March 07, 2006

New X-Men 3 Full Trailer

THere is a new X-Men 3 trailer out... and altough many other are panning it... I actually think it looks pretty damn good. Mark this one up to me bing impressed with it. :) You can see the X-Men 3 tariler here. Then come back and tell us what you thought of it.

Posted by John Campea at March 7, 2006 09:42 AM


i am not a fan of the series, but that trailer actually got me excited for this movie.

colour me suprised.

Posted by: miles at March 7, 2006 10:02 AM

Wow. Im actually shocked. I was SURE this was going to be absolute ass. But seeing this trailer has got me REALLY pumped for this movie. It looks absolutely awesome! Those bridge special effects were insane!

Posted by: Justin Flood at March 7, 2006 10:36 AM

Same here...I was never a huge fan of the first two. In fact, the first 15-20 minutes of the first one is the only thing that brought me back for the second which I considered a disappointment. This, however, looks incredible.

Posted by: hap at March 7, 2006 10:53 AM

I've loved both X-Men flicks so far. Was a little apprahensive about X3 with Ratner at the helm, but both trailers so far have got me well and truly PSYCHED for this movie. It's looking sweet, and I shall be in the theatre on opening day for sure!

Posted by: H at March 7, 2006 11:03 AM

I know all the rumors early on had many people worried... but ANY pics or previews i have seen make this film look AWESOME! I know that says nothing for most of the dialogue or plot, yet i am still optimistic.

The first pics that came out looked cool, the teaser trailer was pretty badass, and now the "official" trailer looks just as good. Mark me down as EXCITED. (Will it be good? Who knows... But, it will definitely get my money opening weekend...)

Posted by: Jim at March 7, 2006 11:07 AM

Looks great. Can't wait to see it.

Posted by: Rob Merritt at March 7, 2006 11:07 AM

So apparently the "mutant cure" is supposed to be Leech?

The battle scene looks like something worth watching - and something that's never REALLY been done before: multiple superheros fighting mutliple 'villians' all within the same set? The visual effects team is going to be earning their pay-check on this one.

Posted by: Morgan [TypeKey Profile Page] at March 7, 2006 11:37 AM

I watched it during 24 last night, and I was plesantly surprised, but I'm not going to get too excited. There's plenty of crappy movies that had good trailers.

Posted by: Kristina at March 7, 2006 12:38 PM

I agree with Kristina to an extent, but..
1- I love the X-men franchise
2- Seriously, that trailer is absolutely incredible
3- Im going to say it...Possibly better than 1 and 2???

Eeek, Im getting too over-excited..

Posted by: Doktorpee [TypeKey Profile Page] at March 7, 2006 12:52 PM


I was watching 24 last night when this came on, THANK GOD FOR PVR'S!!!!!!!!!!!!

I watched it over and over, each time catching something new.

This will BLOW the first 2 X-MEN out of the water.

Bryan Singer who?

OK that was a bit much, X-MEN 1 and 2 were excellent films, but this one actually look like my comic books have quite litterally come to life, someone ablove mentioned it already, but yeah, the multiple heareos against the multiple villians.....that scene looks mind blowing.

And to take it even further, Kelsey Grammer was born to be Beast, his entire career has been preparation for this role, Beast flying through the air gave me shivers.

Also, its about time someone shows that the X-MEN are not just 4 or 5 people, at first I was worried about all the new characters, but it looks like its done well.



Posted by: SmotPoker at March 7, 2006 01:16 PM

Wow, I can't wait to see this now. Seeing Angel flying gave me goosepimples. Juggernaut crashing through walls - what more do you want?

Posted by: SadSteve at March 7, 2006 02:02 PM

YES! All the BS has been put down since this trailer came out. Man, if Ratner is able to do what Singer intended, he'll get an A+ for directing in my book. Maybe the X-Men franchise helps the director(s) become more well known of how good they are. The ONLY exception is Uwe Boll and Paul W.S. Anderson.

Watch out, Superman! It looks like you're getting major competition this summer!

Posted by: DarKing at March 7, 2006 03:29 PM

Ratner took a smart decision in following Bryan Singer style, he made this franchise big and there were rules to follow in order to have the fans on his side.

I am really looking forward for this movie and all of those battle scenes!

Posted by: Xavier Donoso at March 7, 2006 04:13 PM

It still doesn't do anything for me. It's a well-constructed trailer but I think it's the music that makes all the difference. There's not a whole lot in the way of new images. Maybe I just don't like the X Men all that much. X2 was fun but was kinda hollow as movie experiences go. There are so many characters battling for screen time that I end up not giving a shit about any of them. To be honest, the only reason I'll give it a rental is Hugh Jackman. When it comes out I'd rather stay at home and watch Van Helsing again. It's trashy fun but at least it knows its place.

Also, I've read the script review and I'd rather not see The Halle Berry Show. I fucking hate that woman. A sucky actress with a pretty face and an oscar is still a sucky actress. Did you see that shit she was doing in the James Bond movie? She was embarassing herself.

