March 07, 2006

Brokeback Excuses Start Flying

Not too long ago, the day after the Golden Globes where Brokeback, Capote and Transamerica swept up, I wrote an article suggesting that if those films got shut out, there would be a massive backlash of Brokeback only lost because people are homophobic nonsense.

Within 2 hours of posting that article, I had 2 separate US newspapers call me, and they were basically trying to get me to say I was homophobic for writing that. I got dozens of comments and nearly 100 emails that day from people saying I was an idiot, that I was out of touch, that Brokeback or Capote or Transamerica losing wouldn't have caused any sort of controversy. Boy, they really put me in my place.

So here we are now... less than 48 hours after Brokeback Mountain DIDN'T win the best picture Oscar... and it's starting already. Media outlets are already suggesting Brokeback lost because of homophobia... just like I said they would.

Kenneth Turan of the Los Angeles Times has writen:

In the privacy of the voting booth ... people are free to act out the unspoken fears and unconscious prejudices that they would never breathe to another soul, or likely, acknowledge to themselves. And at least this year, that acting out doomed Brokeback Mountain.
MSNBC has an article running right now that reads: Was it prejudice, the rural setting or was Crash simply the better film?

Then answer is obvious... Crash was a better film.

But the excuses for Brokebacks loss don't just end at homophobia. Brokebacks co-screenwriter Larry McMurtry blamed the Urban setting of Crash for it's victory over him:

Members of the Academy are mostly urban people, McMurtry, who won the adapted screenplay prize with Diana Ossana, said backstage at Sunday nights ceremony. We are an urban nation. We are not a rural nation. Its not easy even to get a rural story made.
People are crying out looking for a reason Brokeback Moutain lost. It's Homophobia!!! People are biased against films with Rural settings!!!

The answer to the question Why did Brokeback Mountain lose? is a simple one. It wasn't THAT good of a film. It was a good film... but no where near as good as some people purported it to be. Critics rewarded the film for it's bravery rather than it's quality. Crash (while not as good as Cinderella Man) was simply the better film... and it deserved to win (at least out of the group of films that were actually nominated).

Over the coming days the excuses will continue to fly. But just as history shows Shawshank Redemption the vastly superior film to Forest Gump, so will history reaffirm that Crash was a better film than Brokeback Mountain... and that Brokeback wasn't all that good after all.

Posted by John Campea at March 7, 2006 10:18 AM


you go girl.

Posted by: miles at March 7, 2006 10:04 AM

I'll second what you're saying JC. Crash was clearly a much better movie, and as much as I think Brokeback was good, it was not THAT good. As with anything in life that has a stigma attached to it, the second it reveres away from what people think it deserves, the backlash happens with everything in life.

Oh well, let those people get worked up, it will last only a short while...and Crash will be forever mortalised as the Best Picture of 2005 :P

Posted by: Doktorpee [TypeKey Profile Page] at March 7, 2006 10:14 AM

another point for john

thats why you're getting the wider audience you deserve - you keep people coming back

keep it up y'all

Posted by: common at March 7, 2006 10:51 AM

So where are those people that ripped John a new one? I bet none will contact John and say "sorry." What a bunch of Dip Wads!
Donna A.

Posted by: Donna A. at March 7, 2006 11:06 AM

"But just as history shows Shawshank Redemption the vastly superior film to Forest Gump, so will history reaffirm that Crash was a better film than Brokeback Mountain..."

Umm, Shawshank lost, so was in the same position as Brokeback is now. So this makes no sense. Would you care to explain how history has proven the Academy right for not giving a Best Picture Oscar to Raging Bull, Pulp Fiction or Goodfellas?

"...and that Brokeback wasn't all that good after all."

And if the Academy are so infallible when it comes to Crash, why did Brokeback win Best Director?

And what's wrong with people looking for a reason that the FAVOURITE didn't win in a night when all the other favourites took the award home?

Posted by: Tom Whitaker at March 7, 2006 11:27 AM

Hey Tom,

You misunderstood what I wrote. I said:

"But just as history shows Shawshank Redemption the vastly superior film to Forest Gump, so will history reaffirm that Crash was a better film than Brokeback Mountain..."

