March 02, 2006

Rocky 6 overview

I'm one of the very few people who have a MILD appreciation for Rocky 5. Yeah it wasn't donw all that well, but I thought the idea of seeing Rocky back where he started, and passing on the batton to a new generation of fighter was a good one, and I found it interesting to watch. However, I DO wish they kept the original ending and had Rocky die at the end. Oh well.

So now, the folks over at AICN have posted up a Rocky 6 script overview. Nothing shocking in it, but it is an interesting read.

I personally don't have much hope for Rocky 6. The franchise is DONE (some would say it should have been done after Ivan Drago in Rocky 4). But it's Rocky... so I'll obviously give it a shot. Do you have any hope for this one? Found via

Posted by John Campea at March 2, 2006 10:02 AM


i'm looking forward to it, but i might be watching it on dvd. i'm hoping for somewhat of a comeback from stallone.

Posted by: at March 2, 2006 10:33 AM

If I read the script overview, are there major spoilers?
I'm not sure I wanna know what happens. Or is it just a basic plot overview?


Posted by: Drewbacca at March 2, 2006 12:02 PM

I too have had the pleasure of reading the rocky 6 script, and in a more recent revision than what is reviewed at Aint It Cool. Before I'd even opened to the first page, I'd already experienced my first chuckle at Stalone's expense, as the title is "Puncher's Chance" and written several spaces beneath in a much smaller font is "Rocky 6".

I loved the original and was a fan of two of the sequels. I've also seen all of the films so I know what makes for a good Rocky and what makes for a bad Rocky. "Puncher's Chance" is a bad Rocky.

I've read most of the other Rocky scripts and I've seen the transition to film, so I know how terrible many of these appear in script form compared to final production. Unfortunately, I have a hard time imagining what amount of money and whose skills could take R6 from the pages I've read and make it into a movie that could even hold its own within the series.

I'm not hoping for this picture's failure but without ANOTHER serious rewrite I can't predict anything positive for "Puncher's Chance". And yes, I too would love to see a big comeback from Stalone, as a have a few favorite films that star him. Just know that he's a much better actor than he is a writer... dot dot dot...

Posted by: 6nightmares at March 2, 2006 03:29 PM

Damn, thanks again for the spoiler(if its true... wait, dont tell me that!) I havent read any of the scripts and im going to keep it that way. I didn't want to know that rocky is _not_ going to die in the end...

Posted by: kohina at March 2, 2006 06:53 PM