March 10, 2006

The Hills Have Eyes Reviews

The Hills Have Eyes reviews are up, and they're pretty much splitting the critics. Some good, some bad... it's actually sitting just about as close to a 50% rating as you can get (a 49% as of this writing).

So here's what some of the critics are saying in their The Hills Have Eyes reviews:

"This remake of the alleged 1977 Wes Craven classic has one very disturbing quality: It's too damned good."

"It is not faulty logic that derails The Hills have Eyes, however, but faulty drama. The movie is a one-trick pony."

"There's a distinct letdown after an astonishing and unexpected opening section, as if the gravitational pull toward trash-kitsch horror was too much to resist."
Robert Koehler, VARIETY

a refreshingly brutal and thoroughly entertaining update of Wes Craven's 1977 cult classic."

To me all the advanced stuff for The Hills Have Eyes has been encouraging. I'm a little disapointed that it hasn't rated higher... but as in everything else I'll see for myself. You can read more The Hills Have Eyes reviews here.

Posted by John Campea at March 10, 2006 08:28 AM


The trailer looks intresting enough. Emile De Ravin is in it and I'm a huge fan of Lost so I would like to check out her performance in it.

Posted by: Wolf at March 10, 2006 09:05 AM

The movie was great, great performences bay the whole cast, even Bobby and Brenda. I was shocked at the ending tho, they leave you at a cliffhanger so....I'm hopeing a sequeal is made. I will definatly go see it. And when this movie comes out which will probably be like july, I will certainly get it!

Posted by: Murphy Mcmanus at March 11, 2006 06:23 PM