March 22, 2006

Daniel Craig Signs For Second Bond Film

Daniel Craig BondI love it. This one is really going to piss off those stupid "Craig Not Bond" website people. It looks like the producers have been impressed enough with Craig's work on the new Bond film "Casino Royal" that they're already moving forward with another Bond film with Craig in the lead role once again.

The good folks over at Empire reported the following:

"We are already working on the sequel," said producer Barbara Broccoli. "We're in the early stages of that. It will be an original story but will continue part of what the story is in Casino Royale."
I think this is a good sign (although keep in mind "signs" aren't always accurate either). Could Craig end up sucking as Bond? Sure he might. But I've always been amazed at how many people have been slamming his casting in the role before even seeing one frame of footage, or pointing out one bad performance he's turned in. Personally I've yet to see him "stink" in any role. So let's give this guy and the studio the benefit of the doubt until he proves us wrong. Just a thought.

Posted by John Campea at March 22, 2006 09:36 AM


Oow, very good Barbara. Show us how confidend you are and how good Craig is in Casino Royale. Don't wait for the movie premiere, don't wait for the boxoffice-results, but make statements that he will be back for a next round.

Posted by: Darko at March 22, 2006 09:56 AM

I feel bad for the actor, Craig. He's beeing strongly disliked by a group of ppl. and this news has become quiet popular. It's like being a child and walking into a classroom and already having a small group of kids reject you without even giving you a chance to prove yourself.

Personally, I don't think it's a wise decision to sign up any actor for a second movie without at least seeing the completed first project. Maybe getting an idea on how the world reacts to the actor and how much $ is made. Afterall, it's all about the $$$$.

Posted by: TM at March 22, 2006 10:04 AM

I think he was really good in Layer Cake, but I have to agree, I need to see a finsihed project before I pass judgement, because I liked Brosnan as Bond.

Actually, let me rephrase, I like Brosnan, his turn as Bond was...adequate? but as an actor he rocks, Im loving his choices lately. Hopefully, this whiole mess will turn out to be a good thing for everyone in the end.


Posted by: Norddeth at March 22, 2006 02:27 PM

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