March 13, 2006

Prince Of Persia Movie

Prince Of Persia MovieAs most of you know, I have absolutely ZERO faith in any video game to movie adaptations. Having said that, the one game franchise that I always thought MIGHT have a chance at being half decent is Prince Of Persia. Not because it's a better GAME than any other the others... but because it has a much richer story line, history and plot depth than any other game (which isn't all that important when it comes to games... but it IS important when thinking about making it into a movie).

The good folks over at Cinemablend give us this little tid bit:

Now, well known screenwriter John August, who is apparently serving as an executive producer on the Prince of Persia project, has answered a few questions about the upcoming film on his blog. If you’re a Prince of Persia fan, this is probably a pretty big deal.

August confirms first off, that he doesn’t know when the movie is coming out, they don’t have a director, and no they haven’t cast anyone. Of course they don’t have a script yet, so that makes sense. But, he does confirm they are thinking about casting and that, “it would be great to find a (relatively) unknown Persian actor to play the prince.”

The article goes on to say that the movie will probably be based on "The Sands Of Time" storyline... which isn't a bad idea.

I still think video game movies are a bad idea (ie. Halo), but if any of them has a shot at being ok... it could be Prince of Persia (once again... NOT because it a better game by any stretch... but because it has richer story possibilities). We'll just have to wait and see I guess.

Posted by John Campea at March 13, 2006 12:32 PM


Naveen Andrews who plays Sayid on LOST would be a good choice!

Posted by: ZYPHONIC at March 13, 2006 01:00 PM

Games into movies are a rubbish concept because the games do not have a deep story line to it...the whole thing is structured for the game player to go from START -> END. Saying that, some movies as of late have had no structure whatsoever.

Nevertheless, the newer games have a much better storyline, and I second you there JC, Prince of Persia has a much richer storyline.

This should be an interesting movie...just make sure that tosser Uwe Boll stays well clear of it!

Posted by: Doktorpee [TypeKey Profile Page] at March 13, 2006 01:05 PM

Part of the reason I believe is that they were limited in the amount of material (ie space available) they could put on a memory chip or cd. I actually think there is a lot more storyline in some of the newer games like doktorpee said. Some of my faves will always be Halo 1 &2 (2 which has a lot of cut scenes I might add, over 2 hours I believe), Prince of persia and Half Life 1 and 2. But others include Final fantasy X and SW Knights of the old republick and the sith lords. I thought they had some of the better plots and story lines as far as computer games are concerned.

Posted by: Darth_Xanther at March 13, 2006 01:28 PM

I'm a fan of the game and would enjoy watching a movie of it. The story is fine and could be "epic" if directed properly. I haven't a clue to what Persian actor they could get, but I hope he fits the character.

And "YES" John, I'm gonna have to agree with Doug about having the actor look like the character from the game... :o). Afterall, if they get someone obese and unattractive for a Prince, it would/could turn an audience off, even if any of them have played the game or not. I blame society for leading us/me to believe over the years that a Prince/Princess is "always" someone stunningly beautiful.

Posted by: TM at March 13, 2006 02:13 PM

I think the REAL problem for why games aren't as good in movies is because it isn't taken seriously by developers and movie-makers (Uh-oh, I feel a rant coming on). There are IDIOTS who sacrafice their franchise to people like Uwe Boll (and fuck the ones that gives him the rights to do a film). Paul W.S. Anderson; the Resident Evil movies are guilty pleasures, meaning that they're fun to watch, but overall, they are crap to how they could've been better.

I have hopes for Silent Hill cause:

1) Uwe Boll isn't directing.

2) The movie looks like it may remain true to the source.
3)The acting may actually be good.

I understand some worries for Halo, but I can't see that film a total failure with Peter Jackson producing. They should have a good director if they really want the Halo movie to be as good as they hope (not Lord of the Rings good, but at least Jackson's King Kong good). BTW, whatever they do, DON'T LET THE MASTER CHIEF TAKE OFF HIS HELMET!!!

