March 18, 2006

Tom Cruise - Celebrity Terrorist

The term "terrorist" is a harsh one, and not a word you should just throw around when referring to someone. However, I believe the term "Celebrity Terrorist" is a perfect symbolical representation for what Tom Cruise has turned himself into here by holding a movie hostage unless his tyrannical demands are met.

Just when I finished saying (on a recent Audio Edition) that Tom Cruise has been behaving himself over the last few months and may be winning people back over... he goes and pulls something like this.

You see, according to MSNBC, it looks like Tom Cruise threatened to stop promoting the upcoming "Mission Impossible III" film unless they pulled a South Park episode from television that was supposed to air that made fun of Scientology. So basically Cruise is taking the movie hostage unless he gets his way. The studio (which also owns the comedy network) has apparently submitted to the almighty demands of Cruise and pulled the show.

Now look, I don't mind when a group of fans who are concerned about a topic decide to band together and protest something in order to try to effect change. But for one guy to take a multi-million dollar project hostage unless something is censored to his personal satisfaction... then that is just BULLSHIT.

Now, if this story turns out to be untrue, then I take everything I just said back. Every word. However... if this holds up...

I've had enough of Tom Cruise, and I'm disgusted that the studio decided to play ball with him on this... they basically just gave into celebrity terrorism, and that just makes me sick.

Posted by John Campea at March 18, 2006 08:00 AM


My God. Tom Cruise is now entertainment industry's biggest diva ever! It would make me extremely happy if his luster and charm amongst people finally fade away. Extremely happy.

Posted by: sedricke at March 18, 2006 09:06 AM

Leave poor Tom alone. What's the point of being rich, famous and powerful if you can't abuse your power and unfairly squash people weaker than you are. Hell, make him President of the United States. He'd sort out those Iraqis. Bagdad could become the Scientology capital of the Middle East.

Posted by: Perp at March 18, 2006 09:50 AM

Have you seen the message Matt Stone and Trey Parker sent out, it's classic ...

Posted by: Bullet in the head at March 18, 2006 09:58 AM

That was a great episode. Why parody when the truth works better? If I was Cruise I'd flex my muscle and get it pulled too.

The real shame is that Isaac Hayes, a Scientologist, quit the show. Chef was a great character. Supposedly he left because the show ridiculed religion. Bull. It's OK to lampoon every other religion on the planet, but hands off mine. That's why he left. I understand, but at least be honest about. Tell everyone that you've been brainwashed by a cult that worships the writings of a crappy failed scifi author and won't stand by while it's mocked.

Posted by: Mr Stay Puft at March 18, 2006 10:30 AM

Both Paramount and Cruise's spokesman have denied the claim.

As for holding the movie hostage - Mission Impossible is Cruise's franchise. He's co-produced them, developed them through his own company, chosen the directors, co-stars, writers etc. It would be absurd for him to make that kind of threat because he'd be cutting off his nose to spite his face. He'd have more to lose than Paramount.

Anyway, after his couch jumping antics last year on the WOTW promo tour, some might think it would be a good idea for him to not promote MI3.

Posted by: Simon at March 18, 2006 10:43 AM

So Cruise supposedly says he'll stop promoting "MI:3" if Matt and Trey don't get thier stuff together and back the hell off. While I never been a fan of South Park, it is a bit of hyprocrisy when Issac Hayes has no problem being party to poking fun at other faiths/religions, but when it comes to teachings of Hubbard and Scientology, oh no, don't go there!

Well, you know something friends? I can't get worked up over this and neither should you. Last year Cruise jumped on a couch and waged war with Brooke Sheilds while promoting "War Of The Worlds". So, in effect, he really didn't promote that film either.

Unlike "War" Cruise may be the central star, but if he doesn't go on the talk shows and junkets, then leave it to Ving Rhames, Liv Tyler and Phillip Seymour Hoffman: at least they can take up the slack left by a producer/actor who suddenly in the past two years develops an ego problem.

