March 15, 2006

The Moguls Trailer

The Moguls TrailerSTOP WHAT YOU'RE DOING RIGHT NOW AND WATCH THIS TRAILER!!!! The Moguls trailer has hit the web... and aside from Superman Returns, it is now the movie I am MOST looking forward to seeing! This trailer is HILARIOUS!

Here's a quick summary of The Moguls from the good folks over at dTheatre:

Jeff Bridges, Tim Blake Nelson (Oh Brother), Joe Pantoliano (Sopranos), Ted Danson (Cheers), and Lauren Graham (Gilmore Girls) lead an all-star cast in a flick about a group of small-townspeople that decide to make a porno together to get rich and or make it big.
There were no "fall on the floor" funny moments in The Moguls trailer, but just the whole feel of it had me wearing a grin the entire time. I can not wait for this film! Jeff Bridges is a god!!!!

To see The Moguls trailer you can just go here.

Posted by John Campea at March 15, 2006 10:35 AM


Damn! Look at that cast! I'm speechless. That looks awesome. I need to send this like to everyone I know...right now.

Posted by: Larry [TypeKey Profile Page] at March 15, 2006 10:44 AM

This film will be AWESOME. No doubt underated! I am actually looking forward to Ted Danson - I like his screen presence. Add to that Jeff Bridges, a comical story and a subject matter people avoid in movies (porn!) and bingo! Haha, cant wait.

Posted by: Doktorpee [TypeKey Profile Page] at March 15, 2006 12:30 PM

The Dude returns.

Admit it, you guys are just excited about Ted Danson's nude scene. That's right, he has a nude scene in this film.


Posted by: Drewbacca at March 15, 2006 01:22 PM

To make his very own Logjammin!

Posted by: Triflic at March 15, 2006 02:28 PM

is anyone else having a problem playing it?

Posted by: miles at March 15, 2006 02:31 PM

yeah, me. Doesnt want to play.

Posted by: igl85 at March 15, 2006 06:09 PM

Looks like the film has been re-titled for its North American release as "The Amateurs"

Posted by: Allen M at March 17, 2006 12:38 PM

Looks like the film has been re-titled for its North American release as "The Amateurs"

Posted by: Allen M at March 17, 2006 12:45 PM

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