March 08, 2006


Sienna Miller StardustI try not to get to enthusiastic about movies that haven't even gone onto production yet (unless it's a sequel or popular comic adaptation or something like that), but this new project titled "Stardust" has really caught my attention.

Take a look at this cast list. Robert DeNiro, Michelle Pfeiffer, Claire Danes, Brit Charlie Cox and Sienna Miller. Wow. And the synopsis looks interesting too. From the good folks over at CHUD:

The fantasy tale revolves around a man who ventures into a magical realm to retrieve a fallen star for his beloved. Unfortunately along the way he must contend with evil witches, goblins, pirates and belligerent trees. But c'mon, let's be realistic -- for Sienna Miller, you'd probably do it too.
I haven't found anything as far as a shooting or release dates are concerned, but I'm pretty interested in this one. Keep your eyes open for Stardust news. Man... look at that picture... WHAT THE HELL WAS JUDE LAW THINKING!?!?!?!

Posted by John Campea at March 8, 2006 09:42 AM


stardust would count as being a comic book adaptation. originally written by neil gaiman and illustrated by charles vess -- worth reading before they butcher it into hollywood movie format.

Posted by: audrey at March 8, 2006 11:07 AM

Thanks. Now I have to leave work, go home, change my shorts and come back to work. Great.

Posted by: Drewbacca at March 8, 2006 11:11 AM

i've seen better looking girls at my old highschool! AND WITHOUT Airbrushing. What was Jude law thinking? he was thinking like every other dude on the planet, i can have my cake and eat it too and get second helpings.

i still like jude law tho

Posted by: Marla Singer at March 8, 2006 11:52 AM

If this is based on the Neil Gaiman (Watchmen, American Gods, etc) book of the same name, it could be quite good!

Posted by: jimf at March 8, 2006 12:35 PM

People like Jude Law and Billy Bob Thornton just make me wonder...WHY! heh...Miller and Jolie are smart, fucking gorgeous and generally damn amazing. And Miller can dance...oh she can dance...

Posted by: Doktorpee [TypeKey Profile Page] at March 8, 2006 04:04 PM

1. Billy Bob didnt have a choice in the matter, lol

2. Jude thought he could have his cake and eat the babysitter too.


Posted by: SmotPoker at March 8, 2006 04:20 PM

Comic book? Wasn't this a prose novel first?

Posted by: Hazelip [TypeKey Profile Page] at March 8, 2006 05:02 PM

It was a novel first. I own a signed book as proof.

Posted by: ChrisP at March 8, 2006 06:36 PM

So she's hot. I've never seen her in anything. Can she act? Hot chicks in movies are a dime a dozen.

Posted by: Mr Stay Puft at March 8, 2006 08:15 PM

this cast is comeing to scotland wow cant wait if any one nows were abouts get back to me

Posted by: johnnie at March 10, 2006 12:24 PM

This definitely sounds like it's based on Gaiman, and forgive me if I'm less than enthusiastic.... The potential to mess this up is overwhelming.

Posted by: Tracy at March 15, 2006 10:01 AM