March 13, 2006

Sin City 2 Delayed Until Angelina Jolie Has Baby

I loved the first Sin City... but not for the same reasons most other people liked it. Yes it looked kinda cool. Yes the style was great. Yes the violence was over the top. But to me, the real brilliance of the film was 3 broken and self hating characters who have seen nothing but garbage in the world, each catch just the slightest glimpse of something beautiful (letters from a little girl, a night with a prositute, and the love of an ex-flame) and it totally captivates them to the point where nothing else matters. That was great movie making.

Anyway, it's well known already that they are indeed moving forward with a Sin City 2, but what we didn't know for sure was that the rumours that director Robert Rodriguez wants Angelina Jolie in the lead role was so set in stone. The good folks over at Dark Horizons give us this:

Rosario Dawson, who will reprise the role of rogue hooker Gail in the upcoming sequel to Sin City, told Sci-Fi Wire that director Robert Rodriguez wants Angelina Jolie to star in Sin City 2 and is delaying production to accommodate Jolie's current pregnancy. "The film's been kind of postponed because Robert has been interested in Angelina Jolie for the lead," Dawson said in an interview. "But she's very pregnant right now. So that's putting an understandable hold on the film."
SO there you have it. It looks like Sin City is going to have Angelina Jolie as it's lead in the next flick. Personally, I think this is a GOOD thing. Think whatever you want about Jolie, the woman can ACT... not to mention I think her whole image and style will fit in with the Sin City world very nicely. Your thoughts?

Posted by John Campea at March 13, 2006 12:15 PM


I swear this:

The only time I ever hear about Jessica Alba making news is when she's:

1 - Bitching about her roles
2 - Bitching about her private life
3 - Bitching about not being a bitch

What a bitch!

But so hot too!

Posted by: SpideyFan at March 13, 2006 11:53 AM

Personally, I don't like Jolie, but, as the poster said, she CAN act when she gets serious....and I can totally see her in a Rodriguez film, especially Sin City.
What role will she play? [I've never read the graphic novels....]

Either way, if she's in it or not, I'm excited for the Sin City II.

Posted by: Lacky at March 13, 2006 12:31 PM

I don't care much about Jolie to be honest but I can see her in Sin City 2. I can imagine her HUGE lips being bright red and the rest of her body black and white.

Posted by: Wolf at March 13, 2006 12:37 PM

Yes yes yes, delay Sin City 2! Jolie is MADE for Sin City...though, it will be interesting to see what character she will play. Nevertheless, she'll be fantastic for the movie.

Can you imagine (if it were to ever happen)...a saucy Jessica Alba and a hotass Angelina Jolie in ONE SCENE...uhhhh

BRB!!!! :P

Posted by: Doktorpee [TypeKey Profile Page] at March 13, 2006 01:01 PM

The first Sin City was okay. Jolie in this movie or not, makes no difference to me. There is talent and beauty around to be found, but I bet her name will bring ppl to the theater to make a decent opening weekend.
And for the record, I think Alba is extremely over rated. There I've said it, and I feel better. :o)

Posted by: TM at March 13, 2006 02:38 PM

Good move. Getting Jolie is a necessity unless the next Sin City movie expands upon the limited revenge theme of the first one. I don't think the second one will make near the impact the first one did.

Posted by: Lou_Sytsma at March 13, 2006 03:56 PM

Shoot me now; ask questions later...

I am the man who brings ants to this picnic, people.
In short, I have always thought Angelina Jolie is a horrible actress.

I hated Mr. & Mrs Smith.
I hated the Tomb Raider films and her phony Brit accent too.
Original Sin.
Taking f***ing Lives.

Need I continue?

Posted by: darren seeley at March 13, 2006 09:05 PM

Angie is going to draw a big audience and this is a good move but it would be funny if she decided on backing out at the last second, it doesnt sound like she has a contract or anything.

Posted by: Frank at March 14, 2006 12:39 AM

darren seeley you are right. Angelina Jolie belongs to the Who Hired the Mannequin? category of actresses. She is even worse than Jessica Alba, because I don't hear people claiming Jessica can act. Emoting is not acting.

Delaying a movie to accommodate one actress is a terrible idea. There's no guarantee even if they get her that everyone else will be available. The male roles need the right actors. I would hate to see one of the Hollywood pretty boys hired because they're the only ones available.

Delays mean new studio execs coming in, studio bought out, rewrites, different creative consultants, different technical crew, potentially new director, new producers etc...
It could even lead to Sin City 2 never getting made.

Posted by: darkbhudda at March 14, 2006 09:47 PM

"The male roles need the right actors. I would hate to see one of the Hollywood pretty boys hired because they're the only ones available."

Isn't that why Clive Owens was in the original?

Posted by: Feynman and Coulter's Love Child at April 10, 2006 03:13 AM

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