March 15, 2006

Ghost Rider Trailer To Play With X-Men 3

Big new for all you folks anxiously awaiting the new Nic Cage film "Ghost Rider". It's being reported all over the web today that the first official Ghost Rider trailer will be playing in May in front of the new X-Men 3! That's pretty good screen real estate to be playing in front of.

I find it a little weird that they're giving the Ghost Rider trailer such valuable screen time (in front of X 3) when the film is still almost a year away (from what I understand it set for a January or February of 2007 release date). Aren't good comic blockbusters supposed to play in summer?

Nonetheless, I personally am excited to see Ghost Rider. Not just because I'm a comic book movie junkie... but also because I'm still one of the dying breed of Nic Cage fans. To each their own. :)

Posted by John Campea at March 15, 2006 08:54 AM


Nic Cage is great. So I am with you, lol. This movie looks like it should be quite nice. I'm sure he wants it to be. He is a very big comic book fan from what I know. I'm looking forward to this.

Posted by: Joey at March 15, 2006 09:36 AM

I seriously can't wait to see Ghost Rider. I forsee some cheesiness, but that's alright with me. That last internet trailer really did raise my hopes.

Posted by: Sujay at March 15, 2006 09:41 AM

I wasn't a big fan of the Ghost Rider comic, but it seems perfect for a movie. For me, Nic Cage is a hit or miss guy, but when he hits, he hits well.

Are there any other "comic" movies on the slate for late 2006? Maybe Punisher 2? Ghost Rider seems like a default choice for the slot as a trailer in front of X3.

Posted by: Larry [TypeKey Profile Page] at March 15, 2006 09:52 AM

Larry, the only 'comic to film' movies I am aware of are:

V For Vendetta (opens this weekend)

X Men Last Stand

Superman Returns

300 (based on Frank Miller graphic novel)

and...hide and run for cover because "Garfield : Tale Of Two Kittens" is also on the summer schedule. Oh my.

I'm not surprised a trailer for 'Ghost Rider' is ready to go; the film (aside from a little post prod.) is finished. It was originally slated, as some may recall, to bow in August of this year until moved to early next year. While I am still miffed over this, all I can say is that when GR bows about a year from now (Feb/March 2007) Mark Steven Johnson and his people have got pressure off them, they have plenty of time to do what needs to be done.
If the film stinks- and I don't think it will- they have no excuses.

The main reason given for GR being next year, of course, is to hype up Spider-Man 3. It is also not unusual by any stretch that a GR trailer will be in front of X-Men 3. In the past few years, a teaser for the next Marvel character film ususally was attatched even if it were just a teaser that may not be part of the film itself (Hulk; Punisher)

Posted by: darren seeley at March 15, 2006 11:06 AM

When I saw some Ghost Rider clips a few months back I got really excited about it. Alot of people douted the Nicman but I think he's great for the role. It's better to see Nic as Ghost Rider as to lets say Superman!!!!

Posted by: Wolf at March 15, 2006 02:25 PM

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