But you seemed to interpret that as me saying:

"But just as history shows THAT THE OSCARS WERE RIGHT AND Shawshank Redemption the vastly superior film to Forest Gump, so will history reaffirm that THE OSCARS WERE RIGHT AND Crash was a better film than Brokeback Mountain..."

My point with history judging the films had NOTHING to do with the Oscar results. Only that it is pretty universally accepted now that Shawshank was the better film... so will history jusge that Crash is the better film... the Oscars have nothing to do with that point.

As for Ang Lee winning best director... I support that win. Even though I think Brokeback was an overrated film in general... it was a nearly impossible story to tell, and I believe Ang Lee told it just about as well as it could be told.

Think of it in terms of a sports analogy. 1 Coach has an all-star team and wins the championship. Another coach has a team that finished in last place last year... but got to the finals this year. Who wins "Coach of the Year"?

It's not a perfect analogy... but you get my point.

Sorry for the misunderstanding.

Posted by: John Campea at March 7, 2006 11:34 AM

"Oh well, let those people get worked up, it will last only a short while..."

Heh. My favorite thing about Ang Lee films is how quickly people forget about them.

Posted by: Brian at March 7, 2006 11:38 AM

I'm a little surprised about the uproar regarding the Brokeback Mountain no win...
If it there was only two nominees that would have to pick between a movie about forbidden love between 2 men or a movie about racism made by someone who has a very childish and idealistic view on racism...they picked the racism film, big deal.

Posted by: Carlos at March 7, 2006 11:40 AM

Hey Carlos,

Thanks for the comment, but I've gotta say, if you really thought the view of racism in Crash was "Childish" and "Idealistic", then man... you weren't watching the same film as me.



Posted by: John Campea at March 7, 2006 11:48 AM

They way you feel about Brokeback is the way I feel about Crash. Crash was good at best. There are a lot more movies this year that deserved a nomination over it, let alone a win. I think Brokeback is a great film. A little over hyped, sure. But still great. Personaly I would have liked to see Munich get it.

Posted by: Pudie at March 7, 2006 11:49 AM

Good Lord,

For a movie to win 2 Oscars, one of them a HUGE one (Best Director) and still have the nerve to roll out excuses as to why it didn't win the other "big one", what ever happened to being hunble and saying.

"You know what, I won a personal Oscar for my writting, and that film won the Oscar for Best Director, I am extremely happy for all the praise and attention my film has gotten, I am terribly happy with my wonderful life"

Instead I have to hear this bitch whine that because of a rural setting Brokeback lost.... how about you come to grips with the fact that the film Crash appealed to more people, that more people could relate to and emphasize with it, what a crazy idea, making a film that appeals to a broad audience, this will change the way Hollywood markets films FOREVER!!!

I will tell you this, I am not a homophobe, but Brokeback Mountain did not appeal to me. At all. And I, nor anyone else, should have to be affraid to say that. I am a supporter of rights for miniorities and special groups, because our society needs that, but let me remind you all of something, NOT EVERYONE IS GAY. Brokeback was a well made film, stop trying to find reasons why it wasn't the best film of the year, it just wasn't.

So not only do we add Brokeback to the English lexicon, but now we have a new standard, "The Gay Card" anything that doesn't go their way, it must be because they're gay.

Or rural.


Posted by: SmotPoker at March 7, 2006 11:54 AM

I am most disturbed about the idea that 2 different US newspapers called to make you admit something that is quite the contrary. John, I read this blog daily, and homophobia is not evident to me.

What the heck happened to free speech anyway? This is a typical response from the leftist media. How the pendulum has swung, these tactics from the press reek of communism.

Sorry to get so political guys, I just despise the media.

Posted by: JAGMIR at March 7, 2006 12:21 PM

Media is helpful one way or the other. I would not caterogically blame the media, but the stigma that is usually attached to these notions. Without trying to sound up front about it, I guarantee you that if Brokeback mountain had won all the awards, the media would have asked "Has Oscars awarded the movie under the pressure to show it is not homophobic?"

