Cell, was more of a J Lo veichle, and the only actor worth watching in the film was Vincent...D'Ofronio. 'Lost World'? The Jurassic Park films are more about the dinos than the characters. "Domestic" tanked.

Vince has had better luck in comedies, usually as a goofy sidekick to Ben Stiller or Will Farrell.

And I think John just put this post up because he wants to hear the International Friends moan and groan.

Posted by: darren seeley at March 24, 2006 09:49 AM

You're right... that the movies weren't great that he played a more seriouis character...but he can do it... every movie that he played the "sidekick" roll, however he has taken over and stole the show, "Wedding Crashers" was the Vince Movie, "MADE" was a sarcastic romp around the block...a screw it you're right i just like to hear myself talk... They should have Harrison Ford play the roll for a bit of irony and dress selleck up like boba fett...

Posted by: goomack14 at March 24, 2006 10:10 AM is movie news webiste with a blog i have aswell. i also have updates on the movies im making and i have a section for photography if anyone is intrested in putting their pics online. you can also email me your movie reviews and i will post it on my site thanks.

Posted by: Wolf at March 24, 2006 11:40 AM

Definitely Georgie Boy. He has that charm that Magnum had.

Posted by: chosha at March 24, 2006 01:39 PM

Honestly, I'm not a fan of Vince Vaghn at all - the only lead performances I've seen him do have been Dodgeball and the Psycho remake, both of which I didn't really like that much (although Dodgeball did have its moments). I really can't picture Clooney in the role either...

The only other actor I can think of in this half-asleep state is Paul Rudd. He was pretty good at supporting roles in Anchorman and 40 Year Old Virgin...

Posted by: thegoodfella at March 25, 2006 06:06 AM

The only person to play magnum is tom selleck ! and why not bring back the entire original cast?? The reason why 90% of the tv shows to the big screen have been failures is they do not stay true to the feel of the original show . Most of these tv show movie remakes have been failures , why not take a gamble and not alienate the millions of fans who grew up with magnum pi !!

Posted by: kevin russell at March 26, 2006 11:35 AM

LOL, well if Paul Rudds name is getting tossed around now for Magnum, might as well toss Leslie Nelson's hat in the ring while your at it, lol


Posted by: Norddeth at March 27, 2006 08:28 AM

Hehe, maybe.

I don't really know, I was just tossing a name in there - always thought that Tom Sellick had a sort of arrogance presence about him that Rudd shares. If you look at some pictures from Anchorman you'll maybe see where I'm coming from...

Posted by: thegoodfella at March 27, 2006 11:57 AM

Oh...My...God! As far as the Magnum character goes, Sellek or no one, those are the choices if they want my $10 and want to avoid studio-wide boycott! If you watched the show in it's original broadcast, then you know what I'm saying. Do not mess with these characters!!

It's not like the show was so spectacularly original that it would survive an updating with new cast, nor are the characters so strong they would survive, it was always about Sellek and crew.

There are a million ways to go on the storyline to work in some younger faces if need be but mark my words, anyone but Sellek as Magnum will fail and probably ruin careers.

That said, I'd prefer to see this one skipped altogether, again, to preserve the characters.

Check out what people think on JTS and then tell me you can pull it off with a new cast:

Posted by: J.D. at March 27, 2006 12:50 PM

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