March 02, 2006

Good News For Potter Fans - No More Cuaron

I'm not a big fan of the Potter films up until now. I really did enjoy the last one though. However, to me personally, the absolute WORST pof the Potter films has been part 3 (the one directed by Alfonso Cuaron, who i really like otherwise).

Part 3 was a mess. Totally disjointed, no flow and no pace whatsoever. Cuaron is a fine fine director, but Potter just wasn't his cup of Tea (in my opinion). Now the good folks over at CinemaBlend are reporting that Cuaron says he's not going to be doing any more Potter films:

Cuaron then goes into a long spiel about how wonderful the people of the Harry Potter franchise that he no longer wants to work with are and then adds the following reversal just drive fans completely nuts: "I don't know. In the future, if I'm invited, I would consider it definitely because it was such a beautiful experience, but in the same hand, I'm not very good about repeating stuff that I did before."
Josh and I have different views on this... he sees this as bad news... I see it as great. Josh is smarter than me, so you may want to side with him

Posted by John Campea at March 2, 2006 09:46 AM


Hey John,

This is good news for YOU. Most Potter fans and non-Potter fans enjoyed a lot part 3. In my opinion it was a great movie and no more Cuaron is a great loss for the franchise. By using this title you are basically showing the finger to all the Potter fans just because you hated the movie.

Posted by: Edward_Elric at March 2, 2006 10:13 AM

Hey Edward, You said:

"By using this title you are basically showing the finger to all the Potter fans just because you hated the movie."

Actually, I know MANY Potter fans who hated part 3. Yes, I know MANY who loved it too. I really liked part 4 (very much actually). So I don't think cheering a healthy future for Potter means I'm giving Potter fans the middle finger.

Posted by: John Campea at March 2, 2006 10:20 AM

I think for the most part, Prisoner of Azkaban was enjoyted by many. It got the same amount of critical acclaim as Goblet of Fire did. I enjoyed Azkaban greatly, I thought it flowed much better than Goblet of Fire. I personally think what he did with the movie really changed the film franchise around. I'm sure many fans would be disappointed to hear this. Fans of the films and the books.

Posted by: Sujay at March 2, 2006 10:26 AM

actually, (excluding Part 4 because i haven't seen it yet) Part 3 was the one i enjoyed the most! the Chris Columbus Potters were awful and awkward. dunno what you didn't like about 3 but i loved it.

Posted by: sam at March 2, 2006 01:15 PM

seriously, i adored movie #3.... As a movie it was pretty great, I don't know what you mean by:

"Totally disjointed, no flow and no pace whatsoever."

I thought it had great flow.

Posted by: anglachel67 at March 2, 2006 08:05 PM

Wow John, it's amazing how everyone commenting here seems to like the 3rd Harry Potter! Yes, that sweet smell is indeed the aroma of vindication. I sniff it deeply, and dance in its vapours.

Honestly, I think you should watch it again. Maybe someone pulled a fast one on you, and showed you number 2 by mistake. :)

Posted by: Darren Conley at March 2, 2006 10:05 PM

I am a huge Potter fan and I really did NOT like the 3rd movie. It had absolutly no magical feel or warmth. The beloved trio had no personality in that movie, no character likability.

Posted by: Jasper at March 2, 2006 10:56 PM

I am a huge Potter fan and I really did NOT like the 3rd movie. It had absolutly no magical feel or warmth. The beloved trio had no personality in that movie, no character likability.

Posted by: Jasper at March 2, 2006 10:57 PM

I am a huge Potter fan and i really did LIKE the third movie. The 4:th was very rushed, but it did enjoy i alot. I just liked the feeling the 3rd movie gave me...

Posted by: Daniel @ Bloggywood at March 3, 2006 02:57 AM

Bleh. I hate the third movie. The dialogues were corny, the delivery were over the top (esp. Emma Watson), and worst of all, that final act was completely butchered from the way it was supposed to be. Of all the things they can cut, why cut that important part? I am glad Cuaron won't direct another Potter film. Besides wasn't the plan to give each sequel to different director? The 4th one was probably the best translation of the book. Many things were cut but at least they were not important details like the one from the 3rd book.

Posted by: Kimaru at March 3, 2006 08:41 AM

The 1st and 2nd film were the beginning of the franchise and Columbus did a great job. Alfonzo Cuaron was visionary. He really gave something artistic to the film rather than just mystery plots and action sequences. Mike Newall as we all know, gave us the forth film, and it shows how scary the dark can be. I think it is the dark element that people really like the best. However, it MUST be said, that we have to be greatful for Cuaron's vision; for it is FOR his vision, Newell's Potter world had some bite. 1 last thing. Who misses John Williams doing the original score. #4 lost it for me when Williams didn't do the original score. At least #3 had John.

Posted by: Drew at March 3, 2006 06:08 PM

I agree with Drew. I missed John Williams on Goblet of Fire as well. Not that the music in HP4 was bad, but it was simply unremarkable (beyond Williams' Harry Potter theme I don't remember it at all).

I personally liked both Azkaban and Goblet of Fire significantly more than the first two Harry Potter movies. (I liked those books better as well.)

In fact, I'm surprised there isn't more disdain for Chris Columbus's Chamber of Secrets. That was a bloated movie that took _way_ too long to end. The Chamber of Secrets movie is _longer_ than the Goblet of Fire (just compare the sizes of their books to see how ridiculous that is). I don't mind Columbus staying as a producer, but I hope we don't see him back in the Harry Potter director chair anytime soon.

Posted by: Ryan Cross at March 3, 2006 06:58 PM

Anyone who thought that GoF was a better edited film than Azakaban needs to get their head checked. Seriously it can't even be put down to "taste".

Posted by: Arethusa at March 4, 2006 10:34 AM

let's try some other metrics besides "i liked it" and "i didn't like it".

tomatometer scores for:

harry potter 1: 79%
harry potter 2: 82%
harry potter 3: 88%
harry potter 4: 89%

hmmmm perhaps it's "good news" for some harry potter fans... but not for filmgoers, based on critics' reviews.

Posted by: nick botulism at March 4, 2006 07:47 PM