That's not fair, but lack of publicity kills films. If Tom keeps it up, people won't go to the film to see him--but his co-stars instead.

- Sealer

Posted by: darren seeley at March 18, 2006 10:52 AM

One of the South Park guys mentioned that it is quite interesting (hypocritical indeed) that those scientology freakshows are OK when Christianity is made fun of.....but when their religion is focused on, the joke is over.

Tom Cruise is just about the biggest asshole in Hollywood. I always suspected as such, but when I saw the interview with Matt Lauer, I was convinced.

Let's boycott that jerk's movie.

Posted by: JAGMIR at March 18, 2006 11:17 AM

Ehh. I find it hard to get worked up over any seemingly manufactured controversy in Hollywood. It is more likely a publicity stunt on the part of South Park and Comedy Central. South Park coincidently begins its 10th season next week when this silly “controversy“ arises, putting them in the news again. When was the last time South Park got this much attention. The reality that an episode not airing on a cartoon could be considered worthy of this much fuss and given this kind of mainstream media attention is sad on so many levels. At the end of the day, who really cares. It’s just entertainment people.

Posted by: reid at March 18, 2006 12:02 PM

… but reid this is an entertainment based blog, so the whole point is discussing this kind of thing. I am sure no one is loosing sleep over it. I never get why peeps get funny about entertainment issues being discussed on entertainment forums and blogs. At the end of the day even if it’s a manufactured controversy it’s still a fun subject.

Posted by: Bullet in the head at March 18, 2006 12:41 PM

you know what, i'm on tom cruises side. hollywood is vindictive and full of rumors and its a viscious cycle of trying to get to the top, be at the top and stay at the top. you have to censor everything to keep the public happy and its a phony world that stars have to uphold. i like the fact that tom cruise isnt afraid to hide his beliefs that make others uneasy becuase they havent found their own yet becuase they're afraid it will make someone judge them for it. southpark critisizing tom cruise is a threat on his carreer and most other actors would take the dagger and fall back a couple of notches in hollywood but tom cruise isnt gonna let others walk all over him and have everybody else make his career decisions for him. he's really only proving a point here. and i think everyone is missing it. aww muffin your precious mission impossible 3 movie might not be made. well tom cruise is the star of the movie and he has the power so you cant treat him like that. he's a human being, not a fake like everyone else in hollywood, lying through their teeth and mystic tan and botox. so you cant just expect him to take it and give you everything you want in return.

Posted by: Marla Singer at March 18, 2006 01:59 PM

I must apologise for the following comment. However, I honestly believe that in this era of censorship; this age in which increasingly violent oppression of free speech is growing more pervasive week by week; one can actually perceive the enlightenment dimming as humanity recedes to the anti-egalitarian nightmare of the dark ages. I feel that it is important to respond to this alarming trend by using a suitably robust response:

Posted by: matlot at March 18, 2006 02:07 PM

you know what, i'm on tom cruises side. hollywood is vindictive and full of rumors and its a viscious cycle of trying to get to the top, be at the top and stay at the top. you have to censor everything to keep the public happy and its a phony world that stars have to uphold. i like the fact that tom cruise isnt afraid to hide his beliefs that make others uneasy becuase they havent found their own yet becuase they're afraid it will make someone judge them for it. southpark critisizing tom cruise is a threat on his carreer and most other actors would take the dagger and fall back a couple of notches in hollywood but tom cruise isnt gonna let others walk all over him and have everybody else make his career decisions for him. he's really only proving a point here. and i think everyone is missing it. aww muffin your precious mission impossible 3 movie might not be made. well tom cruise is the star of the movie and he has the power so you cant treat him like that. he's a human being, not a fake like everyone else in hollywood, lying through their teeth and mystic tan and botox. so you cant just expect him to take it and give you everything you want in return.

