March 10, 2006

Dallas Wants Dallas Movie Filmed In Dallas

As most of you know, the pre-production for the Dallas television show movie adaptation is already underway. Not much to report yet on the film except a little controversy about shooting location. You see... they're probably NOT going to be shooting Dallas in Dallas.

Is this strange? No, not really. Many many many films don't actually shoot in the places where the film is supposed to be taking place. It's not that big of a deal. It only feels extra odd in this case because the actual NAME of the film is the name of the city. But business is business, and if they can shoot the film somewhere else that better suites their needs and do it less expensively, then I say more power to them.

The good folks over at Yahoo Movies Gives us this:

"The thought of `Dallas' being made in Toronto is not a good idea," Mayor Laura Miller said. Dallas officials have said they hope to attract 20th Century Fox by getting the private sector involved to offer incentives. They estimate the film would generate $30 million for the local economy, along with jobs and publicity. On Wednesday, officials urged residents to help the cause by writing letters and purchasing shirts and hats bearing the "Shoot JR in Dallas" slogan.
I don't blame the folks in the city of Dallas for trying to get it to film there, after all it is named after their city. But as a film fan I could care less if it actually shot there.

Posted by John Campea at March 10, 2006 11:08 AM


Well, why would someone from Maple Leaf country complain?

I'm sorry, John. I have to strongly disagree with you on this one. "Business is business" doesn't cut it. Which is easier: having an open invitation to shoot in Texas (and it isn't L.A. so costs are still low) and having access to actual buildings, landscapes and people that if you take it to Canada you lose the majority of that.

Does Toronto - or even Montreal- look like Dallas, Texas? In some crazy studio execs minds it looks like Boston, Chicago, and next door neighbor Detriot. I'm not too crazy about a 'Dallas' film, but you are way off base here. They should film it in the Lone Star state. Which is worse- filming in Canada where a studio thinks they will save money (and sometimes do) or having something on the screen where the potential audience will bust out groaning seeing the locations that will be laughable?

Posted by: darren seeley at March 10, 2006 08:06 PM