March 27, 2006

John Malkovich Joins The Mutant Chronicles

A few months ago I posted a story about the upcoming film "The Mutant Chronicles". The movie will star Thomas Jane (Punisher) and apparently they've also just got one of my favorite actors on the planet, Mr. John Malkovich! Yee Hawww, this thing is shaping up to be fun!

So what is "The Mutant Chronicles" all about? Here's a quick synopsis from the good folks over at Killer Movies:

Malkovich will play Constantine, who heads a United Nations-style council of four corporation-run countries that have pillaged Earth's natural resources. When a marauding army of "NecroMutants" wages a battle against humans for the little that remains, Constantine is tempted to destroy the planet and evacuate some of its people rather than allow it to be overtaken, all with the corporations' best interests in mind.
Oh my sweet goodness this sounds like earth shattering cheesy goodness. The Sci-Fi geek in me just can't wait! Yeah, it'll probably suck hard... but I choose to be optimistic! :)

Posted by John Campea at March 27, 2006 02:40 AM


I'll watch it if I see some footage of John Malkovich shouting in the trailer. He's awesome when he's shouty. But what's going on with this movie? It's like someone's just thrown darts at their book shelves and written down what they hit.

Locations = Hits a copy of 1984.
Name? = Hellblazer/Constantine.
Bad guys = X-Men
Need an ending? Boink! Hitch-hiker's Guide To The Galaxy

Might be fun. The blowing up the world thing would be cool if they showed it from the ground. Like that bit in Terminator 2 but for ten minutes, covering everything.

Posted by: Marty at March 27, 2006 04:13 PM

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