Posted by: Marla Singer at March 18, 2006 02:16 PM

... As far as I am concerned Mel Gibson was slammed in that passion of the Christ episode and made out to be an S&M; loving Christian lunatic and much as I am not a fan of his increasing political views and faith, at least he took it like a man.

Mel a pretty big powerful star and could have thrown his weight about as could many others lampooned by Southpark, If it’s a true story Tom Cruise is way out of line.

Posted by: Bullet in the head at March 18, 2006 02:30 PM

... As far as I am concerned Mel Gibson was slammed in that passion of the Christ episode and made out to be an S&M; loving Christian lunatic and much as I am not a fan of his increasing political views and faith, at least he took it like a man.

Mel a pretty big powerful star and could have thrown his weight about as could many others lampooned by Southpark, If it’s a true story Tom Cruise is way out of line.

Posted by: Bullet in the head at March 18, 2006 02:31 PM

matlot wrote:
in this era of censorship; this age in which increasingly violent oppression of free speech is growing more pervasive week by week; one can actually perceive the enlightenment dimming as humanity recedes to the anti-egalitarian nightmare of the dark ages.

Good God. There's hyperbole, then there's being a hysterical dumbass. I think the dimming you perceive is your own pilot light going out "matlot". I'm so friggin' tired of these gargantuan pronouncements about oppression of free speech. It just isn't fucking happening.

What pansies like you usually really mean is that you don't want anyone to disagree with positions you support. And if someone does disagree with you, all of a sudden we live in a facist state. I haven't seen any books being burned, people imprisoned for something they said, tongues being cut out, etc. But one would surely think it's happening listening to tools like you.

Bottom line, feel free to speak your mind, but I'll reserve the right to call you an idiot. There's your freedom of speech in action ... alive and well, robustly healthy.

Oh, and Cruise is a jagoff, whether or not this story is true.

Posted by: Joboo at March 18, 2006 03:06 PM

You know how many people have been lambasted by the South Park guys? You know how many of them attempted the kind of nonsense that Cruise is accused of pulling? None to my knowledge. The fact that he's gotten his panties all in a twist over it just reinforces what the episode was making fun of in the first place. He looks like an even bigger weirdo now(if that's possible). Matt and Trey totally win in this situation. It gets people talking about their show and they'll find new fans, while people will wonder why a little cartoon can piss off a huge movie star whose job entails being mocked by the general public. He looks like those nutcases overseas that freaked out over that Muhammed cartoon.

Posted by: Kristina at March 18, 2006 06:21 PM

This is a bunch of nonsense since the episode already aired like a few months ago. All this was was a rerun that Cruise asked not to be aired again. They made their point already and had their laughs. It seems kinda fishy to me that they are just starting a new season and this comes up? I think he has a right to complain.

Posted by: rtms at March 18, 2006 06:32 PM

Also, the people behind MI3 might want him to stay away from their promo tour regardless. Remember how pissed Spielberg got when Cruise turned the WOTW promo tour into the I LOOOOOOVE THIIIIIS WOMANNNNNN tour? They may be better off distancing themselves from the wacko.

Posted by: Kristina at March 18, 2006 06:56 PM

Answer to Joboo -
I was puzzled by your response to my comment. Not least because you seemed partly to be in agreement with me. Perhaps you didn't understand my point.
If you live in the UK then you will know that liberty and free speech are being eroded rapidly.
If you live in the US then you won't know that because your press is shackled to corporate America and therefore not free at all.
Anyway, basically I do not agree with what you have said, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.

Posted by: matlot at March 18, 2006 07:40 PM

Well, matlot, It doesn't surprise me that you're puzzled. I live in the U.S. and we aren't "shackled by corporate America" or anything else when it comes to free speech. And we're perfectly free to say whatever we please (within a few sensible rules - slander, death threats, treason, etc). Go around the "blogosphere" and see just how true that is. I don't see Big Brother telling anyone to "shut up, or else". I don't think there's been a time in this country when speech has been more free and easier to disseminate given the advent of the internet. I can't speak for the U.K. (never been there), but we're doing just fine in the States, tyvm. I don't suspect that'll clear up your doom-n-gloom, but that's not my job.

