March 13, 2006

Uncle Ben Back in SPIDER-MAN 3

In comics and Soap Operas, no one is ever REALLY dead... or REALLY gone. So why should Spider-Man 3 be any different?

The good folks over at Cinescape are reporting that Uncle Ben (actor Cliff Robertson) is going to be back in Spider-Man 3 reprising his role as a "ghostly personae of the murdered Ben Parker," when his part is shot this May

Personally I really like the Uncle Ben Character and the role he seems to play now as Peter's subconscious moral compass. It gives a little more depth the the Parker character and an extra plot device. It's a good idea to keep him around.

Posted by John Campea at March 13, 2006 12:48 PM


I would like to see Peter accidentally eat some 420 brownies and have a box of Uncle Ben's Rice talk to him, like that Dont Do Drugs commercial that has the Pirate on a pack of Zig Zags talk that kid out of driving.

I just didnt think anyone would comment on this story, lol


Posted by: Norddeth at March 13, 2006 02:38 PM

"Ghostly personae of the murdered Ben Parker" huh? This sounds vaguely familiar. Maybe the script writer should consider changing Uncle Ben's last name to "Kenobi".

BTW, congrats on the Bloggies win. You guys totally deserve it.

Posted by: Jax at March 13, 2006 03:48 PM

I reckon it's bullshit.

Spiderman is an action movie, not a ghost story. The furthest I think they should go with the Uncle Ben idea, is that he comes to Peter in a dream and gives him the good old fatherly advice which helps Pete focus on justice instead of revenge. No spooky ghosts. I don't want night terrors.

Third film: Peter Parker's aunt is killed off. Harry avenges his dad's death and becomes the newer, improved Green Goblin. Tries to destroy city. Mary Jane gets bitten by a mutant snake while doing stretches in the nude and becomes Pythonwoman. Pythonwoman and Spiderman team up to take on Green Goblin. Green Goblin injures Pythonwoman, leaving Spidey to finish the job by himself.

Has a nice ring to it doesn't it?

Apparently, according to a magazine that shall remain nameless, Spidey will be sporting a slick "black suit" in the third movie. So he's ditched the happy, colourful costume that failed to scare enemies and made himself a "don't-mess-with-me-I'm-wearing-black-now" suit. Personally, I think it's an awesome idea. I just hope the movie doesn't include night scenes otherwise we will have to squint.

Posted by: Cody666 at March 25, 2006 08:19 AM

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