March 06, 2006

Rocky Ballboa Teaser Trailer

Rocky 6 TrailerThe film is still a year away, but the good folks behind the new Rocky VI movie (aka Rocky Ballboa) have decided to get the buzz machine going early by releasing a short teaser trailer for the film.

You know... for an advanced teaser trailer it's not too bad. Some short interesting dialog and a great visual image of Rocky close up beaten and looking kind of rough. However, as my good friends over at CinemaBlend point out... the server is SO F*CKING SLOW it'll drive you insane waiting for it to download. But meh... start downloading it... go have lunch and then come back to watch it.

As a side note... I still don't have much hope for this movie. But the the trailer doesn't look to bad. You can see it here.

Posted by John Campea at March 6, 2006 11:18 AM


This is what Arnold needs... a movie where he's supposed to look old and flabby!

Posted by: Sean at March 06, 2006 12:18

This teaser is awesome. It's exactly what it should be.

Posted by: Jay C. at March 06, 2006 12:24

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