March 09, 2006

Vin Diesel Talks More Riddick Movies

I absolutely HATED Pitch Black. I thought it was overrated, the "action" was dull and boring, the characters uninteresting, the dialog laughable and the acting atrocious. I honestly can't understand why anyone liked it. But oh well... to each their own. And hey... I liked Daredevil so who am I to judge?

Oddly enough, I actually liked The Chronicles of Riddick a little bit more than most people (not much... just a little bit) and thought it was at least a better effort than Pitch Black. But most people disagreed. Still... I remember thinking there was potential for more films... and I guess Vin Diesel did too. Our good friends over at Filmrot gives us the following on Diesels plans for the future:

"...But when I was in the process of creating this mythology for 'Chronicles of Riddick,' the idea was to create a story, a trilogy, that would start at the end of 'Pitch Black' in the same way that 'Lord of the Rings' is a trilogy that starts at the end, essentially, of 'The Hobbit.' I wrote a storyline, essentially, that covered three pictures, so where Riddick goes in the next two pictures is already mapped out. It's not in script form, but it is being all developed, and it is going to surface when you least expect it."
This is a first for The Movie Blog... 2 Vin Diesel posts in one day! Meh, to be honest I don't mind the idea of a couple of more Riddick films. I think they're good for some decent campy sci-fi action fun. I'd see them. Your thoughts?

Posted by John Campea at March 9, 2006 09:37 AM


Whoa Camp.... you liked Daredevil? thats like finding out you eat babies or something....*shiver*

But yeah, Riddick Rocks baby! Dark Sci-Fi films rock, looking forward to this.


Posted by: Norddeth at March 9, 2006 10:06 AM

Two more movies of this Shit!!! Come on!!!!

Posted by: Alfredo at March 9, 2006 12:05 PM

I actually really liked Riddick. I know there was bad acting, etc., but the universe is really quite neat. I can't wait for more. I'd heard last year that they wouldn't ever make them, so it's nice to see this.

Posted by: Matthew at March 9, 2006 12:13 PM

I actually like Chronicles of Riddick. Nothing about the film is remotely good, but it just works for me. Maybe it's just the lack of good sci-fi, but count me in for two more movies.

Posted by: brian at March 9, 2006 12:43 PM

I fucking loved Daredevil, jesus it suprises me when people diss it. I've only seen Pitch Black and I liked it, mainly because of the Riddick character. I haven't heard anyone really say terrible things about COR, so I think I'll check it out.

Posted by: Wolf at March 9, 2006 12:48 PM

it is nice to see i am not the only one that liked the chronicles of riddick.

pitch black was alright, but i loved chronicles.

what sealed the deal for me was when they were taking him to the prison planet and he is tied up in the back. He thinks to himself, "I suppose i should be slitting some throats right now....but i prefer to be driven then to drive." so bad...yet so delicious.

Posted by: miles at March 9, 2006 01:06 PM

I'm the opposite. I loved Pitch Black. Didn't care too much for the prequel.

Anyway, on to my point. I think it's fine John that you didn't like it...but OVERRATED?
How? What was the total box-office take? How many people saw it? Was there any buzz at all when it came out? Did it receive critical acclaim? How is it over-rated in the slightest?

I actually posted about this yesterday.
Here's my full take:


Posted by: Drewbacca at March 9, 2006 01:11 PM

Who do I gotta kill to get this bounty, er.. I mean, another movie made?!?

Posted by: at March 9, 2006 01:45 PM

wow, is it actually being made. I loved Pitch Black nad really like Chronicles of Riddick. Great movies. But seriously.. Daredevil. You liked that one?!?

Posted by: igl85 at March 9, 2006 02:07 PM

I loved Daredevil. It got me seeing all the second-rate superhero movies that come out every February.

Riddick to me felt like it was made out of a desire to have an epic trilogy, instead of a great idea for one.

Oh and I still think Prizoner of Azkaban is the best Potter movie so far.

Posted by: dRob at March 9, 2006 02:37 PM

piss'a. riddick rocks!!

Posted by: louis at March 9, 2006 04:53 PM

I loved Pitch Black and Daredevil. They were both classic anti-hero movies, which I love. Both add dark sides to the heroes, and they both just kick ass! Riddick's character is possibly one of the best sci-fi characters ever created.