I never played Prince of Persia (I,II,&III;), but I did like hearing about the plot, and I hope it will be as good as everyone hopes. But the risk is how serious the director, screenwriter, and producer are to make this successful. Games don't make bad movies because the product isn't good enough (nor is the plot from the games), it is because nobody is GIVING A DAMN TO MAKE IT GOOD AS IT SHOULD BE!!!!!

If gamers want their games to be good movies, they need to let their voices be heard. If nobody said anything about Superman, we'd have Jon Peters make this movie into a very crappy 'Michael Bay' type of movie! Oh, and DON'T get me started on "Batman & Robin"! Even in X3, if nobody is giving a damn to making this good, most of us may have been right in the beginning to say this film will be a piece of CRAP! Thankfully, the trailer shows some promise, but we'll see when the movie is out.

Unless studios take video games seriously, we might as well loose all hope for them. The comic fans should be happy, as do I; we have Spider-Man, Batman, Superman (,etc.) that are doing well. Lets hope they remain that way. I hope someday, someone will really make a good video game film.

Posted by: DarKing at March 13, 2006 04:00 PM

Oded Fehr from The Mummy. Nuff Said.

Posted by: Mantiss at March 13, 2006 05:50 PM

excellent points, DarKing.

as for "games into movies" being "rubbish": who would have thought a *theme park ride* would result in a good movie? let's hope someday a videogame-based movie will be half as good as pirates of the caribbean.

Posted by: nick botulism [TypeKey Profile Page] at March 13, 2006 06:24 PM

I still wonder how on earth the Resident Evil franchise never made it big - it is an absolute deadset seller - the storyline is good, has everything a smash-bang movie requires...

If you think about it, movies that converted to games (though I cant think of any) - were they any good? I think the exception of The Godfather, I can't really think of any...

Posted by: Doktorpee [TypeKey Profile Page] at March 13, 2006 06:46 PM

YEAH, nick! Thanks for reminding me about the 'theme park ride' movies. Many people though 'Pirates of the Carribbean' was going to be crap (the whole "pirate movies are bad"). Instead, it became the highest grossing film in theaters. Sure, some people would complain, but it is consider to be a favorite to others (including me).

Of course, it wouldn't be taken seriously for 'The Haunted Mansion'. Talk about a flop.

I can understand Campea having no faith in movies (poor guy must've seen 'Alone in the Dark'), then again, I have no faith for Uwe Boll. But I still think that if someone really wants to, they could actually make a good gaming movie. Damn shame we have 'Staying Alive' coming next, looks like one of those geeky movies, but not as geeky as (wait for it)... SNAKES ON A PLANE (yes, that movie is actually being made for summer).

Well, at least there is X3 and Superman to look forward to.

Posted by: DarKing at March 13, 2006 08:48 PM

The visuals in this one will be very important AND very expensive. Prince of Persia should be a sort of Indiana Jones meets The Mummy meets Lawrence of Arabia. Nothing less.

A agree that we would like to see some good acting for a change.

Posted by: Darko at March 14, 2006 06:21 AM

Depp For Prince!

Czech it out!....................

Posted by: Rynndar [TypeKey Profile Page] at March 14, 2006 06:34 AM

larger version

Posted by: Rynndar [TypeKey Profile Page] at March 14, 2006 07:29 AM

Another example would be Michael Keaton as Batman. I found out that he HATED the role. He only played the part as a favor to Tim Burton. Instead of being a bitch about it, he at least cared to do a good job. So good, fans enjoyed him! He was considered the best Batman before Bale took over the role.

The moral is, whether they like it or not, DON'T BE A WINER A MAKE THE MOVIE GOOD! Keaton may not like being Batman, but I think he likes the positive reaction he got from its fanbase.

Posted by: DarKing at March 14, 2006 03:29 PM

I think that if this project does go forth that it will be a decent flick. The game has been very sucessfull. The stroyline is and was ridiculous. The fact that the Prince evolves throughtout the three games is just incredible, I have never seen a gaming series put so much effort detail and dedication into a video game. I have played all three games. And since the first have been hoping for a feature film. So yes I do think a movie transition could work out more then well.

Posted by: Matt at March 22, 2006 02:56 PM

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