March 22, 2006

The Simpsons Movie Already In Production

I think the Simpsons Movie will be spectacular! Has the show lost some of its edge of the last couple of years? Yes. But to me it's still one of the best shows on TV. And just think of it... that whole group of writers have had YEARS to come up with a script for a 90 minute movie. I predict pure gold my friends.

What I didn't know was that production for The Simpsons Movie was already moving ahead! As a matter of fact, the actors have already started recording their dialog for the film. The good folks over at AICN reported the following:

(Harry Shearer - The Voice of Ned Flanders amongst others on the show) mentioned the two year contract extension and then was asked the question if this will delay the movie project by two years. His response was that it would not delay it, because they were recording dialogue for it right now. He then was asked if the movie would be more edgy to which he said that it pushed the boundaries, but it wasn't going to be an R rated movie. Asked if there was swearing in the movie, he said a little more than normal
WHeee!!! Could The SImpsons Movie be closer than we expected? man I hope so. D'Oh!

Posted by John Campea at March 22, 2006 10:28 AM


I haven't been a fan of The Simpsons in years. For the past few years Simpons just lost its touch for me. Most episodes now are pointless. A movie of The Simpons might get back alot of fans and popularity like it used to have. The best animated show for me would have to be Family Guy. I laugh my fucking ass off everytime I watch it.

Posted by: Wolf at March 22, 2006 11:31 AM


Family Guy pwns The Simpsons, I retty much have the same feelings as Camp, The SImpsons are still good, but I dont shed a tear when I miss an episode, but Family Guy, I need 20 minutes preparation.....muchies....check, drinks.....check, weed....check, and on with the show. Family Guy makes me laugh so hard I cry, Im not sure even The Simpsons ever engaged me so.

Stewie is my absolute favorite, he needs an Emmy for christ sakes.

"You call those cheap implants boobs? Those aren't boobs! They're lies!


Posted by: Norddeth at March 22, 2006 02:10 PM

I never liked Family Guy. My brother makes me watch episodes with him to try and convert me. I never laugh. It's a poor knockoff of the Simpsons.

I've been a Simpsons fan since the shorts on the Tracy Ullman Show. While the previous two seasons were subpar, it's still the funniest show on television. This season has been quite good. The bicycle built for two episode was outstanding. I'll be at the movie opening day.

Posted by: Mr Stay Puft at March 22, 2006 02:28 PM

I'm not sure why there's all this bruhaha over a Simpsons film.
It isn't needed- unless after being on the air since 1990, this is the real big sendoff--
except the fact that 'Simpsons' has been renewed for another season.

I won't be in line, opening day or any other day.
Yeah, I know, I know, I'm just a silly o' party pooper.

Posted by: darren seeley at March 22, 2006 03:17 PM

the simpsons have become an institution in our was and still is a brilliant social satire that is much needed...

family guy is funny for those of us who can appreciate the random pop culture references every show...especially the star wars jokes...but for the most part the show is just shock and awe for everyone else... the fan base is younger than 20 and 3/4 of the jokes are geared for 20 somethings and older, but they are cheap laughs for us because stewie never says anything that makes me say to myself "huh? maybe i should think about that."...

family guy is for the A.D.D. generation

the shows that find the balance are the great ones: southpark and the simpsons

Posted by: goomack14 at March 22, 2006 04:05 PM


OK, I agree, Family Guy is definately geared for the 20 something crowd, all other critisims stem from you not being 20 something, lol


Posted by: Norddeth at March 22, 2006 04:16 PM

Eh...I am a 20 something...I just grew up with the simpsons, south park, beavis and butthead, ren and stimpy, and everything else that the Family Guy is trying to be, so i am biased...if you want off the wall comedy with no social satire(oh, and i hope this starts a bunch of "are you out of you effen mind!" comments) watch aqua teen, harvey birdman(colbert is a comic genius)or sea lab.

Posted by: goomack14 at March 22, 2006 05:56 PM

I'll only be happy if John Swartzwelder and Conan O' Brien will be some of the writers writing this. Swartzwelder was one of the best writers of the Simpsons back then. His episodes include the Itchy and Scratchyland episode, Homer the Smithers, and others. O'Brien was the writer of the one of the best episodes ever made "Marge vs. the Monorail" and "Homer goes to College."

Posted by: Dan Tayag at March 22, 2006 08:41 PM

As like many i have my douts about this film but if the simpsons writers have sat down and really made a fantastic funny as hell film then its fine because i have alway wanted a simpsons film im a huge fan so to see it go to the big screen finally and no be as funny as the show that would be a big pooper. But as for people saying that Family guy is better im sorry but its not dont get me wrong i love family guy stewie rulz but the thing is family guy is an adult programe were simpsons is also for kids so they cant have the more sexual jokes or swareing but still if the simpsons movie works who's to complaine. Cant wait P.S Homer rulz!

Posted by: Alan at March 23, 2006 07:43 AM


Why the bloody hell didn't the braniacs behind The Simpsons think of this earlier??? I guarantee you if this movie goes ahead, it will amass hundreds of millions of dollars at the Box Office. It is inevitable. Over the past 7 years I have waited patiently for a movie version of the show, and year after year I am disappointed as other cartoons take the limelight. I think Family Guy is brilliant, and it took them just over one year (365 days) to create a Family Guy movie. Which ran for approximately 2 hours I must say. And I wouldn't be surprised if the cash earned from this film equalled the amount of money earned from every single Family Guy episode aired. I just want to know why it's taken the guys behind The Simpsons 16 long years (16 x 365 days) to think of the same thing!! The most popular current cartoon show in the world, and there hasn't even been a bloody movie made yet! The whole thing is proposterous, I think.

Anyway, like I said. It's about damn time. Earth, brace yourself for the Simpsons movie madness ahead.

Posted by: Cody666 at March 25, 2006 06:38 AM

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