Posted by: marty93 at March 7, 2006 04:50 PM

I think the trailer looks fantastic. You gotta love the Juggernaut, Shadowcat chase. I never douted Ratner once since he came aboard and I think alot of people are suprised with how well X3 looks.

Posted by: Wolf at March 7, 2006 05:24 PM

Yeah, watched it today for the first time. Looks pretty sweet but I'll always hold out judgement until AFTER I watch a film...

Loved the first two and this looks like a decent continuation...fingers crossed!!

Posted by: Jason at March 7, 2006 06:13 PM

FUCKIN' A!!!!!!!!!

All doubts have been surpassed from this trailer. I can see some little flaws for some people, like Wolverine being a bit more "goody" instead of "I'm gonna make you my bitch" kind of attitude. No problem for me.
Sadly, I checked "Ain't It Cool" news for the early draft, and I think I got myself spoiled for the small clips in the trailer. Still, Ratner is looking to have such promise for this.

Now, since this is the end of the "first" trilogy, get Tim Burton, Apocalypse and his Four Horsemen (Holocaust, Abyss, Mikhail Rasputin, & Sinister) for the next trilogy, AND TEAR THE HOUSE DOWN ON THIS SON OF A BITCH!!! I swear to god, an Age of Apocalypse trilogy would KICK ASS, as long as we avoid time-traveling and unnecessary changes to the heroes (and Magneto), including the cast. Tim Burton should feel free to make Apocalypse creepy and as powerful as he wants.

Posted by: The 1mperfex Collector at March 7, 2006 06:31 PM

I hate to disagree with the majority here, but I have to admit that this trailer didn't do a whole lot for me. There was nothing mind-blowingly new (with respect to what we've seen in the previous films) and the story idea seems a little vague...

There's drug that suppresses mutant abilities, and now every mutant around is pissed off? Also, Jean comes back to life and hooks up with Magneto's "army" of goth-rejects. No pheonix-fire, no new mutant powers, and lots of stuff being smashed or blowing up. I'm afraid they're going to have to do better than that.

The problem is that the only person they've put any character development into is Wolverine, and if he doesn't figure prominantly into this story, then it's just going to be an effects-fest.

Here's hoping it will be good, but I'm still not convinced.

Posted by: Darren Conley at March 7, 2006 07:40 PM

Great trailer, I hope it isn't all the best footage. Still, that title fibs: you can't possibly make a film like that and claim it is the Last Stand. Hah!

I loved the first film, loved the second.
I will try very hard to hate this movie: it will not happen.

Where's my popcorn? Pass me my soda!
I can't wait!

Posted by: darren seeley at March 7, 2006 08:46 PM

so does anyone know how reliable imdb is? cuz quite a few characters have been listed, then unlisted, then added's frustrating. does anyone have a better source? and it looks like ken leung is going to play spike from the looks of the trailer.

i am excited though. and i've read some spoilers here and there, (whether or not they're reliable...well, that's a different thread), and X3 looks promising. but hey, you never know, right?

Posted by: wing kidd at March 8, 2006 05:12 AM

Trailer looks great, but you can't judge a whole movie on a trailer. When I watched Hulk trailer I was blowen away and when I saw it in the movies I was so dissapointed, same goes for The Punisher. one movie everyone seems to dislike is Daredevil, but I loved that movie. It's one of my top fav comic book movies of all time.

Posted by: Wolf at March 8, 2006 06:10 AM

God damn, that Punisher movie sucked!

Posted by: marty93 at March 8, 2006 08:55 AM

I think i have to agree with Darren here. This doesn't convince me of anything except things are going to blow up. And while things blowing up is cool, for me personally then its never been enough to make me like a movie. I'm not sure why so many people feel mutant oppression is a "deep story" but i'd rather see them getting into something more exciting like the brood or concentrating on fewer characters. But instead we get 6 different love stories, 2 old foes turned enemies, a fight against the system and an unlikely army. Yawn.

Outside of Wolverine then everyone is pretty one-dimensional. Yes, prof X and magneto are okay but to be honest when i see them on screen i see them more as Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellen than the people they're supposed to be portraying.

Posted by: I am Johns Arrogant Ass at March 9, 2006 01:25 AM

I agree with the majority this trailer blows your mind. I can not wait until the movie premieres in May. I am also glad the producers expanded on Halle Berry's part instead of kicking her to the shadows like they did in the first movie. But this shit looks hot and believe me when I say this should be one of the top movies of 2006.

Posted by: Joe Schmo at March 9, 2006 12:47 PM

I am REALLY disappointed with Halle Berry getting a larger role in this movie rather than... I dunno, getting cut? I was super pissed when I found out that nightcrawler was cut but Halle Berry's horrendous job with Storm was getting a larger part. I love storm in the comics but Berry is butchering everything. That aside, I am really excited for the movie in general. I think that it's combination of the series 'Planet X' and the Astonishing series is seeming to come together nicely and Brett Ratner seems to be very competent in bringing this world together. I wonder how this film will stack up to the other two and I won't make that judgement until I see the film.

Posted by: Brendan at March 12, 2006 01:28 AM