I mean, just set your minds back with Halle Berry and Denzel Washinton won best actress and actor respectively...the media was resounding whether Oscars were accomodating ethnic minority actors...its farsical.

Anyways, as I had said before, it is definitely all going to die down. Go watch Crash or something :P

Posted by: Doktorpee [TypeKey Profile Page] at March 7, 2006 12:42 PM

Also...Crash had a large ensemble cast...Actors are the largest voting group for the award... many voters proabably had friends or friends of friends in Crash...and it took place in a time and place familiar to the voters.

Those are tough things to overcome, even if BB had been a better film.

Posted by: jimf at March 7, 2006 12:58 PM

For the love of God, I knew other people would complain, but NOT the co-screenwriter!

As I said before, Brokeback may be good, but all I feel is hype. If the movie came last year (maybe early fall), I doubt that it would still be a main favorite or keep up with all this hype, in my opinion. Sure, Hollywood may still see this as a "flavor of the month" type of movie and do other movies similar to Brokeback Mountain.

The truth is that Brokeback Mountain didn't win because of "homophobia" or "we live in an urban nation." It is because Crash was actully better than Brokeback. Disagree all you want, this is America. The screenwriter should be a damn professional and accept the fact that Brokeback AT LEAST won some awards. King Kong was the box-office favorite until Narnia come back to the top spot. Don't do the blame game, cause this already happened. Life sucks, so sorry that the favorite didn't get the win. Now let's complain about some movies that aren't in theaters yet.

Posted by: DarKing at March 7, 2006 01:08 PM

The year of the Berry and Washington, oh yes, I remember that one....

"A beautiful mind" won best pic...(due to Russel Crowe's awesome performance)

Best Actor..Denzel Washington...for Training Day???? RIIIIGHT.

Best Actress..Halle Berry...for showing up nude....I mean....Monster's Ball??? RIIIGHT. That one was completely obvious.

Based on recent history, I'm expecting Jack Black to get a best actor nomination for 'Nacho Libre'.

Go Jack!

Has anyone not seen 'The Jacket' with Keira Knightly? It's pretty damn good!

Posted by: JAGMIR at March 7, 2006 01:16 PM

I thought "Crash" and "Brokeback Mountain" were both really mediocre movies. Not bad, but nothing to lavish with praise either. I'm not sure what should have won, since I haven't seen any of the other nominees, but I thought it was suprising that "Cinderella Man" wasn't even nominated for best picture ... which I thought it was substantially better than "Crash" or "BM".

Posted by: Joboo at March 7, 2006 01:50 PM

my favourite movie of the year was underworld evolution.

i think it should of won best movie not about gay cowboys.

i also would of liked to see the pacifier pick up something.

Posted by: miles at March 7, 2006 02:03 PM

It's not "obvious" - Crash wasn't a better film. It was a good film, yes but it was a pretty unstructured mess jumping about all over the place. Brokeback Mountain was a much "simpler" movie, but it was, in my view, a better film.

I think you're jumping on the homophobia rebuttal because that's what you do - try and stir up a bit of controversy. Truth is none of us know why Crash won and Brokeback didn't and personally I doubt it had anything to do with homophobia.

Now if you really want to write something interesting instead of going into the usual rant mode (it's entertaining for a while but it gets kind of tired very quickly John) why not ask how the hell it was I was able to tell everyone I knew on Saturday morning (UK time) that Brokeback wasn't going to win and someone had leaked the news that Crash was going to win. Answer: the BBC revealed it late Friday night with their dramatically changed from nowhere bookie's odds. Odds like that don't change that quickly without people rushing out to make money. THAT'S the real scandal of this whole fiasco.

And when looking at knee-jerk reactions to any oscar results, why would anybody expect anything different? Chicago as "best movie" when "Moulin Rouge" didn't win? "Titanic" for God's sake. "Shakespear in Love". The history of the oscars has shown one bad movie after another being voted "best movie". "Crash" just happens to follow in that tradition (except it's a better movie than any of those I've named above).