I didn't much like the sequel. it took away a lot of the darkness of Riddick and tamed him a little too much. Riddick is one of those guys you want to know little about so you never know what's gonna happen. There just wasn't anything memorable in Chronicles. The animated sequel was better than Chronicles.

By the way, john, I applaud you for liking Hulk and Daredevil. Both great superhero movies that got a bad wrap.

Posted by: Brian at March 9, 2006 05:26 PM

I really like Pitch Black, I thought it was a great lower budget creature feature. Chronicles of Riddick was good fun brainless popcorn sci-fi. I would be happy to see more.

Posted by: Bullet in the head at March 9, 2006 07:54 PM

Pitch Black was cool. The monsters were great and it had a neat idea. Also, Vin Diesel had VERY LITTLE DIALOGUE. That is always a good thing. The more that moronic shiny man-child speaks the worse a film gets. Pitch Black was a nifty little horror movie but then Vin Diesel started getting megabucks for shit like XXX and figured he was a star. He's a talentless walking penis! He actually looks like a giant penis!

Chronicles Of Riddick is a crap Star Wars, Conan wannabe with bad effects, laughable bad guys and unbelievably bad acting.

And was it just me or was that legendary dark prison (the one he got his eyes adjusted for) not all that dark at all? And it looked like a castoff set from Xena Warrior Princess.

Pretentious arse. Pitch Black knew what it was and didn't pretend like it was a new Lord Of The Rings. Riddick is a poor-man's Snake Plissken. Snake would rip him a new one without breaking a sweat.

Posted by: marty93 at March 9, 2006 08:38 PM

1) When I first saw 'Daredevil', I thought it was okay, until they broke away from the main character's POV, which excused some of the scenes that were over the top (such as the dreaded school yard flirt fight- just imagine the witnesses- "Hey, that guy can really jump and do kung fu really well for a Blind Guy!") Then I saw the DC, which I liked the exta scenes with Michael Clarke Duncan's Kingpin and was alright with "the B story"- but I thought after, the earlier cut was without NON ACTOR Coolio, therefore...

Well anyway...

2) I loved Pitch Black. I thought it was great. I liked Riddick more, simply because it wasn't a "sequel" to Black, as in 'let's go back to the planet/fight the creatures again' but rather an expansion of the "Riddick Universe". I also swooned a bit over Alexa Davalos. Babe-licious. The only think I haed about Riddick was hat they knocked her off in the end. (Or did they?) Also, Riddick can kill a guy with a teacup.

3) Marty93 brings up Snake Plissken. Plissken has an anti-hero character advantage over Riddick, it is true. Riddick has two enchaned eyes that can see in the dark. Snake has one good eye. Riddick is captured but never drugged or beaten up in order to be forced to do a job and/or to stand up again. Plissken is. The point is Plissken gets beat up, gets his ass handed to him, and rises up to the occasion. Riddick , despite going toe to toe with varied beasts of burden- is the smartest, strongest and hardly gets a scratch on him.

You can say Riddick will win, but Snake is always the underdog.
Always root for the underdog.

However, I doubt there would be such a duel; the two would most likely team up... :)

Posted by: darren seeley at March 9, 2006 09:33 PM

I liked both DD and PB and CoR for various reason, and as much as pepole cant stand Vin Diesel I think he's still a "new" actor but because of his age and muscles he gets rolls because hollywood is without, the Arnold or Sly. I like most of Sly's movies but his early movies were (too inlcude Rocky) really werent that great on the acting IMO but I still like the movies. Same goes for Vin but I think his talent might lie behind the scene's. CoR universe is a great backdrop and I honestly dont think anyone can pull off Riddick as well as Vin.

Posted by: dan at March 9, 2006 10:42 PM

This has got to be BOGUS. I heard the "the Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings" analogy before the premiere of tCoR. Also, the quote states that "when I was in the process of creating this mythology" and "I wrote a storyline". As far as I know Vin Diesel was not involved in the writing process at all. See this link:

My guess is that this is an old David Twohy quote.

That beeing said, I thought it was an ok movie.

Posted by: Joel Gustafsson at March 10, 2006 02:12 AM

I cant wait to see the rest of the Riddick films.

Posted by: Murphy McManus at March 11, 2006 06:27 PM

I thought pitch black was good. It was a good story and everything. And I hate to bring up kill bill again, but seriously, how can you consider pitch black overrated and having a bad dialog but not kill bill?

Posted by: Joe at March 12, 2006 01:14 PM