March 21, 2006

The South Park Scientology Episode

South-Park-ScientologyWell that South Park Scientology episode that has everyone all knotted up (ie. Tom Cruise) is actually up and online for everyone to see. Thanks to Joel for giving me the heads up on this one.

It's pretty funny... but not hillarious. Although the very end part where the Scientology group threatens to sue anyone who dares make fun of them is freaking hillarious! Oh yeah, the part where they actually explain what Scientologist really believe (seriously) is pretty damn funny too.

To see the South Park Scientology episode you can just go here.

Posted by John Campea at March 21, 2006 03:14 PM


SWEET! Thanks for revealing this.

Posted by: DarKing at March 21, 2006 03:18 PM

My friends and I have found this to be one of the funniest episodes, since it was released, not because of the fact that they rip on scientology or tom cruise...the real comic gold in this episode is the impression of john it again, when he is stepping through the crowd and when he tries to get tom out of the closet...effen amazing!

Posted by: Goo at March 21, 2006 06:38 PM

Priceless...thanks John!

Posted by: JAGMIR at March 21, 2006 11:02 PM

hahaha friggin hilaryis

Posted by: reuben at March 22, 2006 11:28 AM

hahaha friggin hilaryis

Posted by: reuben at March 22, 2006 11:28 AM

I loved this episode the first time I watched it, and I was dumbfounded by their explanation of scientology and that people actually believe this!!!!!

Posted by: sarah at March 22, 2006 01:58 PM

Brilliant!!! Gotta watch the return of Chef tonight!

Posted by: Herby at March 22, 2006 07:44 PM

iF magazine has a nice review of the Return of Chef episode here:
Obviously Isaac Hayes was reluctant to participate due to his enlightened moral sensibilities, so his character spouts gobs of the vitriol he was happy to utter in earlier episodes.

Posted by: Robert MacCombe at March 23, 2006 05:32 AM

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