Posted by: Ian Smith at March 7, 2006 03:15 PM

I doubt ALL bad movies are the ones named "Best Picture". But I undderstand your point.

Posted by: DarKing at March 7, 2006 03:22 PM

You know I've said it before and I'll say it again: Movie Blog is a laugh a minute.

My position on the matter still stands. If we're recalling the same post I believe I said something along the lines of "Stupid question, everyone would ask it, nothing new here, can we move along?" I guess all of the naysayers won't very bright since this was the spin being put on the film since last year, since it came out of the gate: the big GAY film that all the liberals *love* and will the red states show it? And blah blah blah.

Since I haven't taken the Oscars as any credible stamp of quality I'm afraid "Crash"'s qualities aren't as obvious to me either and I can't see its future prominent position in history quite as clearly; but I'm sure that's just because my third eye hasn't been checked in a while and I tend to wash my tea cups without taking the time to "read" the dregs.

I keep on reading because you're entertaining. :)

Posted by: Arethusa at March 7, 2006 04:17 PM

I don't think it's as much as Brokeback wasn't a good movie in itself, but that this just wasn't the year for a shining star and so you see 4 different movies getting 3 awards...

I don't think the producers of Crash ever imagined they'd win, otherwise they'd have released it's just that this years choices just weren't anything amazing.

It wasn't that type of year.

--RC of

Posted by: RC of strangeculture at March 7, 2006 04:37 PM

Its the same homophobia that allowed Brokeback to take home director, adapted screenplay, and score... yeah... and homophobia is the reason Fantastic 4 didn't sweep every other category...

i like this. a good all purpose excuse.

Posted by: 6nightmares at March 7, 2006 04:38 PM

I think we all agree that the Oscars is a very bad way to measure if a movie is any good. But it would be cool if one year the Academy would just give the award for best picture to no one because all of the movies nominated that year sucked! Maybe then there will be a little more respect for this lame award. Seriously, how can an organization be so bad yet still get so much attention. Getting an Oscar these days means your movie is pretty trendy and someone cares. Why don't we just get Entertainment Tonight to hand out best picture every year? I think the quality of the movie is the last thing on these voters mind when they vote. They are thinking about politics, how it would look when this movie wins, what would the public think, personal connections, favoritisms.... It definitely would NOT be an honor to win one of these.

Posted by: duck on the run at March 7, 2006 04:47 PM

When Crash won, I was shocked and appalled. I couldn't believe such an overrated piece of crap won. Then I started to remember that films like Chicago (2002), Forrest Gump (1994), Driving Miss Daisy (1989), Oliver! (1968), and most of all Around the World in 80 Days (1956) won. Does anyone remember any of these films? Remember John, in 1994 not only Shawshank was nominated but Pulp Fiction as well. The best films are remembered in time but never win the awards (Citizen Kane, Shawshank Redemption, Pulp Fiction, Taxi Driver, Goodfellas, All the President's Men, Raging Bull). Let's see which film will be remember in 20 years time: Crash or Brokeback (which I thought was also a mediocre film). Now's here one more question: Why do many people think that Braveheart is one of the worst best picture winners ever? It's one of my favorites and it still holds up today.

Posted by: Daniel at March 7, 2006 05:00 PM

I think alot of typical movie viewers, you know the people who know nothing about most movies and watch a movie once every two weeks, their the people who are homophobic and would not watch Brokeback on the sole purpose it's about two gay cowboys. I have not seen Brokeback yet due to exams but I really wanted to see it when it was in the movies. I think it's great Brokeback was made, people should be able to express themselves in movies about anything.

Posted by: Wolf at March 7, 2006 05:19 PM

Amen John! I agree with everything you wrote 110%.
That's right. I'm a movieblog lap dog.


Posted by: Drewbacca at March 7, 2006 05:54 PM

I'm starting to enjoy these kind of arguements. ;)

Some people hate Crash, some people don't. Same can be said with Brokeback and other Oscar winners. Where are the days when everybody would talk about T2? Oh well, rock on 2006!