Posted by: Joboo at March 18, 2006 08:13 PM

Oh Joboo, I almost envy your ignorance. I am, however, pleased to hear that you are doing fine in the States - I just hope that you can speak for the 24.4% of Americans living below the poverty line, or the hijacked voters in Florida.
Still, it has to be said that our cousins in America are definately pioneers of freedom so they should take control of their country again shortly - just not with your help eh Joboo.

Posted by: matlot at March 18, 2006 08:27 PM

Good grief, you can't even stay on topic. When did we switch over to poverty and voting? I thought we were talking about how the American citizenry has been silenced by "the man". I'm glad you envy my ignorance though. I envy the drugs you must be taking.

Posted by: Joboo at March 18, 2006 08:37 PM

... A little clip on why they lampoon certain actors;=3475&ad;=/media/2005/01/11/video666145.wmv

Posted by: Bullet in the head at March 18, 2006 08:43 PM

Joboo, if you lack the intellectual agility to connect the basic socialogical functions of freedom to vote, freedom from poverty and freedom of speech then you should really do some research before getting into dialogue about subjects that you clearly know little about. The works of Noam Chomsky may be a good starting place for you.
Besides that - my original comment was only meant to give a satirical prelude to calling Tom Cruise a cunt!
However, as you felt the need to jump on a soapbox and accuse me of 'not wanting anyone to disagree with me' then a few home truths were required.
My position remains clear:
Freedom of speech is being eroded.
Tom Cruise is a cunt!

Posted by: matlot at March 18, 2006 08:50 PM

OK, I've tried email about this a few times but here goes again: Using Safari, the pages for individual stories have a huge ad that takes up a very large chunk of the page, and covers up the links to go to the front page. It's extremely annoying.

Posted by: rob at March 18, 2006 08:51 PM

wow... now we know exactly why Isaac Hayes left the show.

He didnt decide to out of conscience, he was forced out by Tom Bitch...i mean cruise.

Posted by: mogulus at March 18, 2006 08:55 PM

Ahh, a Chomsky disciple. Clouds part, I get the picture now.

Still, okay, it really didn't come across as satirical to me (I think with satire, people are supposed to be able to tell that you're being a smartass). Nonetheless, I'll let it go at that. Sorry if I offended your apparently now-satirical leftist sensibilities, but I've run across a number of people who champion your "freedom-of-speech-is-dying" position as factual and it just irks me. I only jumped on the soapbox because I thought you were on yours. But since it was "satirical" and not literal, I'll apologize for babbling and calling you a "pansy" and be on my way. Cheers.

Posted by: Joboo at March 18, 2006 09:08 PM

No problem, it was a diversion crossing bloggie swords. Next time I see one of your comments I'll try to piss you off again.

Posted by: matlot at March 18, 2006 09:14 PM

Hmm, this would make a good idea for a plot to a comedy movie. Hear that, Kevin Smith?

Posted by: DarKing at March 18, 2006 10:55 PM

after reading this, you too will understand.

Posted by: bond, james bond at March 19, 2006 02:30 AM

Like I always say ''If you don't like it, then don't watch'', It's as simple as that.

Posted by: Wolf at March 19, 2006 04:12 PM

Tom Cruise is way out of line here. That south park episode wasn't allowed to air in the UK at all because of him. Isaac Hayes is a hypocritical twat too. Everyone associated with scientology has lost the plot and just stopping a south park episode isn't going to stop 99% of the world from knowing that your cult isn't full of shit. Be interesting to see what Ricky Gervais does in season 2 of extras as apparently Tom Cruise is in it. I'm betting scientology isn't even mentioned

Posted by: Hav at March 20, 2006 09:30 AM

First of all, the story is unsubstantiated. This blog doesn't even link to the MSNBC article, and everybody associated with the story (Cruise, Comedy Central, Viacom) has denied anything like this occurred.

