March 02, 2006

Kevin Smith Video Talking Superman Development

Kevin Smith Talking Superman VideoVery special thanks to Sujay for pointing this out to me. Yesterday on The Audio Edition we talked a little about all the failed development that went into a new Superman movie BEFORE Brian Synger came on board. Interesting stuff.

Well here is a video (about 20 minutes long) with Kevin Smith talking about his involvment in writing a script for Superman. Folks, this video is GOLD. Kevin Smith is addressing what seems to be a college crowd. The man is a fantastic story teller and Doug and I giggled the whole way through. Treat yourself and take 20 minutes to enjoy this.

You can see the Kevin Smith video talking about Superman here.

Posted by John Campea at March 2, 2006 01:41 PM


That clip is from the DVD An Evening with Kevin Smith. It is a pretty useless DVD with the exception of this clip and one he about Prince.

Posted by: Bombadil at March 2, 2006 02:04 PM

I found An Evening with Kevin Smith to be quite entertaining, part two will be released near the Clerks2 screen date and Im looking forward to both almost equally.

Posted by: Gorgoroth at March 2, 2006 02:34 PM

Great writer. Great talker. Terrible director.

Posted by: Josh [TypeKey Profile Page] at March 2, 2006 02:39 PM

I feel fairly confident in saying that an Evening With Kevin Smith is the best film with Kevin Smith in it (and yes, unlike everyone else here, I am a fan of his work).

As well your spelling of Bryan Singer, it was amusing for some reason. Made me laugh, thanks.

Posted by: Ryan at March 2, 2006 02:44 PM

I know this has nothing to do with the article but what the hell happened to Richard? Is he on an extended hiatus or did I just miss his Movie Blog swan song?

Posted by: logster at March 2, 2006 03:14 PM

Wow! I didn't know people were getting caught up on this. I though there were some that knew. I'm glad The Movie Blog are giving some time to discuss this.

BTW, I am sure that mostly everyone checked out Wikipedia for this, but for the WHOLE story, you really need to check out the Agony Booth forum for the complete Superman V (try searching "Superman V: The Sordid Story" on the web). Trust me, what happened after Kevin Smith left and then Tim Burton was SO MUCH WORSE. Believe me, I thought it was just made up shit, but it was true. Horribly, HORRIBLY true.

Oh and one last thing to Jon Peters and WB,

Posted by: DarKing at March 2, 2006 03:36 PM

I've always thought the part where he's asked to write a battle outside the fortress of solitude is hilarious. "Why would Superman need soldiers? And why would they be gathered at the fortress of Solitude??" Glorious. I wish they'd put that scene in to the film just for my amusement.

Posted by: 6nightmares at March 2, 2006 05:09 PM

I thought "An Evening with Kevin Smith" was very entertaining. He's a great writer and film maker because he's a great storyteller. This particular story is priceless.

Posted by: Used Hack at March 2, 2006 09:17 PM

Amalgamating what I saw in the Kevin Smith clip (which, although is riddled with his trademark humour, you can really see some truths in it all) and the article on the Agony Booth (See DarKing's comment)...I am quite concerned on how Superman Returns will pan out...why?

Because of that oddball Jon Peters.

From what I can gather, he's quite influential (Why oh why)...are we really going to see Bryan Singer at his best, considering what a wa**er Peters is??

Posted by: Doktorpee [TypeKey Profile Page] at March 3, 2006 12:04 AM

EXCATLY!!! If I have one problem with this, it is Jon Peters. Tim Burton never should have been on Superman. He has better luck on franchises that go to the muture limit, like he did on Batman (hey, there was "The Dark Knight Returns" comic book that started the muture comics). I do have hope with him if he ever goes to X-Men, but I'll be pissed if he makes unnecessary changes to the characters.

I am still surprise that X3 was being beaten around by rumors, but nobody notice a development hell on Superman that STARTED IN 1993! Sure X3 may risk the fact of dissapointment, but at LEAST the studio is trying to keep true to the original source (comics, of course). But if anyone at FOX decides to hire Peters, then they can fuck themselves in hell (him TOO)!

Hey, Jon Peters was Barbra Streisand’s hairdresser?! AND THE STUDIO PUSHED RICHARD DONNER, M. NIGHT SHYAMALAN (he was supporting Donner), AND JOEL SILVER AWAY FOR THAT PIECE OF CRAP?! They were about to become WORSE than UWE BOLL. YES, IT WAS GOING TO BE THAT WORSE!

After this movie, FIRE JON PETERS!

Posted by: The 1mperfex Collector at March 3, 2006 12:39 AM

OMFG! Thanks. :)

Posted by: Mike Browne at March 3, 2006 01:30 AM

OMG, I just listened to the Audio Edition and they mentioned me as the source for this news. THANKS! Thank you very much! I'm so glad that you guys found time to add this. I couldn't allow this news to be left alone.

On Tuesday, I came across this news by accident when I took a look on Superman Returns, and this Trivia said that Tim Burton and Kevin Smith were going to do one before. So, I took a look, was a bit more interested, and then I noticed on the bottom that there was actually more to this story. I entered the site... and every criticism I have ever made was outdo by this news. I was SHOCKED!

I would place blame on Jon Peters (WTF?! HE'S STILL PRODUCER FOR SUPERMAN RETURNS?! NNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!), he was still around when Burton left, and hurt the franchise more (more to make Uwe Boll look like a solid director; like 1mperfex said, it was going to be THAT bad!). Want some convincing: he made WILD WILD WEST (yup, THAT MOVIE)! BTW, it was HE that came up with the Giant Spider SHIT!

In conclusion, I couldn't let WB get away with this. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, SPREAD THE NEWS! TELL THE WORLD THIS STORY! We shouldn't let this corporate shit run loose. People must know how LUCKY Superman was to get Singer, WHEN WB THREW RICHARD DONNER AWAY FOR PETERS' VISION! We must not let studios wreck movies for their selfish goal of big profits. Also, should we have bad reviews for Superman Returns, the blame should go to the producer, JON PETERS!

(sorry for the long rant, but this is PERSONAL)

Thank You All,


Posted by: DarKing at March 3, 2006 01:49 AM

Jon Peters, despite all the ontreversy around the Superman project, had zero to do with Richard Donner. More accurate would be to say the Salkinds.

Second, Kevin Smith is a bag of wind. Some of that wind comes out of his mouth. The rest wheezes out of his a$$.

Posted by: darren seeley at March 3, 2006 08:12 AM

You might say Kevin Smith is "a bag of wind" but I think there is an element of truth in what he's saying. OK, he's a comedian by nature, but he's also an established movie-figure (be it a writer, producer etc). Also, add to the fact he is a self-confessed comic freak.

As I had said, my 'freakingness' is coming from both the Smith Clip and the article (which, if you read in depth, is quite an insight to the whole saga).

Bryan Singer is no fool, I am sure he will do an outstanding job, and I am looking forward to the movie as much as any other fan...I am just worried how much influence that nobcheese Jon Peters has had. He has a very torrid repetoire...can this movie go down the drain on the simple mantle of a extremely-influential producer who just happens to be a total tosspot?

There is SOME positive aspect in all has been stated that JP did not want 1- Superman to fly (?!?!?!?!) and 2- Not to have the suit (?!?!?!)....well, we can firmly be assured that Superman will both fly and have the suit from the clip/pictures. There is some sense in the WB board somewhere ;)

Posted by: Doktorpee [TypeKey Profile Page] at March 3, 2006 01:54 PM