March 18, 2006

Hugh Jackman In Superman Returns?

I wonder what the people at Fox think about this! According to our good friends over at Cinemablend, it looks like Woverine himself (Hugh Jackman) is playing the role of a younger version of Superman's father! That's amazing news!!! It would also explain why we haven't seen Sup's dad in the trailers while we have seen short glimpses of his mom. I guess they're trying to keep Jackman's cameo a secret.

The one bit of confusion I have in this story is that they seem to suggest, without being really clear about it, that Jackman with be a younger Jor-El, as opposed to a younger Jonathan Kent (which would make more sense to me). There's no source listed in the story so I couldn't follow it up. But man, that will be fun to see him in there if this is true. The Superman Returns excitement just keeps building!

Posted by John Campea at March 18, 2006 07:34 AM


This is great news. Hopefully it is true.

Posted by: Joey at March 18, 2006 11:27 AM

If its true, then this is as close as we get to seeing "Wolverine" and "Superman" in the same movie. Would be freaky to see them both face-to-face.

Posted by: DarKing at March 18, 2006 10:51 PM

Sounds cool, hope it's true. But I heard they are using Brando's voice for Jor-El so I'm just wondering will Jackman have any lines in it?

Posted by: Wolf at March 19, 2006 04:44 PM

It's Brando's voice in the trailer so that's weird. I can't imagine Jackman growing up to look anything like Brando but I'm sure once he's in one of those silly costumes he'll be fine. I cannot wait for this damn movie! The little online journals are great. James Marsden (CYCLOPS!) is in the movie as a present day character so technically you can have a Supes-Cyclops face off.

Posted by: marty93 at March 20, 2006 11:21 AM

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