March 15, 2006

Chow Yun Fat In US Remake of Hard Boiled

Hard Boiled RemakeAny serious action film fan knows the John Woo classic Hard Boiled all too well. It has been suggested that it could very well be the greatest action film of all time. Today it looks like actin fans have a reason to celebrate! According to Movie Blog Allumnist Todd (who now runs the fantastic TwitchFilm) is reporting that a North American version is planned, and to once again star Chow Yun Fat.

Here's what Todd had to say:

It appears as though Chow Yun Fat has finally struck upon a sure fire method of repeating his massive Hong Kong success in North America: by repeating his biggest role. Word in Hong Kong's Apple Daily is that Chow Yun Fat will be starring alongside an American actor in a remake of Hard Boiled, arguably one of the best action films ever made.
Now, I normally don't like the idea of Asian films being "remade" into english... but for some reason I think this particular project would be suitable for the transition. What do you guys think?

Posted by John Campea at March 15, 2006 10:09 AM


Personally, I think it's a horrible idea. Why remake that classic action movie? Why not just watch the original & if you're illiterate, watch the English dub.

Posted by: Rawhead at March 15, 2006 10:21 AM

Exactly Rawhead! Hardboiled is the Citizen Kane of action movies. It would be almost blasphamy if they try to re-make it. Unless, of course, they get John Woo to direct it. But then again, why would John Woo fuck with something he already made perfect more than a decade ago?

Posted by: Jose at March 15, 2006 10:26 AM

The original is 14 years old. If it made sense to remake an Asian film, this seems like a good choice.

Posted by: Larry [TypeKey Profile Page] at March 15, 2006 10:26 AM

Hey just because it's 14 years old doesn't give it a reason for a remake.

Look at all of the horrid remakes that have been flooding the theaters lately.

Even if they get a good director, the remake can be a real piece of shit. Look at Gus Van Sant's remake of "Psycho."

How would you feel if someone decided to remake the original Star Wars trilogy? Those movies are 20 years old.

There are somethings you just don't do.

Posted by: Jose at March 15, 2006 10:40 AM

Being 14 years old isn't the "reason", it just makes more sense than remaking Ju-on or Ringu, which were only a couple of years old at the time.

Most of the "d remakes that have been flooding the theaters lately" are not remakes of foreign films, but of beloved American classics (Shaggy Dog, etc.).

As far as remaking Star Wars...I hope I live long enough for someone to take the entire Star Wars story and reenvision it. I think with hindsight of all six movies, expanded universe stuff, and the TV show, someone could make a kickass trilogy (in a few decades) that reenvisioned the "holy trilogy".

Posted by: Larry [TypeKey Profile Page] at March 15, 2006 10:54 AM

So you just want Hardboiled to be more Americanized?

Okay, sure maybe. Scorsese is remaking Infernal Affairs after all.

However, look at the remake of Le Femme Nikita. Can anyone honestly say that the American version of that film was better?

Posted by: Jose at March 15, 2006 11:31 AM

I'd much rather have 'Hard Boiled' be a sequel than a remake; I'm sorry. You can't get away with the bad guy's hideout in the belly of a Hospital. You can't get away with the body count, the opening scene, the warehouse scene...

...and you sure can't replace Mad Dog Philp Kwok!

Leave it alone. Or have another film with Yun Fat as his character Tequila.

Am I really that worried? No---wasn't it about, what, five years ago that Stallone was going to remake 'The Killer'?

Posted by: darren seeley at March 15, 2006 12:01 PM

This movie is going to flop, I have no doubts about it. It will NEVER live up to Hard-Boiled because of a number of reasons, namely Chow Yun Fat is mega older, and that Hard-Boiled was awesome because of the presence of the ever-amazing Tony Leung.

And the Scorsese remake of Infernal Affairs. This will also be dodgy. I love Scorsese, in fact, I have most of his movies - and I absolutely love the Infernal Affairs franchise...will it work? Im crossing my fingers. But I feel in vain...

Posted by: Doktorpee [TypeKey Profile Page] at March 15, 2006 12:38 PM

Rawhead basically said what I would have said ...

Posted by: Bullet in the head at March 15, 2006 01:21 PM

That's pretty disgusting, but at least they've had the decency to get Chow Yun Fat involved.

The original is the pinnacle of action cinema and no hotshot music video director will ever come close to capturing the extreme carnage that John Woo handles so well.

I guess if they somehow got John Woo, who is desperately in need of a decent project, to direct it I'd be a little less offended. Ringo Lam could do a good job too; he has experience with the Chow Yun Fat of old and can shoot action really well (see Full Contact).

Posted by: thegoodfella at March 15, 2006 02:38 PM

Rawhead Rex remake yes, Hardboiled remake no!

Posted by: Frank at March 15, 2006 10:21 PM

Rawhead Rex remake would kick a$$. But seriously, I often tell people who've never seen Hard Boiled, that they're missing one the best action films ever made. Great opening scene (pouring the Tequila, pouring the ginger ale & slamming the glass to mix it) let you know you were in for something, the many shoot outs, Anthony Wong & Mad Dog, the killer with a conscience.

This movie hit me hard the first time I watched it & today it still does.

Posted by: Rawhead at March 16, 2006 10:53 AM

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