Posted by: DarKing at March 7, 2006 06:44 PM

I'm more focused on the movies coming this summer. I'm very sure we'll be back to this kind of topic when a review for V for Vendetta is released.

Posted by: The 1mperfex Collector at March 7, 2006 06:47 PM

well campea i couldnt agree more so does that mean if Crash was a big deal like say Crash was in Brokebacks place doesnt that mean it would racism then people are always looking for excuses

Posted by: Scott at March 7, 2006 07:09 PM

Crash was an amazing picture, as was BBM. But I liked Capote best, and that's all I can really say. I'm sure the Academy had a really hard time picking between these movies.

So all the whiners our there should just respect the Academy's choices, and face it: YOU DIDN'T WIN!!!

plus, if you really believe the academy is homophobic, why do you want an award from them anyway? seriously, give up.

that's the end of my diatribe.

Posted by: queen.padme.amidala at March 7, 2006 08:09 PM

After this hoopla started about this whole thing, I had a strange curiousity. I wondered if anyone had the same obsevation I had. I did not have to look far. On Roger Ebert's site on this issue, he says this:

"Yes, and more than one critic described "Crash" as "the worst film of the year," which is as extreme as saying John Kerry was a coward in Vietnam. It means you'll say anything to help your campaign.

What is intriguing about these writers is that they never mention the other three best picture nominees: "Capote," "Good Night, and Good Luck" and "Munich." Their silence on these films reveals their agenda: They wanted "Brokeback Mountain" to win, saw "Crash" as the spoiler, and attacked "Crash." If "Munich" had been the spoiler, they might not have focused on "Crash." When they said those who voted for "Crash" were homophobes who were using a liberal movie to mask their hatred of homosexuals, they might have said the same thing about "Munich."

I could not agree more. I even think I posted in one other thread that 'What if Munich won?" As for Ebert, You can read the full report here:

There will always be, as there always have been, films which don't win the top honor but were good enough not only to be nominated, but, if I may, mention some films. What do they have in common?

*Star Wars (A New Hope)"
*Pulp Fiction
*Taxi Driver

Go on...think it over...

Here's another true fact: there are some Oscar winners who are forgotten in time; but the other nominees (and those that should have made the cut beyond reasonable doubt) are.

I don't think 'Crash' will be forgotten in time-that's not what I'm saying. But come on now- are people just going to forget about 'Brokeback Mountain'? No, I don't think so.

What is more sad though, is that the naysayers rant on about how the Academy played it safe by giving it to Crash. 'Crash' safe? Sure. As if the messages in that film were less important. If you really want conspiracy, dammit, I'll give you anti-'Crash' folk some steak to chew on. What I am about to say isn't true, but it could be speculation. Just as every bit speculationas 'Voters in the backyard' yuk yuk yuk.

"Crash' is the Academy's way of making up for the snub of a film in 1989 which should have been nominated that year but wasn't, and playing it safe with that year's Best Oscar winner, Driving Miss Daisy, a film, of course, which aside from a two secnd clip montage from the other night, would have been all but forgotten. Yes, I am referring to 'Do The Right Thing'. Now here is 'Crash' which seriously explores race relations and predujice.

My point here is that ALL the best picture noominees were bold and daring pictures with topical messages. They all had something to say; they all were moving in thier own right.
It is just as daring and brave to have 'Crash' win as it is if 'Brokeback' or any of the other films had won. But I think there might be one small difference: if "Crash" lost, do you think the fans and critics would be bitching? Seriously, folks?

The notion that Ang Lee winning Best Director and therefore the best film should have been his ridiculous. From all the junk I been reading in the past two days, someone might mistakingly get the impression that this is the first time something like this has happened. I know better; it is a shame that other folks are caught up in this mess.

Yes, folks, in the past, there has been Best Picture winners whose Director was beat out by another- and they have at times been just as contreversial (the old saying "Did The Best Picture Direct Itself?") but not ever since have I heard such a backlash.

Time to get on with it and make other films. Besides PC people, don't fret.
Your time will come.


