March 20, 2006

Richard Donner Thinks Brandon Routh a Great Choice for Superman

Superman and Superman II director Richard Donner has recently been saying that he believes that Brandon Routh is the perfect choice to play the new Superman. Although he hasn't seen the whole film yet, Donner thought Routh embodied the spirit of Christopher Reeve and the character of Superman himself perfectly.

Now a video has popped up online from the good folks over at WorldofKj from the Showest festival where they presented Brandon Routh with the "Star of Tomorrow" award. In the video we hear various people sing the praises of Routh, including Donner. It's interesting... but nothing earth shaking.

ANyway, if you'd like to see the footage, you can go here.

Posted by John Campea at March 20, 2006 09:19 AM


I think routh is perfect for the role. I don't think anyone else could look as good in the Superman outfit as Routh looks in it right now. From what I've seen from the footage and from the pictures Routh really brings the presence of Superman back to life on the screen.

Posted by: Wolf at March 20, 2006 09:34 AM

I completely agree with Wolf. He is going to be a great Superman/Clark Kent.

Posted by: Joey at March 20, 2006 11:45 AM

i think it is a good choice if routh will be the next superman...

Posted by: genkied at March 20, 2006 01:18 PM

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