March 27, 2006

Razorwire: Drug Dealers Vs. Vampires

RazorwireI can't decide if this one sounds like a pile of stupid brain dead nonsense... or fantastic fun. The new project called "Razorwire" is about ready to go into production... and here's what Dark Horizons tell us about it:

The script centers on a group of small-time drug dealers who discover that vampires, who also happen to be cops, have been feeding on the disadvantaged people in the ghetto. When the vampire cops start framing them for the murders, the dealers go to war with their new immortal enemies.
Oh... My... Goodness. Drug dealers going to war against Vampire cops?!?!?! Are they serious?!?!?! This idea is moronic. No wait... it's hilarious. No... no I'm going back to stupid. Wait a second, I want to line up for tickets right now. Gaaaa... I can feel my intelligence slipping away every second that I even think about this... and yet it could be the greatest thing EVER!!!

Forget it, I can't make up my mind. What do you guys think?

Posted by John Campea at March 27, 2006 03:11 AM


Hilarious crap? :)

Posted by: Joel Gustafsson at March 27, 2006 03:59 AM

Speaking of drugs. Can't believe Disney hasn't got their eight fingers on this one;

Posted by: mort at March 27, 2006 07:59 AM

So is thing Live Action or Animated?


Posted by: Norddeth at March 27, 2006 08:45 AM

This sounds like a serious study of the war on drugs combined with the plight of the homeless.

If they hurry, they should be eligible for Oscar season.

Posted by: Mr Stay Puft at March 27, 2006 09:02 AM

Sounds intresting to say the least. Could be a cheesy fun movie.

Posted by: Wolf at March 27, 2006 02:11 PM

It doesn't sound all that interesting to me. If this is indeed the premise, a number of things come out to my attention:

1) Why frame the small time drug dealers for murder? They will eventually cross that line sooner or later;

2) We are supposed to root for small time drug dealers. As opposed to big time? Dealing dope is dealing dope. Now, let's say there was an informant, or undercover DEA type and the crooked vampire cops mess with the wrong guy. Okay. Now he got someone to root for. But just small time dope dealers? Come on.

Better yet, why not have the heroes of the concept be from the poor section of town and not be dope dealers but rather young folks who keep clean and work regular jobs/go to school and have inner city struggles? Or someone who just came from rehab/turned thier life around?

NO! They have to drug pushers to the inner city and be part of the inner city problem!

3) Vampires as cops isn't new. Give me a "Forever Knigh" movie instead. You know you want one. I do.

4) See "Full Eclipse"- yea, that cable movie from the early 90's was Werewolves as renegade SWAT cops, but still...

5) The only thing this will have going for it if there are buckets of blood, naked women, and cardbord cliched characters who say 'fucking shit' all the time. Why not? Works for most stupid unscary horror films.

Posted by: darren seeley at March 27, 2006 06:48 PM

you know my thoughts? I am seriously tired of the "expansion of the vampire universe and eternal conflict of evil" bullshit in movies. Underworld did it fairly well, but now you have underworld, blade, Nightwatch and more....

it's like the zombie movie influx of a few years back. all we need now is a parody. how about "assisted living dracula?" the story of dracula in a nursing home, where he needs dentures, can't drink blood unless its' coagulated ( coagula ) and suffering from brittle bone syndrome....

Posted by: mogulus at March 27, 2006 11:40 PM

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