March 23, 2006

Schwarzenegger back for Terminator 4

Everyone wants Arnie.... well... except for the voters of California I guess. Anyway, hot on the heels of all the Conan talk, it now looks like a Terminator 4 is in the works with none other than Arnold Schwarzenegger himself returning (so how does a Robot age 20 years?).

The good folks over at MovieHole give us the following:

Seems something’s changed - incongruously, this coincides with the decline of Arnold’s regard as the Californian Governor - because according to producer Mario Kassar, “Terminator 4” is waiting in the wings, they’re just waiting for a free spot in Schwarzenegger’s calendar. Yep, the big man will be back…again.

"T4 does have a script and all we need is Arnie to finish his term and step in front of the camera and play his trademark role”, the producer, currently promoting “Basic Instinct 2” in Germany, told TV’s Extra.

Wow... so there you have it. Now before any of us get too worked up about this... keep in mind we still haven't heard anything from Arnold himself about all of these Conan or Terminator rumblings. But it does look like he's already planning his post-governor career directions.

Am I the only one who still thinks they should do a Matrix/Terminator crossover? Where the "Machines" rule and the Terminator is sent in to destroy Neo?

Posted by John Campea at March 23, 2006 08:41 AM


funny idea but john, it will never legally happen.
not because of differences in creativity... but if you'll remember, the makers of BOTH movies were sued for stealing the whole "machines rule in the future" story from a book written a few years ago.

Do a quick google search and you should find info on this. I'm going to give it a whack as I can't seem to remember the name of the novel.

I do believe there are some unresolved things in this case as well.

Posted by: mogulus at March 23, 2006 08:50 AM

yes... i'm back. didnt take long.
the book was called "the third eye" by Sophia Stewart.

here's a link...

Posted by: mogulus at March 23, 2006 08:51 AM




Posted by: Norddeth at March 23, 2006 10:09 AM

Mog, let's get a few things right:

You cannot copyright an idea. Now, the only problem 'Terminator' had was that despite being James Cameron's sole creation, Orion/Hemdale was threatened to be sued- not by Sophia Stewart, but by SF author Harlan Ellison. In the contreversial comprimise, a forced, final credit on 'Terminator' has since "acknowleged" Harlan Ellison.

The lawsuit brought on by Stewart was flimsy at best. Was Issac Asimov next on her hit list? Oohh..did I say "was"?

She lost!

Posted by: darren seeley at March 23, 2006 10:47 AM

If the movie isn't set in the future, I'm not going to see it.

Posted by: Tan The Man at March 23, 2006 12:13 PM

Judgement day came in the last movie so I expect Terminator 4 to be srt in the near future. This means alot more action as a war goes on in the future between man and machine. But could Arnold be up for this? I mean when you guys showed us the picture or arnie looking flabby and out of shape, that suprised me.

Posted by: Wolf at March 23, 2006 12:38 PM

Hmm... no big surprise there. I figure they would get rid of Arnold (at least that was what the reports said). It didn't matter anyways, except for the fact that [I think] the Terminator franchise was better off ending in T2.

BTW, I would've SO wanted to see The Matrix/Terminator crossover, but as time went by I figure it would never happen. I think a novel would be better.
Then again, FOX actully had the Ninja Turtles/Power Rangers crossover (My view: WTF?!). Sorry if I plagued anyone with that information. [Note: I was a fan of them as a little kid; today, II don't like these shows (thank god!)]

Posted by: DarKing at March 23, 2006 03:04 PM

Hmm... no big surprise there. I figure they would get rid of Arnold (at least that was what the reports said). It didn't matter anyways, except for the fact that [I think] the Terminator franchise was better off ending in T2.

BTW, I would've SO wanted to see The Matrix/Terminator crossover, but as time went by I figure it would never happen. I think a novel would be better.
Then again, FOX actully had the Ninja Turtles/Power Rangers crossover (My view: WTF?!). Sorry if I plagued anyone with that information. [Note: I was a fan of them as a little kid; today, II don't like these shows (thank god!)]

Posted by: DarKing at March 23, 2006 03:04 PM

Hmm... no big surprise there. I figure they would get rid of Arnold (at least that was what the reports said). It didn't matter anyways, except for the fact that [I think] the Terminator franchise was better off ending in T2.

BTW, I would've SO wanted to see The Matrix/Terminator crossover, but as time went by I figure it would never happen. I think a novel would be better.

Posted by: DarKing at March 23, 2006 03:05 PM

AH SHIT! I tried to post my comments, but this error page popped up. Now I posted my comments 3 times. DAMMIT! I did not want to do that.

Can you look in on that, Campea?

Posted by: DarKing at March 23, 2006 03:08 PM

woah. I give you a link and you act like i'm a retard for bringing it up, darren?

John wasnt' even serious about the crossover. Discussion is part of the fun of the comment section. Dont try to make other commentors look stupid to simply make your point. Just make it. : )

Posted by: mogulus at March 23, 2006 11:09 PM

Terminator 4 should not happen if Arnold Schwarzenegger isn't the lead character.

Terminator 1 and 2 were landmark films. In my hopefully valid opinion, these movies raised the bar high for sci-fi action flicks. Director James Cameron struck pure gold with these masterpieces.

Then, there was T3. Oopsy-daisy. With Cameron not signed on to point and shoot once more, the producers called in another director. Some guy no one's ever heard of. As the first two Terminators were outstanding films, we had high expectations for T3. It was a disaster, and I know there are alot of smart people out there who would agree. T3 was less intelligence and smart plot and more big guns and explosions. Who cares? We'd seen it all before. The highlight of the movie was seeing supermodel Kristanna Loken half-nude. Everything else didn't make it for me. The director slashed poor Arnie's resume by getting him to act in ways he wasn't used to.

I feel that T4 has a lot to make up for. I do think they should have stopped at the end of T2, but, realising that movie-nerds were hungry for more, they made a third, full of ridiculously over-the-top destroying machines and bad acting. (Cue "bankrupt" sound effect: wup-wup-wuuuup...)

So basically T4 needs to be equally as brilliant as the first two, otherwise the whole franchise will be shot to pieces.

Oh, and if Schwarzenegger wasn't to get back on board for T4, they might as well scrap the whole idea right now. You can't do a Terminator movie without Arnie, I don't care HOW old he is.

Posted by: Cody666 at March 25, 2006 07:04 AM

Your not the only person who thinks there should be some film or link made between the terminator films and the matrix films. I'v mentioned it with several of my friends before and they all agree. The plots just seem like they were meant to compliment each other for various reasons. Anyway keep up the good work.

Posted by: Darth_Xanther at March 26, 2006 06:27 PM

WHY??? Didn't the films get ruined enough by doing the 3rd one????

Posted by: KIM at March 28, 2006 03:42 AM

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