March 09, 2006

Cameron Diaz and Justin Timberlake In Romantic Comedy

The first thought that went through my head when I first heard the news that Cameron Diaz and Justin Timberlake were going to appear together in a romantic comedy was "Oh good... this way I can avoid them both by skipping just one movie! it's like killing 2 birds with 1 stone".

So what romantic comedy? The good folks over at Digital Spy give us the skinny:

the couple will star together in a romantic comedy as a figure-skater and speed-skater respectively. "The whole thing is set at the Olympic Games in the Olympic Village," said a source. "Cameron and Justin have been working on a number of ideas together and this is one they are seriously considering taking it on themselves."
This idea is about as good as a Pauley Shore comeback special. I used to LOVE Diaz, but after "My Best Friends Wedding" my enjoyment of her performances has been steadily declining. As for Timberlake... well... you all know what I think of pop-stars trying to become movie stars too. I'll pass on this one thanks.

Posted by John Campea at March 9, 2006 10:19 AM


3 strikes and you are out Camp, what is with you today, you are driving me to post, everytime I say,"ok last one then back to work" you go and post another article that makes me shake my head.

I used to be a Timberlake hater, then I went to the Stones concert in Toronto where he performed and I gave that dude alot of respect, then his appearance on SNL was nothing short of pleasantly surprising, and Alpha Dog doesnt look half bad (although I hear otherwise)

And Cameron Diaz has proven comedy credentials (Something about Mary, The Sweetest Thing, Charlie's Angels)

I think they have both earned the benefit of the doubt on this one, which you should start to consider more carefully, The Movie Blog is blowing up and people are paying attention to it and the things you say, do they deserve the kind of bad press you just dropped on them?

Things that make you go hmmm....


Posted by: Norddeth at March 9, 2006 10:26 AM


Are you serious?

Of course they deserve it. Diaz is starting to lose the only thing she had going, her looks. And doing SNL has nothing to do with your acting, only what material you are given. The best they can hope for is for this movie to end up somewhere between "meh" and "muuuh". Also, John has earned the right to say whatever he wants. There wouldn't be much point to this blog, text or audio version, if he started holding back.

Posted by: Are you for real? at March 9, 2006 10:55 AM

I'm with you Nord -- this is another head-scratcher. Why I don't care about THIS project, the idea that Diaz's performances have been declining since "My Best Friend's Wedding" is laughable, considering her work in "Being John Malkovich," "Vanilla Sky," and "In Her Shoes."

Posted by: Colin at March 9, 2006 10:58 AM

I think some people confuse people being in a good movie, with giving a good performance. Yes Vanilla Sky and Malkovich were decent movies but Diaz wasn't very good in them.

I'm with John on this one. This looks horrible.

Posted by: Terry at March 9, 2006 11:07 AM

Oh you're right dude, its his Blog, have at it! I think my post was lighter in tone then actually came across, and as for SNL though, you have it ass backwards dude, lol, its not the material, its the performance, hands down, you could have 2 different actors doing the same material and you could have very different reactions.

Timberlake on SNL completely changed my picture of him, being able to laugh at yourself go's a LONG way, that BeeGees matieral was gold and Timberlake doing Ashton was hilarious.

As for Diaz, she is ONE of the best female comedy leads Hollywood has.

Im not saying Im rushing out opening night, I just don't think it should be trashed out of hand.


Posted by: Norddeth at March 9, 2006 11:23 AM

DIAZ IS ONE OT EH BEST FEMALE COMEDY LEADS IN HOLLYWOOD??!?!?! Are you fucking crazy? Just because Ben Stiller and Matt Damon were hillarious in "Mary" that doesn't mean Diaz was. She was stiff, and all she did in Angles was act like an air head and the same for the second one which sucked. What are you smoking because I'd like some of that. :) All meant in good fun sweetie, but seriously, Diaz as a top comedy actress? PULEEEZZZEEE.

Posted by: Norma Jean at March 9, 2006 11:45 AM

It felt so good the first time Im going to say it again

Cameron Diaz is ONE of the best comedy leads in Hollywood.

ahhh, so refreshing.


Posted by: Norddeth at March 9, 2006 11:55 AM

Wait a second...

Matt Damon was in There's Something About Mary....I think you meant Dillon sweetie.



Posted by: Norddeth at March 9, 2006 11:57 AM

How annoying is it when pop stars try to become actors? Justin Timberdick in a movie? Sorry that just won't work for me. I mean who is the genius who said ''HEY LETS PUT JUSTIN IN A MOVIE''? Next they will put Brittney Spears in a movie...........Wait they did that already :P

Posted by: Wolf at March 9, 2006 12:43 PM

Look on the bright side...people who work together often split up. By all means, end this nightmare.

Posted by: Kristina at March 9, 2006 01:03 PM

I'm not going to lobby for or against this film. I know nothing about it.

But I actually thought Diaz had a shot at being nominated for an Oscar this year for her work in "In Her Shoes." And I'm not alone on that. I'm not saying she should have been, I'm just saying I thought it might happen....and it didn't.

Is she one of the best actresses out there? No. But I don't think she's horrible either. She was great in Being John Malkovich and her creepy-ass character in Vanilla Sky was awesome. That's my piece. Discuss....


Posted by: Drewbacca at March 9, 2006 01:05 PM

I think this stopped being about the film a while back, like the 1st post, lol

Man some of you can get heated over simple discussion, I try to be subjective as I can,(I wish mroe people would) but it disturbs me when people dimmiss things out of hand.

And I think it's getting a little tired the whole lets-bash-pop-stars-turns-actors, give me a break people, how about you give someone a chance, or at least see what they can do first, geez, musician to actor does have a bad track record, but you people need to open your freaking minds a bit. Do you offer so little to support to all human beings or is this just a celebrity thing?


Posted by: Norddeth at March 9, 2006 01:29 PM

When I saw Justin cry on punk'd I laughed my ass off, the guy cried for his mommy hahaha. Ok thats all I wanted to say about Justin for the time been.

Posted by: Wolf at March 9, 2006 05:34 PM

I have to say that I really enjoy Mos Def in his movies, 16 Blocks was a good film if a bit predictable but Mos Def's performance was great, I also liked him in The Italian Job, another movie that in my opnion doesnt get the credit it deserves. I never saw the original so I cant compare but that's probably why I like this new one. Anyway, I liked Mos Def's character and think his acting was good. My point is that Hip-hop to actor type entertainers CAN work. I'll also bring up Mark Walberg as I think his acting and acting career is better than some straight up actors.

Im not saying these guys are a Tom Hanks, Im just saying they started with hip-hop and are now good actors.

Posted by: dan at March 9, 2006 10:53 PM