Posted by: darren seeley at March 7, 2006 08:32 PM

OT, but I can't help but to feel a bit sorry for the poor co-screenwriter. I would be a bit bitter, too, if my movie had lost an Oscar.

Posted by: rainbow sprinkels at March 7, 2006 09:48 PM

These comments don't make any sense. For one, people are saying, "All the people who loved Brokeback were wrong about it being so good because Crash won and blah blah blah." Huh? Crash winning Best Picture doesn't mean people can't still prefer Brokeback Mountain... obviously everyone has different opinions.

John - "Media outlets are already suggesting Brokeback lost because of homophobia... just like I said they would."

"The answer is obvious... Crash was a better film."

How do you not notice that your posts are completely smug, pompous, and self-righteous? And I would think that someone who has a web site dedicated to movies would realize that a claim like that is purely SUBJECTIVE, not "obvious." What a worthless post.

Donna A. - If these writers can't handle all kinds of feedback then they shouldn't have a web site. And are you saying that people should apologize because Crash won best picture or for calling John homophobic? Either way your comment doesn't make much sense.

SmotPoker - The people behind BM weren't the ones hyping it up; that was almost entirely done by the media. Who cares if the screenwriter said something about the movie not winning, he was obviously asked to give his personal opinion as to why it didn't win and that'd what he did. His answer is entirely plausible.

Movies aren't about who "wins" and who "loses." Grow up.

Maybe it's my fault for continuing to go to this site, but I won't make that mistake again.

Posted by: c-wise [TypeKey Profile Page] at March 7, 2006 09:56 PM

That's true! Instead of deciding who "wins or loses", let's just focus on future releases like Superman and hope it can live up to what everyone hopes to see; in other words, a good (or great) movie.

Posted by: DarKing at March 7, 2006 10:56 PM

I'd like to say after reading alot of responses in regards to this, and other topics recently, that I still value individuals opinions, and dont mind hearing if opinions differ.

Negativity, and other such 'opinion oppressing' really dont serve any purpose when trying to prove a point.

On this post, I agree with John, on some others I dont, but I dont mind hearing his opinion, along with everyone else who posts a constructive opinion towards subject matters.

I say, keep it up...keep giving your opinion, keep showing which way you lean...I may view it differently, but on this one I dont, my opinion was Crash was a better film...

(...and for the less observant out there, yes, there is running theme with this response...its all about opinions...which everyone is entitled to have)

A belief or conclusion held with confidence but not substantiated by positive knowledge or proof: “The world is not run by thought, nor by imagination, but by opinion” (Elizabeth Drew).
A judgment based on special knowledge and given by an expert: a medical opinion.
A judgment or estimation of the merit of a person or thing: has a low opinion of braggarts.
The prevailing view: public opinion.
Law. A formal statement by a court or other adjudicative body of the legal reasons and principles for the conclusions of the court.

Posted by: Spazmo at March 7, 2006 11:28 PM

Thing is John, you can't have it both ways. When Brokeback received so many nominations, you "asked" (as if that is somehow different from making a statement) whether it was because of a pro-gay bias. Now it loses, you dismiss any suggestion that it was because of an anti-gay bias.

As you say, it lost because Crash was a better film. But Brokeback was nominated because it was a good film. No excuses for why it lost, just as there should have been no excuses for why it was nominated.

(And dude, seriously, get rid of that annoying WinFix pop-up advert thing. It's taken me out of your site twice in the last 10 minutes).

Posted by: John at March 8, 2006 04:36 AM

Sometimes I think the only way the homosexual community would ever be happy is if EVERYONE is gay.


When you get right down to it, that's what Brokeback mountain is... it's not about gay people... it's about adulterers... and forgive my bad grammar... i'm terrible at it.

Anyone who thinks brokeback was better than Crash has no concept of the human condition and is shooting ( pardon the pun ) FROM the HIP.

Posted by: mogulus at March 8, 2006 05:06 AM

So, the Oscars open up with Billy Crystal and Chris Rock in a tent, Brokeback style.

