March 22, 2006

Mission Impossible 3 Poster - But I Don't Care Anymore

Theres a new Mission Impossible 3 poster out on the web... and to me it's nothing to write home about. Standard M.I. look and feel... but that's not a bad thing either.

Look, I'm sorry, I know a LOT of you are getting sick and tired of hearing me bitch about this (I think I am too), but with all the Tom Cruise crap over the last year (including all this recent South Park stuff), whenever I see or hear something to do with Mission Impossible I just cringe. It's not on purpose. That's just my reaction now to anything involving Tom Cruise. Which sucks, because up until "Crazy Tom" went public, I was a pretty big Cruise fan. Not anymore.

However, if you're interested in seeing a larger version of the poster, the good folks over at FIlmforce have a great one here.

Posted by John Campea at March 22, 2006 09:44 AM


I really don't care either, and its only partially how much I hate Tom lately (mental health history I have). I just didn't really like the first MI very much, or the second.

Posted by: xpgeek at March 22, 2006 09:59 AM

tom, just retire.

Posted by: JAGMIR at March 22, 2006 10:09 AM

As we all know, sometimes celebrities become so popular, they start seeing themselves as the only center of attention, which leads them to believe "I am the best, and whatever I say or do can't hurt me." Tom Cruise falls into that category.

I enjoyed both MI movies. I don't think his attitude will stop me from seeing this movie in theaters, but it "will" stop other followers. Timmy will definitely see his damage in the near future. I'm no judge, but maybe he deserves it.

Posted by: TM at March 22, 2006 10:13 AM

Not that I think Tom Cruise has really been in many good films, but I don't see how his personal behavior should have an effect on people's view of his acting. Roman Polanski, anyone? We all know MI3 is going to eat complete shit, but you know, give the crazy man a break. Maybe he'll make another good film, soon? Who knows? All I know is that while I watched The Pianist, I didn't have my mind on Polanski humpng a minor.

Posted by: Alec at March 22, 2006 10:19 AM

Looks like the whole South Park Scientology episode thing was a huge publicity stunt by the South Park Guys. Isaac Hayes now says he hasn't quit the show and Tom Cruise denies pulling the show. It is now going to be shown next week.

Posted by: SadSteve at March 22, 2006 11:55 AM

Hey Sad Steve,

Where did you hear Issac Hayes hadn't quit? Every reputable news source says it's true. I can't find any source suggesting otherwise...

Where did you hear it?

Posted by: John Campea at March 22, 2006 12:09 PM

see, i like tom cruise more since he has "gone crazy".

in my personal life i like people that are different, and have a bit of attitude/personality. i also like that he isn't playing it safe...the fact that he is saying "fuck it" to all the things i am sure are making his publiscist cringe makes me like him more.

truth be told, i can kind of admire vindictive bastards, as i am a bit of one myself.

that being said, scientology fucking sucks.

Posted by: miles at March 22, 2006 01:50 PM


Some sources are now saying Issac quit because he had a stroke in January, but for whatever reason, he has quit the show. Chef will be voiced by someone else now, apparantly all will be explained in Tonights Season 10 premiere.

As for Tom Cruise refusing to do promotion for M3? now that IS a bag of horse shit, he needs this to be good as bad as the studios, and Tom Cruise or not, good luck getting work on a film if the producers are worried you will have a hissy fit this large, and it would be a large one if they called his bluff. John nailed it earlier, its Holloywood Terrorism, and I hate when people say this or that terrorism, as if it comes in 32 flavors, but that is what it would be.


Posted by: Norddeth at March 22, 2006 02:23 PM

If Hayes quit for health reasons, I regret an earlier post I made calling him a hypocrite.

As for MI3, who knows. I didn't like the first one and the second one was disappointing considering I'm a John Woo fan. I'm going to wait and see on this one, and I'll probably end up waiting until the DVD. J.J. Abrams has never directed a feature film before and making a movie is not the same as producing a TV show. Great reviews will convince me in the end.

Posted by: Mr Stay Puft at March 22, 2006 02:44 PM

I'm only interested in seeing M:i3 for three things......


Fuck Tom!

Posted by: H at March 22, 2006 02:59 PM

I just got my TV Guide:

Isaac Hayes, the unmistakable voice of South Park's Chef, gave the Comedy Central cartoon the shaft due to what he called "insensitivity towards personal spiritual beliefs." Creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone suspect an episode lampooning Scientology, which Hayes follows, is the real cause. "Isaac never had a problem with the show making fun of Christians, Muslims, Mormons and Jews," Stone says.

Posted by: Mr Stay Puft at March 22, 2006 05:42 PM

I can't wait to see tonight's South PArk that deals with the whole Chef thing.

Posted by: Kristina at March 22, 2006 07:28 PM


it's a relief that i'm not the only one who's still a cruise fan and what you said is what i've been saying all along too. but i'm out numbered by people who dont know what to make of the unusual so they decide its easier just to hate.

but even tho sooo many bitch about him, his movies still make bank. I dont get it?

Posted by: Marla Singer at March 24, 2006 01:47 AM

All you uptight Cruise-bashers out there in Wonderland, why don't you stop hatin' on him and wait and see what M:I3 is like?? You never know, it might be excellent and you idiots will have to eat your own words. Quit raggin' on Cruise because it's clear that if Mission Impossible and M:I2 were as crap as you say they were, they wouldn't be making a third. Do you know where they got the money to make M:I3? From all the cash that rolled in after the first two burned holes in Box Office cash registers. Do you know why the first two made so much money? Do I have to spell it out? BECAUSE...THEY...WERE...GOOD...MOVIES. Sheesh! You cannot deny the success that the Mission Impossible franchise has found, so before you go complaining about how much M:I3 will suck, wait until you see it. Then publicize your opinions.

My guess is, you're all jealous. Tom Cruise is a world-famous superstar with hundreds of millions of dollars in his bank account. And he just found out his super-hot also-rich-and-famous girlfriend is pregnant with his kid. Who the hell WOULDN'T want to be him??

Posted by: Cody666 at March 25, 2006 07:31 AM

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