March 23, 2006

Molly Shannon Leads in Year of the Dog

Molly Shannon is one of those faces that you see a thousand times a year (or at least it feels like it). But the term "always a bridesmaid, never a bride" seems to be her career motto. Well not anymore. Molly Shannon has landed the lead in Mike White's (School of Rock, Nacho Libre) "Year of the Dog".

The good folks over at Film Fodder pretty much sum up my exact thoughts on this, so I'll just quote them here:

I have to admit, I've always felt that Shannon's role choices have not lived up to her talent. Even on SNL, she seemed to always get noticed for her big obnoxious characters, instead of her more subdued interesting characters. Hopefully, this will properly highlight her talent.
Let's hope Shannon can live up to the "Leading Lady" role and run with it. I'm curious to see how she can do now that she has her shot.

Posted by John Campea at March 23, 2006 08:19 AM


SUPERSTAR is one of my all time favorites, makes me giggle everytime I watch it, she is a brilliant comedy actress, I too hope she runs with this


Posted by: Norddeth at March 23, 2006 11:20 AM

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