Shortly after, Jon Stewart is very happy to wake up in bed with George Clooney.

Later, he emphasises that Capote is also a movie with a gay character, in case someone didn't notice.

Then, a montage of gay-looking moments from classic westerns follows.

Most of the time I felt like I was watching a commercial about being gay. I was almost expecting Jon Stewart to apologise for being straight.

Yes, a very homophobic edition indeed.

Posted by: Edward.Elric at March 8, 2006 07:05 AM

Hey John (not Campea, but the "john" who left the comment above)

What are you talkling about?!?! I NEVER EVER EVER EVER said that Brokeback getting nominated was because of a pro gay bias in Hollywood. EVER EVER EVER.

I once asked the questioin "Did it sweep up at the globes because of it", but I also said in the EXACT SAME ARTICLE that I myself did NOT believe that to be the case. I said that very explicitly. Did you actually read it?

Posted by: John Campea at March 8, 2006 08:15 AM

no, no, no john.

i distinctly remember you saying "i h8 teh gheys"

Posted by: miles at March 8, 2006 08:33 AM

I know I said I wouldn't be back, but I found an article that's a much better read: "Should Have Seen Signs of 'Crash' Coming." Even though people did see it coming it still offers better insight than John's "I told you so" post:;_ylt=Au71WSpFf4jbVEqs4beM8hU7VbcF

I like how the end of the article sounds very similar to what the screenwriter said.

Posted by: c-wise at March 8, 2006 12:49 PM

Sorry C-Wise, but when you get over a hundred emails from people telling you how stupid and wrong you are... then you have the right to write an "I told you so" post. Deal with it.

Posted by: John Campea at March 8, 2006 12:53 PM

What serves the world better, saying that anything involving homosexuality must be embraced and must be wonderful no matter the content, talent, or acheivement of the story? Or saying that we should judge based SOLELY on the story, the movie itself, the BEST ACHIEVEMENT IN FILMMAKING ITSELF.

Singling this movie out and saying it's the best and anyone who doesn't like it is homophobic is just as bad as somebody singling out a straight movie and saying if you don't like it you must be gay.

It's unfair to everybody to start screaming from the rooftops that there was some kind of conspiracy. I'm sick of it all, because honestly there's nothing wrong with not liking Brokeback Mountain! Sometimes people don't like movies. It doesn't mean anything about them, about their "tolerance" or about their lives.

I don't know if Crash deserved to win, I haven't seen it yet. But saying it only won because people were afraid of the gays is just juvenile finger pointing, and in the end only hurts "the cause."

Posted by: Meiran at March 8, 2006 01:23 PM

Two words for anyone who thinks Brokeback was snubbed becuase it was about gay cowboys: "Midnight Cowboy." The first and only (to my knowledge) x-rated movie to win best picture (in 1969). It was rated so mostly because it dealt with, believe it or not, a gay cowboy.

As for the whole urban settings thing, that's even more ridiculous. Unforgiven beat "Scent of a Woman" and "A Few Good Men" in 1992.

There doesn't need to be an excuse for Crash to have won. It received more votes, that's that. Personally, I think that "Capote" and "Good Night and Good Luck" were both better, but I'm not going to make excuses for why they lost. Accept it and move on.

Posted by: Jon Seitz at March 9, 2006 12:56 PM

Personally I haven't seen Brokeback so I cannot say anything one way or another about it. BUT I would have to say of all the movies I have seen this year Crash was my favorite. Sure there were other movies I loved and maybe enjoyed more (like they were more fun to watch) but I would have to say Crash was the best film of the year. Personally I think (and I'm not putting down brokeback) but I found Crash to be much more brave than what I hear from Brokeback. Gay coyboys? Lately there's been so many homosexual references in movies and TV you could have gay priest in the stone age and I wouldn't blink twice. I thought Crash's realistic representation of racism was incredibly brave and was much different than my expectations of it going into the film. I will watch brokeback once it comes to DVD because otherwise I'm full of crap but I don't think my views will shift one way or the other.

Posted by: Brendan at March 12, 2006 01:20 AM