Second, equating a movie star (who may have attempted to use his clout to quash a program that strongly implies he is gay) to a terrorist (somebody who murders people indiscriminately to get attention) is hysterical to say the least.

Third, if Tom Cruise doing such-and-such in Hollywood in relation to such-and-such big budget movie can actually "make you sick," then you need to pay more attention to the real things happening all over the real world. You know, there are real injustices happening, with real people suffering. Tom Cruise's little antics are nothing to get "sick" over. He may be a twit, but why do you get worked up over it? Doesn't that make you also a twit?

Fourth, if Tom Cruise is gay, let's hear the evidence. What's that, you say? You mean no reputable publication has ever documented anything that would indicate Cruise is a closeted homosexual? Oh, well, it's still fun to call him gay. "Tom Cruise is gay, la la la, I don't know for sure, but somebody told me it's true, and it's funny to think so, so I believe it, la la la."

Fifth, whatever Tom Cruise does with his weiner behind closed doors is nobody's business, unless you really have no life and have a completely misguided sense of what's important in this world.

Sixth, Scientology is obviously B.S., but then again, so is Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. If you're going to pick on Scientology for being "out there," then please, don't stop there. Be sure to mention how ridiculous the "Virgin Mary," The Ark, Jihad, the Wailing Wall, and all the other religions are. They're all completely absurd, aren't they? Or do you actually think a story about aliens is any weirder than a story about a Sky Man and a pitchfork-wielding Devil?

Seventh, if you think Tom Cruise is so terrible, then why do you keep paying good money to see him in films? You went and saw "War of the Worlds," "Minority Report," "Mission Impossible 1 & 2," "Collateral" and "Jerry Maguire," didn't you? I'll bet you saw most or even all of them. And yet you claim to find Tom Cruise offensive? You big masochist. You put money in Tom Cruise's pocket, and now you complain that he's a Diva. Loser.

Eighth, guess what? Cruise has hooked up with Mimi Rogers, Nicole Kidman, Penelope Cruz, Katie Holmes, and very likely Renee Zellweger and Rebecca DeMornay. If he's "gay," then what you really mean to say is he's "bi," since I doubt you could fake that many hook-ups and marriages. That's a pretty good lay-list for a dyslexic guy with a crooked tooth. How many incredibly hot superstar actresses have you bedded lately? Um....your hand does not count.

Ninth, did you know there is a WAR happening and the American people are being LIED TO and having their RIGHTS SUBVERTED on a DAILY BASIS? And *THIS* is what you allow yourself to get upset about?!?!

Tenth, you're all tossers.

Posted by: Twing Twang at March 20, 2006 12:07 PM

Hey, hey, hey, hey...
Smoke weed every day

Posted by: Simon at March 20, 2006 07:51 PM

It makes me sick when Actors use their influence to Push their personal faith. Mel Gibson, Tom Cruise, Kurt Cameron. Keep it in the Church.

P.S. If Scientology is a religeon does that make L. Ron Hubbard a prophet?

Posted by: Ekim at March 21, 2006 01:28 AM

Hey there Ekim.

I have to disagree with you a little here.

You and I both would use whatever our personal influences might be to push topic that are important to us.

I have NO PROBLEM is Tom Cruise wants to use his celebrity status to promote Scientology. That's totally fair. Same goes for Mel Gibson and his faith. Totally fair.

What's NOT fair is using your power to silence others all in the name of your "faith". To me... that's where Tom Cruise crosses the line.

Just my two cents worth.



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Posted by: Bilger Brunkie at March 22, 2006 09:47 AM

Tom Cruise is a boob. Viacom is just a bunch of pussy executives trying to promote a movie that probably sucks anyway. The premise of Scientology is as legitimate as NAMBLA and it's members deserve the same amount of respect.

Posted by: Carey Lambert at March 27, 2006 01:35 PM

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