March 06, 2006

Kevin Spacey Confirms More Lex For Another Superman Film

Kevin Spacey AsLex LuthorThe casting announcement that most excited me last year was the casting of Kevin Spacey as Lex Luthor for the upcoming film Superman Returns. That was just casting genius. Everything I've seen out of Superman Returns so far has impressed me. The production notes, the images, hearing Singer talk about the development... and yes folks... even Brandon Routh. Now that might now mean anything... since all the advanced stuff for The Phantom Menace looked fantastic too... but I digress.

Now the good folks over at Dark Horizons are reporting that Kevin Spacey has said he's already on board for another film as Lex Luthor:

Kevin Spacey appeared on ITV's Parkinson in the UK this week, and was asked about his role of Lex Luthor in the upcoming "Superman Returns".

When host Michael Parkinson commented that Spacey would be set up financially for the next ten years after starring in the blockbuster movie, Spacey made the following comments about his involvement in the film as a franchise: "I'll be doing the second one, and quite possibly the third". Spacey apparently did not hesitate with a response to this question.

Yay! Ok, so we know Lex won't die at the end of Superman Returns... but I think we all knew that anyway. This is just more good news! The only BAD news out of all of this is that my expectations are starting to go through the roof... hope that doesn't spoil it for me.

Posted by John Campea at March 6, 2006 11:08 AM



I've been finding more and more recently that expectations of a film nearly dictate about 80% if I like a film or not. I can't tell you how many times that happened to me this past year -- If I know nothing or have low expectations I end up loving the film. High expectations and it ends up sucking. So try not to be too excited (I know, I know- impossible to control emotions like that) and you'll enjoy the film more.


Posted by: Drewbacca at March 06, 2006 18:06

Lex will be back!!! [Yay!] Oops, better not jinx it. I don't wan't Paul W.S. Anderson touch this film.

Posted by: DarKing at March 06, 2006 18:52

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